Senior Member.
This is an excellent video:
Great. I'll forward it on to the U.S. government. Maybe they'll finally provide some real, credible evidence that they killed Osama bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan last year.
Great. I'll forward it on to the U.S. government. Maybe they'll finally provide some real, credible evidence that they killed Osama bin Laden in a raid in Pakistan last year.
Again, here's an example where it seems like the risks of being found to be lying vastly outweigh the benefits of the lie.
There hasn't been even a whiff of denial from anyone in a position to expose the lie- not the Pakistanis, not his wives, not Zawhiri (sp?)- no one...nothing but admittance from his fellow jidahists and vows for revenge.
Again, here's an example where it seems like the risks of being found to be lying vastly outweigh the benefits of the lie.
So because all those hundreds of people people are either corrupt, stupid, and/or evil dishonest liars, the secret is safe?
It certainly seems safer than not. For all we know, Al-Qaeda is nothing more than a total intelligence fabrication, and everyone associated with it is just a willing or unwilling part of the act. I don't see how the real truth can be determined at this point.
Do you have a theory?
No, not really. Nothing set in stone. I know I don't believe the official theory.
You didn't answer my original question:
Is there any real, credible evidence that would make you doubt the claim?
Thats a great point- people often pointed to the fact that they hadn't found him as evidence that AQ was just a smokescreen...so, why would they want to clear that smoke? Why not leave him and his spectre out there to menace the psyche of the masses and continue with the supposed charade of the "war on terror"?
^The claim that the US captured and killed OBL
Is there any real, credible evidence that would make you doubt the claim...that the US captured and killed OBL?
Is there any real, credible evidence that would make you doubt the claim...that the US captured and killed OBL?
Except, in this case the US govt actually claims to have done it themselves...
...and there is substantial corroborating evidence that at the very least a covert military raid took place in Pakistan.
The precedent of other AQ targets that have been claimed to have been eliminated that were met with staunch denial by AQ voices makes the fact that this claim has been met with admittance to be quite interesting.
...and yet what evidence would you accept? All videos and photos would be suspect by you...so, other than viewing the body personally...what would make you believe?
As an aside, I have personal hearsay evidence that makes me quite convinced...but you no doubt would not believe me either.
Juror is quite invested in his beliefs.
If one of them crumbled, the rest might slip away in a tsunami of dissonance.
The depth of the hole he has fallen into is an abyss most of us can't plumb.
There is little hope of change for this person, until he becomes more honest with himself.
Juror is quite invested in his beliefs.
If one of them crumbled, the rest might slip away in a tsunami of dissonance.
The depth of the hole he has fallen into is an abyss most of us can't plumb.
There is little hope of change for this person, until he becomes more honest with himself.
This is an excellent video:
Originally Posted by lee h oswald![]()
Actually you're forgetting some important details of (the) crime: the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. You support the official theory, which is that 19 arab hi-jackers directly commanded by Osama bin Laden and under the auspices of an organization by the name of 'al-qaeda' took control of four civil aircraft and the rest is history. They have effectively been prosecuted by pronouncement; but where is the evidence for that? This scenario was announced within hours of the attacks - an astounding bit of detective work - and it has been adhered to religiously ever since, often by people like you. But where is the evidence? Where is the proof? Where is the full and proper investigation? Please point me to it.
Why didn't they test for explosives? Do you agree with your mate that his video shows conclusively 'no' explosives? Despite the obvious problem inherent in that statement? Probably.
There was no need to test for explosives as there wasn't any reason to believe explosives were involved. We've been down this path before - why not check for earthquakes, flooding, robot cats, etc.?
If you want to compare this to a crime think of it this way: the official version is the decision by the court. If you wish to appeal, it is your responsibility to initiate the appeal and introduce any additional evidence not considered in the original decision.
Have fun, professor.
lee h oswald
No-one reported flooding as far as I am aware; no-one reported robot cats, I'm almost 100 per cent on that; no-one reported an earthquake - although it may have been used as a simile. Lots of people present reported explosions, lots. There was definitely an attack of some kind happening, terrorists apparently - don't they sometimes use....explosives? I know it's controversial.
If you want to compare this to a crime
What?! It is a crime. How is it not a crime?
the official version is the decision by the court
What?! What court? There was no court. If there was, please show me what I missed. Thank you.
...at the very least a covert military raid took place in Pakistan.
...and yet what evidence would you accept? ...other than viewing the body personally...what would make you believe?
Is that what you are basing your belief on? What Al-Qaeda supposedly confirms or denies?
Let me ask you something. How do you really know when Al-Qaeda confirms or denies something? Usually the corporate media will report this, right? And how do they know Al-Qaeda has confirmed or denied something? How do they know the people who are pretending to be Al-Qaeda are really Al-Qaeda? Anybody can go online and put up a website claiming to be a representative of Al-Qaeda.
Instead of answering the question you run over here and come up with this clap-trap! Staggering. Put up or shut up, I'd say
Actually, no- I do not get this from "corporate media"- I use other sources- including the various mouthpieces themselves.
That being said - they could still be lying...but when comments, statements and claims have been proven to be accurate over time, some sources become more reliable than others...
The reaction from Jidahist communities has been unprecedented in their expression of sorrow and calls for revenge.
If OBL was not killed...why would they go a long with the farce. There would be somebody, somewhere claiming it was a lie....and yet not peep.
DO you find it difficult to go through life assuming everything is a lie?
What's the essential difference between us if I go through life assuming everything is a lie while you go through life assuming everything is the truth?
I do not assume everything is the truth, that would be illogical.
lee has been banned for two weeks for continually insisting I support torture.
... the act of inflicting severe pain (whether physical or psychological) as a means of punishment, revenge, forcing information or a confession, or simply as an act of cruelty.
Maybe we should try to define torture. According to Wikipedia, torture is:
... the act of inflicting severe pain (whether physical or psychological) as a means of punishment, revenge, forcing information or a confession, or simply as an act of cruelty.
We do know thousands of people are put in cages as a punishment for failing to pay the income tax the U.S. government demands of them. That sounds an awful lot like torture to me.
Isn't this what you support, Mick?