Dripping UFOs, what do you think these are?

There are only three other people visible in this video. Mom is sitting on the beach. She's sitting behind a camera on a short tripod. The camera has a long lens. Latter, Dad carries little girl over to Mom. The three sit there. The camera is a bit visible.

Witness reactions are a poor metric. Should they be jumping around like apes in a territorial display?
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It does look odd, in that one section.

This section here shows something. The AF goes out of whack. If these are reflections, the lights would have to be very distant behind the window. Because they go out of focus too.

Lot's of chatter on the video. The quality of the sound does seem consistent with a conversation inside a car.

There's no CC and no transcript. Just the author's description.

The guys channel has scores of videos of him talking into the camera, including him sitting alone in a car. Not a good sign. But nothing else that looks like a hoax

He talks about Nazis. A lot. But maybe he's ag'n 'em. Nothing about UFOs or visual hoaxes.
He talks about Nazis. A lot. But maybe he's ag'n 'em. Nothing about UFOs or visual hoaxes.
looks like the whole world hangs out in the Baltic sea. Hard to imagine flares would be that note-worthy.
Kalingrad is Russia apparently. and "HEL" is an island looking thing nearby there.

June 2014 "The training of the army's group in the Kaliningrad operational (theatre) is being held simultaneously with the international (NATO) exercises of Saber Strike-2014 and BALTOPS-2014 launched in Europe," its statement said.

Kaliningrad is a sliver of territory that is unconnected to the rest of Russia and sandwiched between NATO member states Lithuania and Poland.


Witness reactions are a poor metric. Should they be jumping around like apes in a territorial display?
I agree -- the LACK of a reaction is a poor metric, if they WERE pointing and exclaiming that would hint (but not prove) that there was actually something there, not just a window reflection. Since I was talking about the reflection hypothesis (which I think is incorrect given that the beach-strolling folk's heads obscure some of the lights as they go past) it seemed fair to point out that the reactions of the folks outside the car were at least consistent with the idea that there was nothing actually there.

Mom is sitting on the beach. She's sitting behind a camera on a short tripod. The camera has a long lens.
So we can at least entertain hope that another photographer captured the show, whatever it was. Maybe someday it'll come to light...
Some lower resolution GIF excerpts from above source:

Source: https://i.imgur.com/jWr4ReP.gif

The movement of camera, background and lights makes me think there's reflections involved somewhere. Looks off.

The person behind the camera appears to panic when the couple threaten to walk "in front" of the lights and possibly give the game away.

Special mention to the couple who don't seem particularly bothered by the light show going on "in front" of them. But then love is blind.