
  1. Agent K

    Arabic calendar or Hamas guard sheet at Al-Rantisi hospital in Gaza?

    Or a Hamas calendar? The IDF spokesman pointed to a sheet on the wall at Al-Rantisi hospital and said, "This is a guardian list where every terrorist writes his name, and every terrorist has his own shift sheet, guarding the people that were here." The sheet was a calendar with days of the week...
  2. D

    Unusual cloud over Iraq - from a rocket launch?

    In the late evening of 21 June a strangely shaped bright cloud was widely observed over western Iran looking west (first two pictures, from this article) while the next morning the same or another bright cloud was seen from Israel looking east (third picture, from this webcam). Both clouds -...
  3. NotQualified

    Claim: Pictures show Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is a Mossad agent named Simon Elliot

    I took a quick look through the forums and hadn't seen this anywhere. First thread, hope I'm not treading old ground with this. The claim and pictures were found on a blog claiming to be the "real free Syrian press". I don't know which side of the conflict this puts the blogger one (both...