
  1. Mick West

    Debunked: US "False Flag" Plan to Start War with the USSR [Cuba Intervention Pretext Idea]

    The recent release of many documents relating the the investigation of the JFK assassination has shed a little more light on some old situations. One such document from 1962 described how the US might acquire or manufacture some Soviet MiG aircraft. Several uses for these planes were listed, and...
  2. Mick West

    Havana Syndrome: "Sonic Attacks" at the US Embassy in Cuba - Mass Hysteria?

    When I first read the stories about the strange events in the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, I accepted them as fact. Why not, I thought, after all Cuba is not very friendly, and then there's Russia, probably trying to make trouble by zapping the Embassy. It did seem a bit odd though. Then things...