Report on research inside a box of Cheez-its:
So as mentioned previously, I acquired a box of Cheez-its(1) snack crackers for the purposes of searching the contents for possible crackers resembling the UFO/UAP/Diamond-shaped-airplane hoax in this thread. NOTE: There are several flavors, I chose White Cheddar because I intend to eat them later and I like that flavor best.(2)
Crackers were counted and sorted into bowls, there were 318 in this box.(3) Of those, 24 diverged noticeably from the standard flat square. Most of the divergent shapes were broken or missing a corner and so would not be candidates for being spray painted black to look like a strange aircraft. The remainder were slightly bent and so from some angles did not look like a square. Only one showed any resemblance at all to the subjects of this thread:
The far corner is turned up a bit, creating the appearance of a projection when photographed in a low angle. IF the corner closest to us in this picture were turned DOWN, it might very roughly approximate our UFO. HOWEVER...
The crackers have a scalloped edge, while the pics show an object with clean smooth edges.
The crackers show lumps and bumps from both the salt sprinkled on them and irregularities in how the dough baked, again not matching the pics.
My conclusion is that it is possible that a Cheez-it cracker inspired a hoax, but I do not believe it likely that an unaltered pic of a Cheez-it cracker is the object in the pictures.
Plans to test how well Cheez-it crackers take paint were thwarted for the moment when I absentmindedly ate the winning cracker. I have no plans to test that at this time, since I do not believe the item in the pics is in fact a Cheez-it cracker.
(1) There are larger and smaller packages available, from family size to individual portion packages. I chose the standard cracker shape, as the other shapes available in my store was not a candidate for the diamond shaped UFO, being strongly grooved
(2) Or "flavour," for British readers, those who speak British or those who learned English in Britain.
(3) Excluding crumbs and dust and loose salt in the bottom of the bag.