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  1. T

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    I turned the claimed stereo pair into a wiggling video (I personally just can't see the depth in crossview videos, but wigglegrams work fine). Anyway, it's visible that the convergence point of the stereo pair changes when the image is being panned around. The video's aspect ratio has been...
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    Las Vegas UFO - Lights in Clouds Above The Strip [Light Pillar Map]

    Here's a sounding for Las Vegas for around that time: 72388 VEF Las Vegas Observations at 12Z 23 Dec 2022 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRES HGHT TEMP DWPT RELH MIXR DRCT SKNT THTA THTE THTV hPa m C C...
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    Las Vegas UFO - Lights in Clouds Above The Strip [Light Pillar Map]

    Searchlights are visible due to backscattering, pillars on the hand are reflections from planar ice crystals. The glint is also a light pillar, foreshortened by perspective effects. All pillars converge on the same point.
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    Las Vegas UFO - Lights in Clouds Above The Strip [Light Pillar Map]

    Source: [Mick: The above is a summary video of this thread's discussion. Original first post follows] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Looks like we...
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    Advancing Terminator or ?

    You're correct, it is Earth casting its shadow in the atmosphere.
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    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    I've painstakingly tabulated the PDF I linked earlier to a nice Excel-friendly CSV (attached to post) so you can take a look at yourself. edit: New version, some formatting errors corrected
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    Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages

    Internet Archive's WaybackMachine has the original PDF archived:
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    What's a good binocular to buy ?

    I was going to suggest something like these binoculars: These are a clone of very similar-looking APM model. Flat, sharp field and bright image at 30x. Some longitudinal...
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    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    It's redacted.
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    Need help: in analyzing this "uap"

    850 hPa temperature was around +8 C and 700 hPa was around -2 C, relative humidity around 84% and 90% - respectively:,50.28,1018/loc=6.384,52.955
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    Need help: in analyzing this "uap"

    That's a light pillar. It's caused by flat ice crystals floating in the air and reflecting lights below them. In this case the pillar is short because the ice crystal column is also short.