Boomerang shaped craft in Neptune, New Jersey. (added NYC object)

Found it! 73 Woodland Drive, Brick Township.

Right underneath the C-17 flight path. It's the one with the red garage roof here.
well done. I spent some time this afternoon trying to find it, but I was looking in Neptune City as per the OP. They are quite a bit distant.

Yup the soft hoaxes are an expected development, I had a feeling this one was one.

Knowing how these things are debunked, people can just lie about some of the details or claim they got the video second hand and are conveniently missing the details.
Yup the soft hoaxes are an expected development, I had a feeling this one was one.

Knowing how these things are debunked, people can just lie about some of the details or claim they got the video second hand and are conveniently missing the details.
Also people who previously ignored the night sky are now on "drone watch"…
Also people who previously ignored the night sky are now on "drone watch"…
One clip I saw interviewed a woman who said she got up at 2, and again at 4 a.m., and saw "more drones" every time. Well...if you spend your nights watching the sky, of course you're going to see more!