
  1. Mick West

    Explained: Podesta 14 + Fish [Promotional Tweet for UN Global Sustainability Goals]

    On September 25, 2015 , John Podesta tweeted a series of tweets in support of the Global Goals organization. Global Goals promotes 17 Sustainable Global Goals adopted by the UN, with Sept 25 being the day they were formally adopted. In the tweet above, he's promoting #14 Life Below Water -...
  2. vooke

    On #PodestaEmails

    http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/oct/23/are-clinton-wikileaks-emails-doctored-or-are-they-/ The article seeks to answer the question whether the emails are doctored. The Clinton campaign, however, has yet to produce any evidence that any specific emails in the latest leak...
  3. Mick West

    Debunked: Podesta's "Wet Works" Refers to Assassinations [Firing People & Other Unpopular Tasks]

    Summary: By "wet works" Podesta was referring to personnel changes in the Clinton Campaign after the disastrous 20 point loss to Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire primary that day. In an email that John Podesta sent to Steve Elmendorf, he said: "Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at...