Senior Member.
I do regularly watch his vids, but I wish he'd so a side-channel called Thunder1nch where he cuts down the videos to the 1/12th that's actually necessary to get his video's message across. Too much of the time is spent rehashing old rants, repeating the same old memes, or just duplicating bits of his new content. Every video about every topic will contain some segment about how Musk is an idiot. Which may be true, but I don't need to be reminded of him and his almost infinitude of annoying attributes in every video. He's demonstrating the first signs of Musk derangement syndrome.https://www.youtube.com/@Thunderf00t - Phil Mason, British chemist - debunks all kinds of things from flat earth to supposed new energy breakthroughs to climate change denial to religious claims like young earth creationism. I was reminded of him by the Adam Something channel because Phil really dislikes Elon Musk and has a bunch of videos about Musk's claims and projects.
TL;DR: if you've not seen him before, go in fore-warned and fore-armed: super smart guy, the meat is good, but there's way too much crust.
And to contribute new meat, with a reasonable overlap with Thunderf00t:
EEVBlog: A very chipper aussie with a mostly electronics/energy focus who quite often addresses claims made by tech companies (often looking for funding), showing them to be based on completely bunk science and guaranteed to fail - things like solar roads, inductively car-charging roads, and space mirror energy.
Source: https://youtu.be/channel/UC2DjFE7Xf11URZqWBigcVOQ