What are Popocatepetl strange lights?


Active Member
Im wondering if someone can explain what the lights are on the live webcam of Popocatepetl Volcano ?
Around 03:00 am and 04:00 am some lights are glowing very brightly on the video. Im curious what they are ? I was thinking of some external light or reflection of a lightsource. Is there any way to find that out?

Source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AhyWYRpqqgo&feature=emb_title

The Volcano is active and alot of ufologists claim to have seen ufo's etc. and they show video's with strange lights around the volcano.
Im more of a down to earth guy and im just wondering what it can be.

Another video shows a light travelling from the camera toward the vulcano. Im just curious what kind of explanations there are. Here is the other video:

Source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CPVIGrU8KWE&feature=emb_title

The uploader calls it an ufo.. but im thinking of something more earthly.
I appreciate any suggestions or explanations from critics.
That's the Moon in the live video, isn't it? Says the camera is located in the city of Tianguismanalco. That's to the east of the mountain so it's looking west.


The Moon did set in the west today. Time is 05:21 but that's for a flat horizon. The terrain is rising in the west so viewed from the city it would have disappeared some time before that. Timestamp in the video seems to match that.
In the coming days it'll set in roughly the same spot but ~50 minutes later every day. If the video stream matches that then that's probably what it is.
The Moon is almost full at the moment too so it's a pretty bright lightsource.
Around 03:00 am and 04:00 am some lights are glowing very brightly on the video. Im curious what they are ?
i dont see any lights. i see lightning flashes. is that what i'm supposed to be looking at?

can you screen shot one so i have an idea where to look?
Sure Deirdre: The bright light on the rightside of the video see time stamps in the right corner for the timestamps to see it in the video. It says it was on the 13th, the video is a livewebcam where If you rewind it can see it back around 03:00 and 04:00
ufo-blaricum-12-januari-2022-7086 (1).jpg

i dont see any lights. i see lightning flashes. is that what i'm supposed to be looking at?

can you screen shot one so i have an idea where to look?
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Moon to the right, internal reflection of the moon to the left, yeah?
That's what I was thinking, yep.

Note how the clouds move left to right but the object on the left is being obscured right to left. That would suggest it's a mirrored reflection of the large object on the right. It also never happens independently but only when a large cloud is moving in front of the large one.


Picture from above, this is the smaller object flipped horizontally and vertically and pasted over the larger one. I also added a clearer view of the volcano. See how the top right part of the original is missing? That would be the part of the Moon that's already set behind the mountain slope. It also shows that the Moon is hopelessly overexposed and not nearly as large as you might think. Most of it is glare.


These are screenshots from this morning. Moonset data for the 13th and 16th,
Date   Time  Direction
13 Jan 03:37 292°
16 Jan 06:13 298°

Today's shots are timed to match the time before moonset in this thread's pictures from the 13th.

(BTW, the star cluster in the top right in the picture right below is the Pleiades. Pretty neat catch.)




There's a 6° difference between the shots or about 12 Moon diameters. Using the reflection as a rough yardstick, that's about 1/3 of the image width to the right in today's pics. I'd say that looks about right.
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So if we adjust the the time 1 hour ahead and look at ADSB Exchange then a plane (VOC4069) flies south behind Popocatepetl as viewed from the east from at around that time, I'm not 100% sure where the actual webcam is located though.

edit removed plane info as new webcam location is not the same as in the original post.
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space launch?
It was probably Long March 3B ZHTW 1-1 (Zhihui Tianwang 1-01 and 02). The clock in the video would not be correct, as the launch happened at 20:43 on 08/May, but the clock registers the rocket already at 20:35.

The camera faces between South and South-Southeast (S-SSE), as Crux constellation is visible:




The rocket was launched towards the Philippines:

Source: https://philsa.gov.ph/news/advisory-on-the-long-march-3b-rocket-launch/

I could not find the actual flight trajectory, but if the trajectory of the rocket is extrapolated on Google Earth based on the NOTAM warning given to the Philippines, it passed over South America, travelling Northeast and gaining latitude, just as shown in the footage:




The rocket was probably further Northwest than the extrapolation shows, plus the Earth's rotation within the time it took for the rocket to reach South America:


From the Chinese broadcast, the trajectory looks similar to the NOTAM warning:


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeM78kYVgiA

The rocket was visible from Mexico:


Source: https://www.tiktok.com/@ldavidlm/video/7367343323578830086
It was probably Long March 3B ZHTW 1-1 (Zhihui Tianwang 1-01 and 02). The clock in the video would not be correct, as the launch happened at 20:43 on 08/May, but the clock registers the rocket already at 20:35.
The launch happened at 0143 UTC on May 9 or 19:43 on the 8th Mexico City time, so it would have appeared in the video about an hour later. The timestamp seems close enough imo.

Here's another video from Missouri from around the same time,

These are one timezone apart, MO being an hour ahead.

Using some stars to guess the object's azimuth of – 158°

The Mexico video ends about five minutes earlier but extrapolating the object's path five minutes into the future we can recreate the situation at :55 in Google Earth:

So quite possibly the satellite dumping fuel on its way to MEO. They're orbiting at 20000 km or so, so going up pretty high.
The launch happened at 0143 UTC on May 9 or 19:43 on the 8th Mexico City time, so it would have appeared in the video about an hour later. The timestamp seems close enough imo.
The timestamp in the footage reads CDT (UTC-5), not CST (UTC-6), as mentioned in post #9.

The rocket either entered South America through the Northern border of Chile, or further North; thus, observers from Chile were able to record the rocket at 22:00 local time (UTC-4; 21:00 CDT; 20:00 CST), ~10 to ~17 minutes after the launch. Chinese media state the launch was at 9:43am Beijing time, but the Chilean Geoscientific Network states it was at 9:50am (21:50 Chile time):


Source: https://twitter.com/RedGeoChile/status/1788419426179543274

Source: https://www.tiktok.com/@maximemo0/video/7366829007985216774

Here's another video from Missouri from around the same time,
The footage from Missouri states 21:49 CDT (UTC-5), about one hour after the launch, and it shows two objects (probably Skynet 1-01 and 1-02). If the clock is correct, then it's possible this is footage of the second orbit:

The timestamp in the footage reads CDT (UTC-5), not CST (UTC-6), as mentioned in post #9.

The footage from Missouri states 21:49 CDT (UTC-5), about one hour after the launch, and it shows two objects (probably Skynet 1-01 and 1-02). If the clock is correct, then it's possible this is footage of the second orbit:
In case it wasn't clear, daylight saving time was abolished in most of Mexico in 2022, so the CDT timestamp would be correct because CST simply doesn't exist in that part of the world. Central Mexico and Missouri are only in the same timezone when DST is not in effect in the US. When it is, MO is UTC-5, an hour ahead of central Mexico, which remains at UTC-6.
The two videos were shot within minutes of each other.