Article: DATE / TIME / LOCATION : The USS Omaha related UAP events depicted in the three images (one briefing slide) that I released a couple weeks ago - occurred on July 15th 2019 in the warning area off the coast of San Diego. The UAP event series reached a crescendo, with one of the numerous unknown targets entering the water at 11pm (PST). No wreckage was found / none of the craft were recovered.
PHOTOGRAPH / VIDEO : I'm also providing one additional still image from video - not released in the May 1st 2020 ONI UAPTF briefing - of that UAP encounter series. I have now released four images related to this event series - all were captured directly from a visual system aboard the USS Omaha.
Text from the slide:
"UAS" is basically a "UA" (Unmanned Aircraft) + "S" (system) - meaning an unmanned aircraft plus associated control systems and accessories. Like a DJI drone UAS would be the drone, the controller, and the view screen or headset.External Quote:CCSG-9 Comment: (U) USS OMAHA observed a possible UAS [Unmanned Aerial System], spherical in shape moving towards the surface of the water and then disappearing. OMA assessed the object had sunk. Attempts to search the water for wreckage were ineffective.
The definition of an Unmanned Aircraft sometimes includes balloons. That would be my first guess here.