Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

Hello, MetaBunk, I go by Doctor Penguin, and I've been familiar with Mick's work for years now, and I heard he lives in my previous home state of California. I used to live in Burbank, where I heard Mick West also lived for a time. I'm intrigued by claims and rumors that I read about on the internet and why people believe them. I'm happy to contribute to this forum with you all. Cheers!
Hello all.

I've had a long term interest in healthy scepticism since attending UFO conferences back in the early 90's. I used to love watching James Randi's videos where he'd get people with 'special powers' to perform them for him in front of the cameras, entertaining viewing ! First became aware of Mick's work through Contrail Science and recently also noted that he's a fellow ZX Spectrum facebook group member.

I've joined this forum, because of the dedication from the members to illuminating the facts in a coherent, concise and clear way, with links to studies, papers and scientific results. I've also noted that the forum has several members who are experts in their fields and contribute valuable information to the topics on here. And I would like to feel that I am able to contribute to some of these topics in a meaningful way and to understand more about topics where my understanding is limited.

My personal view is that we are living in a time where there is huge mistrust in mainstream science and media, and that the vast swathes of information coming from social media have muddied the waters in terms of what people believe is credible evidence. It appears that huge numbers of people (especially post covid) have simply switched off from trusted news sources and now get their information from a Tik Tok meme, with the associated algorithms that will feed people more and more of the same bias that they initially sought out, further compounding their beliefs in things that have no basis in reality.

It is forums such as this that are crucial to shining a light on much of this, the thought processes, behaviours and confirmation biases that lead to ordinarily sound thinking people, ending up believing all sorts of spurious claims.

Keep up the good work and hope to engage on a regular basis on here. :)
Hi everyone,

I've enjoyed looking round this site and wanted to introduce myself. I've been interested in conspiracy theories and skepticism for many years now, and read a lot more of the posts here recently when a colleague of mine became very animated about the New Jersey "drones" and how this cannot possibly be accounted for by normal things you might expect to find in the sky. However, it reminded me of Mick West's Twitter timeline which seems to be a series of challenges to "explain this, then" *shows picture of a plane* followed by explanation "it's a plane", then "what about this then?" *shows picture of a street light* "It's a street light" and "Oh yeah, what about this picture of a UFO over city?" explained by "it's the reflection of the lightshade hanging from the ceiling."

I like the method (the correct one in my opinion), shared by Carl Sagan, of working through the most likely, i.e prosaic, explanations of normal phenomenon or faulty instrument readings etc... before the exotic explanations come into play, but some people just prefer the exotic, I suppose.


Hello, I'm new. I'm here to mostly listen and learn. Left other forums due to obvious misinformation etc. The "NJ Drone" situation primarily got me interested as this seems to be an interesting psychological feedback event although I could be wrong of course.

I was beyond impressed by the analysis I have seen in this forum regarding various reports and look forward to more in the future!
Hi All,

Recently retired fed vet of several somewhat obscure alphabet soup agencies which has little or nothing to do with my interests/hobbies/reason for being here. I stumbled across this site on a google search regarding the Nazca mummies. Having grown up on USAF bases around the world during the 60s/70s/80s I developed a lifelong interests in space and mind exploration, physics, language, DIY car, home and anything else I've not done before; random number generator synchronicity associated with The Global Consciousness Project, NDE, "the phenomenon"-UFOs, nonhuman intelligence (or even the more rare phenomenon of human intelligence ;) and interactions therewith. I suppose all of these interests may be applicable to this sight as a research/discussion tool but clearly the later is what landed me here today. Cheers!
大家好,我是来自中国,很高兴在这里与大家见面。由于在我的国家看到了太多从欧美转载过来的阴谋论视频和有关UFO的虚假谣言,所以我特地找到这里向各位学习鉴别方法,一些语言是机器翻译的,可能会不太通顺,希望各位能谅解。Hello everyone, I am from China and I am glad to meet you all here.Since I have seen too many conspiracy theory videos and false rumors about UFOs reproduced from Europe and America in my country, I have found this place to learn the identification method from you all, some of the language is machine-translated and may not be fluent, I hope you can understand.
大家好,我是来自中国,很高兴在这里与大家见面。由于在我的国家看到了太多从欧美转载过来的阴谋论视频和有关UFO的虚假谣言,所以我特地找到这里向各位学习鉴别方法,一些语言是机器翻译的,可能会不太通顺,希望各位能谅解。Hello everyone, I am from China and I am glad to meet you all here.Since I have seen too many conspiracy theory videos and false rumors about UFOs reproduced from Europe and America in my country, I have found this place to learn the identification method from you all, some of the language is machine-translated and may not be fluent, I hope you can understand.
Hello and welcome! Could you possibly transliterate your name into something we can "hear in our minds"?
Hi, I'm a recently retired lawyer who spent much of my career debunking junk science advanced in support of legal claims. I had seen some of Mick's work on YT, and the New Jersey drone flap brought me here, bemused and disappointed not only in the credulousness of lay people, but the proclivity of mass media and politicians to indulge these claims without any serious investigation.
"星核燧石"It means flint in the planet's core.,Mick Say it to me:"Since it translates as "Star Core Flint", perhaps Starflint?",I also thought it was good "Starflint" so I used that translation.
The translation reminded me of the what3words geocode system. Regrettably, there is no location for these three words (star.core.flint). However, the top suggested alternative in a search for it (///star.code.flint) is a place near Roswell, New Mexico.
Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 14.02.59.png

Coincidence? I don't think so :cool:
How is it pronounced?
There are online sites that convert Chinese characters into Pinyin (the transliteration of Chinese into something based on the Latin-derived alphabet. Here's one: https://www.chineseconverter.com/en/convert/chinese-to-pinyin

According to that site, the transliteration would be xīng hé suì shí, with the marks over the vowels indicting the tone is rising, falling, etc.

@Starflint can confirm or refute the accuracy of that website's work! ^_^
There are online sites that convert Chinese characters into Pinyin (the transliteration of Chinese into something based on the Latin-derived alphabet. Here's one: https://www.chineseconverter.com/en/convert/chinese-to-pinyin

According to that site, the transliteration would be xīng hé suì shí, with the marks over the vowels indicting the tone is rising, falling, etc.

@Starflint can confirm or refute the accuracy of that website's work! ^_^
Excellent site, reads exactly right!
Hello all. Finally decided the bite the bullet and register after lurking here and there over the last while.

The recent New Jersey drone 'incident' has really driven me further towards scepticism after seeing just the sheer lack of critical thinking displayed by a lot of people in the online sphere.

Figured the 'egg' was as good a point as any to register and join in the discussion.

I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore skeptic, I personally think that it would be pretty neat if any of this stuff was actually real. However, there is no remotely convincing or credible 'evidence' out there

My name is Jurriaan Maessen. After bingelistening about twenty podcasts with Mick West politely but meticulously dissecting several logical fallicies on the part of some ufo-enthusiasts and their claims, I decided it was high time I'd register for Metabunk to see if (or to which extent) I might be able to contribute something on some of the issues bothering the conspiratorial mind.

Although my mathematical talents pretty much equal those of a pair of shoelaces, my particular inclinations lean more towards the amateur-historical, more specifically seeing what I can figure about some historical claims as well as piecing together the purported provenance of sources referenced to support their historical accuracy.

In terms of shifting perspectives I guess my journey throughout the last couple of decades would be most adequately described as being "meandering".
Like many others I started out as embarrassingly credulous on the subject of ufo's and the paranormal, gradually sucking me down the sinkholes of government conspiracy theory. From about 2007 onward this escalated in me contributing articles to such cesspools as Infowars up to about a decade ago. Luckily I have managed to eject most of my misconceptions, but you can imagine my horror in re-evaluating my former conspiracy dependence and the relief I felt (and still feel) in having succesfully detoxed from it throughout subsequent years.
You may also imagine it took me a while to get to grips with my former misapprehensions, at least to the degree of not allowing them to paralyze my development moving forward.
I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore skeptic, I personally think that it would be pretty neat if any of this stuff was actually real. However, there is no remotely convincing or credible 'evidence' out there
Hi Favious. Welcome on board. I think you'll find quite a few folk here have a similar view: it would be amazing if it was true, but until such time...
My name is William. I've been checking out Metabunk for a little while. I'm not sure if I have anything to add, but I thought I should probably join just in case. I've been a skeptic since I fell for the book Chariots Of The God's? in the early 70's, then discovered my mistake. I really appreciate what Mick West and many of the people here do.
I'm a new member living in Sweden. I've been interested in the UFO phenomenon for decades, even though I'm a skeptic. I love reading about different cases and trying to figure out what's really going on. Professionally, I'm an art historian with a background in the auction business. Interestingly, this has been helpful in cases where design objects, furniture, and lighting fixtures appear in films claimed to have been shot in a certain decade—like those ridiculous alien autopsy videos. An out-of-place piece of furniture or fixture can easily debunk a video. While we can't definitively say an alien couldn't appear in a video shot in 1947, we can definitely say what furniture, telephones, tools, or clothes don't belong there.
An out-of-place piece of furniture or fixture can easily debunk a video.
I have a question: when were coiled, stretchy cords invented for telephones? (I know my house had a straight one at the time of that alien autopsy thing.) Just curious ...

I think we need your kind of expertise. Welcome!
I have a question: when were coiled, stretchy cords invented for telephones? (I know my house had a straight one at the time of that alien autopsy thing.) Just curious ...

I think we need your kind of expertise. Welcome!
Thanks! I'm glad I finally registered as a member!

The history of coiled cord isn't straightforward. I believe the first such cords were introduced as early as the mid-1930s, but they were gradually adopted, and many phones still had straight cords well into the 1950s. This makes it a bit tricky to determine if a phone is from a specific year—you really have to identify the exact model.
Thanks! I'm glad I finally registered as a member!

The history of coiled cord isn't straightforward. I believe the first such cords were introduced as early as the mid-1930s, but they were gradually adopted, and many phones still had straight cords well into the 1950s. This makes it a bit tricky to determine if a phone is from a specific year—you really have to identify the exact model.

I did an images search for "1940s telephone", and all the ones that were clearly "1940s style" had the coil - which might be non-faithful reproductions as all the ones that were explicitly "antique" didn't - they had what one might call "twisted pair" instead (which knots itself, the problem the coil solved).

A patent search couldn't take me back before 1957, but that was a French (or Belgian, googoo was being decidedly confusing) patent for the *manufacture* of such coils, not the invention of the coil itself. The patent number google gave me seems not to exist in subsequent, so I'm writing that off as search engines being complete bollocks nowadays.

I'd say this remains an open question, and as such is way more interesting than reverse-engineering light-speed potatoes, or whatever the world's trying to do nowadays.

Here's me: retired navy flight-crew member, retired hospital technologist. Full time aviation buff, avid reader, and a disillusioned former Republican who is an avowed centrist.

Moderation in all things! My favorite quote is from E. Poe's "System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether". Yes, that one! You know the one...:p
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Thanks! I'm glad I finally registered as a member!

The history of coiled cord isn't straightforward. I believe the first such cords were introduced as early as the mid-1930s, but they were gradually adopted, and many phones still had straight cords well into the 1950s. This makes it a bit tricky to determine if a phone is from a specific year—you really have to identify the exact model.
Thanks for finding that info. If they've been around that long, that's one thing I can scratch off my list of "things I wonder about that alien autopsy image".
Professionally, I'm an art historian with a background in the auction business. Interestingly, this has been helpful in cases where design objects, furniture, and lighting fixtures appear in films claimed to have been shot in a certain decade—like those ridiculous alien autopsy videos. An out-of-place piece of furniture or fixture can easily debunk a video. While we can't definitively say an alien couldn't appear in a video shot in 1947, we can definitely say what furniture, telephones, tools, or clothes don't belong there.
That's an interesting idea. I guess some of us are familiar with noting that specific aircraft, technological gadgets or military uniforms etc. aren't quite right for a claimed photograph, but "fixtures and fittings"- they're pretty much everywhere!

Hope you enjoy it here.
I did an images search for "1940s telephone", and all the ones that were clearly "1940s style" had the coil - which might be non-faithful reproductions as all the ones that were explicitly "antique" didn't - they had what one might call "twisted pair" instead (which knots itself, the problem the coil solved).
Yeah, it's really confusing since most antique phones sold by dealers today have had their cords replaced. The only reliable way to verify this is by inspecting old photographs. It's been a long time since I looked into this, so I don't remember the details, but I do recall finding coiled cords in WWII photos, suggesting that the military was among the first to introduce them.
Hello all, really glad that I found this community. I'm posting under a pseudonym because I'm quite paranoid about keeping my online and real lives separate. I work at a financial asset manager, doing various back-office jobs that involve data and duct-taping different pieces of enterprise technology together.

I've been an on-and-off listener of the Skeptics Guide to the Universe for many years. Skepticism is very important to my self-concept. I'm really glad to have stumbled into this particular corner of the Internet recently. It seems like so many online spaces right now are full of people who want certain things to be true, and it's refreshing to discover that a place like Metabunk still exists if one knows to look.
Hi everyone, I just read an article about Mick West and because I had a profound experience seeing a UFO in about 2018, I thought I should describe what I saw here. I am a person who was very skeptical when people talked of UFO's and when documentaries about them were on TV. I thought yes it could be a possibility but I really thought most sightings had to be fake or explainable. But I saw something that was not at all explainable and no I don't drink or take drugs. I'm a down to earth and quite normal person. I googled what I saw at the time and there was another person or people who saw the same thing on the same day a few miles from me. Then a couple years later I was watching the National Geographic channel about UFO sightings and a man, from I think the military, described exactly what I saw too. He said there was absolutely nothing that behaves like that on earth, he looked into it extensively. I will write my experience down and attach a file sometime in the next couple of days. Thank you. SusanW


When you are ready to go with posting your experience, start a new thread and let's see what folks make of it. Don't post it in THIS thread, this is just a thread for folks to introduces themselves.

If I can give you a word of "heads up" before porting, people here love digging into puzzling situations and reports and trying to figure out the explanation for what other folks consider "unexplainable!" People will ask a lot of questions and for details -- don't take that personally or as an attack, it's folks trying to understand as fully as possible what was experienced. Do expect people to put forward different possible explanations, and then debate their strengths and weaknesses.

Don't expect people here to get behind the idea that "haven't explained it yet" means it must be aliens or anything like that.

Because of the politeness policy here, you can expect to be treated with politeness, which is good, but theories and interpretations are debated and tested as best we can with whatever information you have for us.

I look forward to seeing your post about what you saw, and again, welcome!
Hi all - dogsauce here...
I enjoy mathematics and music.
I have never closed my mind to the idea that ET can exist.
Coming here, looking for a community once more, as i've been an avid forum-dweller since the early 2000's.

I will be honest, i dislike name-dropping, but Dr. Greer is why i am looking for community. He is just one person, and i'd like to extend my knowledge to things beyond his words.

I am curious, what we as a collective group feel on his expertise? I have no reason to doubt him. But i also have never met him in real life, or have had any profound experiences along the lines of what he describes.

Thanks for reading, see you around, and have a good weekend.