Just a quick note to let you know we are winning the
race, and there is
NOTHING you shitty little neo-con fascist terror
peddlers can do about it.
The web is buzzing with talk of your laughable debunk
site, all in our
favour HA HA HA HA HA HA
Try a little harder maybe?
Please wake up! Miranda Fox
this site is a joke
Pathetic!! Jim & Marilynne Mellander (
Just checked your site, wow! It really
has that 'professional' look, commonly found with
government type sites. Since you do not let us know who
you are, that in itself renders your site a complete
joke and will be rated as such as it gets passed down
the line. History will show that whoever you are, you
aid and abet those who have commited this heinous
crime, therefore your site is a criminal
misrepresentation of the facts. Nice try, but don't quit
your day job.
Squirrel, Salem Mass.
Jeff Tanzer - Darren Gibson
Dear ????,
I guess you're so proud of the
pathetic information you've got on your web site,
you have no reference to your name, location,
credentials, experience, or anything that remotely
shows that you have any reason to comment on what
occured on 9/11/01!!
You shame the victims of that day,
with baseless NON-FACTS that you portray as should be ashamed of yourself!!
Each and every single person who is part of the
'Scholars for 9/11 Truth' has more experience,
integrity, and credentials than you could ever wish
for! You contradict yourself and the facts more
than a few times on your web site! In fact, the web
site appears to have been created by someone about
11 or 12 years old because of the high number of
grammatical errors throughout!! It's almost
satirical of itself, in parts proving "the gov't.
story" cannot be true and accurate.
Look at the facts, look at the facts,
look at the facts......if you're not a gov't. shill,
you'll come to the only possible true conclusion!!
Seriously dude (or chick)!
We can argue over the details, but everyone knows
that the official "TV news" version of 9/11 is
bogus. Join us!
I was just wondering who runs this website. The only
story that appears to
be a conspiracy is the official story. It appears as
though a government
agency is affoliated with this site because it
appears to go along with the
911 fairy tale. The truth is going to come out to the
main stream media very
soon and you will all be subject to the full extent of
the law. The people
are tired of your mind controlling propaganda and will
see through your lies
and deceit. Your wasting your time with this website
because people know it
is bologne.
A true patriot Justin David
Are you CIA? Are you in bed with the
bankers? You know we are
laughing at you,Right? Zachari
You obviously are not
even a liberal because no liberal would want a college
professor silenced for his views even if they were wrong
or from smoking pot for that matter. SHill.
Save the whales and leave 9-11 to the
Pro researchers.
debunk, debunk, debunk,
debunk, debunk
get a life
go back to skool dumass
debunk debunk debunk.
Ben Petrie
Gatekeeper,your site
is riddled with false statements & bogus
photos,no wonder you will not put your name
attached to it ,without knowing who you are I
will spend ZERO time here!
You stupid commie'll never take over
america so quit tryng.
As a college student, I take great
care to make sure everything in my papers is spelled
correctly. I looked at your site and noticed
several things that were misspelled. The first
thing is a link entitled "World Trade Cener 7"
You need a "T" in the word "center.." "Massive
Conspriracy" is another thing you should fix. I
could give you a whole list of things to fix, but I
don't have the time to do that. Please make sure
you fix all of your spelling errors because those
diminish from your credabbility. Yes, the
Savior Jesus Christ did visit the American continent
after is resurection. I know that to be
true. I know that the Book of Mormon was
translated by the gift and power of God through Joseph
Smith, and that record is accurate and truthfull.
This book documents the Visitation of Jesus Christ.
Well, take my advice and fix your mistakes. If you
need help, I will buy you a goood dictionary.
Good Luck!