Homeopathic chemtrail detox formula


Closed Account
For sale on Ebay - the ingredients are...cough....interesting:

External Quote:

A specific aid for detoxing the body from the toxins found in the chem trails from Professional Health Products. Expiry date is Dec. of 2015.
CHEM TRAIL DETOX (2 oz) Assists in detoxification of miscellaneous air and water pollutants. Lappa Major 3X Trifolium Pratense 3X Taraxacum Officinale 3X Dibromoethane 60X, 100X Anthracinum 15X, 30X, 60X, 100X Brucella Abortus 15X, 30X, 60X, 100X Klebsiella Pneumoniae 15X, 30X, 60X, 100X Mycoplasma Pneumoniae 18X, 30X, 60X, 100X Variolinum 12X, 30X, 60X, 100X Picricum Acidum 6X, 12X, 30X, 60X, 100X Formaldehyde 6X, 12X, 30X, 60X, 100X .
This is a spray bottle. Recommended dose is 3-5 sprays 3 times a day under the tongue as per bottle instructions. One bottle should last about a month.
Translations of ingredients:
Lappa Major - Greater Burdock
Trifolium Pratense - Red clover
Taraxacum Officinale - Dandelion
Anthracinum - Anthrax poison extracted from the spleen of affected sheep (seriously - good for carbuncles apparently!)
Brucella Abortus - Brucella abortus is a gram-negative bacterium that is found in cattle populations - not good for you....but since it's homeopathy there's probably none in het mix!! :/
Klebsiella Pneumoniae - a Gram-negative, nonmotile, encapsulated, lactose-fermenting, facultative anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium (fr Wiki)
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae - is a human pathogen that causes the disease mycoplasma pneumonia, a form of atypical bacterial pneumonia related to cold agglutinin disease. (wiki)
Variolinium - for the prevention of smallpox
Picricum Acidum - picric acid makes a good explosive, but if you take water with none of it in it it apparently helps with water retention. go figure!!
Formaldehyde - 'cos you wouldn't want any of that stuff spoiling, would you!!

I'm a little confused by the various 3X, 12X, 15X, etc - are these the dilution rates - don't they usually call those "C" - and how can you have several dilutions of the same stuff not in a bottle?? :confused:

well it sounds more interesting than a spray bottle of water.
If you have lots of different dilutions that are then mixed together (possibly with more water, who can say?) it sounds like you put some real effort in. If they found out you just turned on the tap and filled the bottle, they might be upset.
Ah -thanks - so do you know why the multiple dilutions??
I asked just that and the reply I got was "
Please google "how homeopathic potencies work" to get that info. It's a very lengthy subject. Kind regards, Annette
- california-canuck"

um...maybe this? "serial dilution?"
External Quote:

In homeopathy[edit]
Main articles:HomeopathyandHomeopathic dilutions
Serial dilution is one of the core foundational practices ofhomeopathy, with "succussion", or shaking, occurring between each dilution. In homeopathy, serial dilutions (called potentisation) are often taken so far that by the time the last dilution is completed, no molecules of the original substance are likely to remain.[3][4]
Kleb. Pneumoniae lives harmlessly in most peoples mouths, skin and makes up part of your gut flora. It is however extremely harmful if it gets into the lungs. If there is actually active K.pneumoniae in this spray bottles, I wouldn't want to be spraying it aspirated into my mouth to breath it in...
Klebsiellas can also cause urinary tract infections, but you'd have to be using this snake oil bottle very wrong to get that :P
um...maybe this? "serial dilution?"
ok its not this. it must just be like [1 drop] of the 6x, [1 drop] of the 100x etc. I cant find the explanation anywhere.

the serial dilution/potentisation just gets you the '100x' etc.
I've found several sites touting "remedies" that have a similar "serial" list of dilutions but no explanations.
Yeah, I assumed it was like a recipe
its kinda cool. its basically like a witchcraft recipe. the higher the number the more 'magic'/healing it has and the less ingredient it has.
24x has less than 1 molecule of ingredient.

External Quote:
By the time the homeopathic remedy has been potentised to the stage of 12C or 24X it is impossible to detect any molecular trace of the original substance within it. It has become a"sub-molecular" medicine free of chemical side effects. -http://homeopathyplus.com.au/tutorial-4-three-scales-of-potency/
When trying to detox from chemtrail exposure, yes, I usually do use
Ballast Barrel Brand "Chem Trail Detox," duh!
But when eBay and the Piggly Wiggly are out of it,
the following recipe also helps to cope with chemtrail exposure:

2 cups ice cubes
1 ounce vodka
1 ounce gin
1 ounce white rum
1 ounce white tequila
1/2 ounce Triple Sec
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup cola, to taste
2 lemon wedges
1 dash of Picricum Acidum, for pep!
When trying to detox from chemtrail exposure, yes, I usually do use
Ballast Barrel Brand "Chem Trail Detox," duh!
But when eBay and the Piggly Wiggly are out of it,
the following recipe also helps to cope with chemtrail exposure:

2 cups ice cubes
1 ounce vodka
1 ounce gin
1 ounce white rum
1 ounce white tequila
1/2 ounce Triple Sec
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup cola, to taste
2 lemon wedges
1 dash of Picricum Acidum, for pep!

....can ALWAYS count on you for a humorous relief.....(the "pep" is the "Final Answer", btw!) ;)

(EDIT: "Long Island Iced Tea"! DO I win??)
I asked just that and the reply I got was "
Please google "how homeopathic potencies work" to get that info. It's a very lengthy subject. Kind regards, Annette
- california-canuck"

um...maybe this? "serial dilution?"
External Quote:

In homeopathy[edit]
Main articles:HomeopathyandHomeopathic dilutions
Serial dilution is one of the core foundational practices ofhomeopathy, with "succussion", or shaking, occurring between each dilution. In homeopathy, serial dilutions (called potentisation) are often taken so far that by the time the last dilution is completed, no molecules of the original substance are likely to remain.[3][4]
In homeopathy you don't need any of the active ingredient to be present. The water remembers the qualities of the active ingredient and that is sufficient to produce a healing response in the body.
Since the philosophy of homeopathy is to dilute poisons to grant you some unknown mechanism of immunity and this is supposed to against what is supposedly being sprayed, I guess I could see how all of these things made the list.

and how can you have several dilutions of the same stuff not in a bottle?? :confused:

Well you can make two dilutions separately and then mix them but then it would dust be one concentration and doing it that way would make no sense. I mean homeopathy doesn't make any sense but I think that they are showing their dilution methods. So they started with Brucella abortus and then diluted it. First they did a 15X, then 30X, then 60X, and finally 100X. The final dilution gives you a factor of 10^-205. It's easy to see why they do this with the bacterial toxins and formaldehyde because they could be sued if there are actually any molecules of that stuff left in what they sell. 10^-205 is an absolutely absurd number for a dilution. You're likely to just be mixing water after you get to 10^-10 and definitely by 10^-20.
The Ebay shop you linked to sells all sorts of mumbo-jumbo. These are basically sacred Dungeons and Dragons dice.

I had no idea. I need to apologize to a few Evangelical Christians I debated in the 70's.
The Ebay shop you linked to sells all sorts of mumbo-jumbo. These are basically sacred Dungeons and Dragons dice.
View attachment 10023
I had no idea. I need to apologize to a few Evangelical Christians I debated in the 70's.

Ooooooo sacred, and has the word reiki attached to it.

Maybe it'll help me roll more 20s instead of 1s now!
Since the philosophy of homeopathy is to dilute poisons to grant you some unknown mechanism of immunity and this is supposed to against what is supposedly being sprayed, I guess I could see how all of these things made the list.

Well you can make two dilutions separately and then mix them but then it would dust be one concentration and doing it that way would make no sense. I mean homeopathy doesn't make any sense but I think that they are showing their dilution methods. So they started with Brucella abortus and then diluted it. First they did a 15X, then 30X, then 60X, and finally 100X. The final dilution gives you a factor of 10^-205. It's easy to see why they do this with the bacterial toxins and formaldehyde because they could be sued if there are actually any molecules of that stuff left in what they sell. 10^-205 is an absolutely absurd number for a dilution. You're likely to just be mixing water after you get to 10^-10 and definitely by 10^-20.
From what I could gather they DID make/buy the dilutions separately then added them together. 6x and 12x formaldehyde (according to homeopathic sources) would have some molecules in it. so even if the recipe only had 1 drop of each.. in at least ONE spray dose (cause God knows which spray dose will have the ingredients in it) youre gonna be getting [minute] ingredients.

I'm more grossed out by the Variolinium. and where did they get a smallpox pustule? this homeopathy thing sounds bizarre.
Well I have no idea why they would do such a thing. That just seems so silly.
it's a magic thing. From my understanding (from a very brief study mind you), each dilution level has different healing properties. These unique healing properties wouldn't 'mix' in the bottle. hence my questions about what you are getting in each spray dose, cause if you actually mixed ALL the ingredients well together at the end..then you'd be creating a completely new healing magic formula.

yea it makes no sense.

edit** should say, each potentisation level cause its the banging on the table 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times that gives it the healing property, not the ingredient.
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