(33:48 to 34:09) I'd like to now introduce our final speaker Julia Mossbridge, who's been dealing in the area of the paraphenomenal and consciousness. She's the founder and director of the Mossbridge Institute, and she's doing seriously interesting stuff on this matter of the paraphenomenal.
(34:25 - 34:50) As a scientist, and as my family has been touched by the progress of science, and the controversial, or edge science, for as long as I have been alive. My father was a theoretical physicist (...), their parents were working for the Department of Energy. So, this is like a family affair.
(35:33 - 36:10) Thomas Kuhn, who wrote The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, talked about how these edge cases, these anomalous phenomena that we cannot currently explain under the umbrella of our current theories, are really important in pointing us towards what might be true. So, whatever is not fitting with your current theory, it's like a little hint from the universe about "hey, there is something here that you don't understand", and that's edge science. Is understanding those anomalous phenomena, they include UAP, they include consciousness phenomena, such as survival of death, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, mediumship.