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  1. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

    Way too many people are going to take it seriously - just wait until it starts getting quoted as a source.....
  2. MikeC

    How to effectively talk to chemtrail folk

    as some of you know already, I work for a Govt agency and am often the recipient of phone calls from people complaining about chemtrails. My experience is that they fall into 2 major camps: 1/ fanatics. there is no talking to these people. They tell me there's proof, they abuse me personally...
  3. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

  4. MikeC

    Another suspected Novichok incident in Salisbury UK

    Because it is the standard russian tactic to punt up a raft of "possible alternatives" to their involvement to dissipate the attention on them.
  5. MikeC

    Escaping the Rabbit Hole Book

    And the Queen too.
  6. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

    Flat Earther numbers are increasing - they have believers all around the world now.
  7. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

    Oh right - clearly the dome is a lot lower over that launch site than, say, any public airfield!! :O
  8. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

    You are going to have to explain that one to me??
  9. MikeC

    Capital Gazette shooting, Maryland Jun 28 2018

    Maybe - but the guy has a history of conflict with he paper that long predated anything from Milo - eg this article on a case that went to appeal and was dismissed - Jarrod Ramos of Laurel made the defamation claim in Prince George's County Circuit Court in 2012 after a...
  10. MikeC

    Debunked: Wernher von Braun confirmed that rockets can't leave earth

    Here's the wiki page on the Nova rocket, and a size comparison - not much taller than the Saturn 5, but 1 extra stage with considerably larger diameter fuel tanks for the 1st 2 stages:
  11. MikeC

    Debunked: "In politics, nothing happens by accident" - FDR

    There was more than 1 site quoted in the debunk - and it does't matter how many sites quote it incorrectly - especially if they are all taking it from 1 erroneous original - repetition is not evidence. proving he didn't say it is argument from ignorance - a logical fallacy - see...
  12. MikeC

    Explained: Washington State Island "Mystery missile" - Helicopter

    That's a long trail for a 20 second exposure of a single light - not impossible - i can only guess how long it is - perhaps someone with Mick's "distance away towards the horizon" grid can do a bit of a calculation? But at, say, 600mph - 10 miles/minute (16km/minute) one would expect it to be...
  13. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

    To paraphrase the old joke about whether computers should be masculine or feminine (see here) Flat Earthers could be of the feminine gender because: 1. No one but them understands their internal logic. 2. The language they use to communicate with other flat-earthers is incomprehensible to...
  14. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

    plus maintenant - plus c'est dommage
  15. MikeC

    HD has killed the lizard people theories?

    Oh yes - that link.... sigh..... early onset alzheimers?? Or maybe it's just too cold to be moving fast today ;)
  16. MikeC

    HD has killed the lizard people theories?

    We all know that the advent of high quality cell phone cameras in almost every pocket had pretty much wiped out the UFO sighting "industry" (eg here, and here, and lots of places...) Now it appears that high definition TV and recording devices might be ruining the lizard people industry - we...
  17. MikeC

    Explained: Why a Spirit Level on a Plane Does Not Show Curvature "Corrections"

    Not quite - you can convert between types of energy - you can gain altitude by sacrificing speed - ie exchange kinetic energy for potential energy. Always assuming you have sufficient kinetic energy to do so and still maintain enough lift.....
  18. MikeC

    Is Spotting Logical Fallacies a Useful Tool?

    Also I think "trust" has at least an informal implication that you know something of the methodology and have some evidence to support what you are trusting - eg we may not know what some particular science is about, but we do have some knowledge of what science is, and how it has "worked" in...
  19. MikeC

    Debunking Humor...

    Linking some stuff together..... Hawaii eruption lava flows make it to the sea, and the idea that the lava coming out of the earth is obviously going to make it (the earth) flatter, which I THOUGHT I just made up but no..... see - it's all coming together!!
  20. MikeC

    AE911 Truth's WTC7 Evaluation Computer Modelling Project

    Cherry picking and argument from incredulity in a single sentence - impressive!