UFO Formation Observed over Santiago


From the linked article, and corresponding r/UFOs thread:
This recently happened over Chile with 4 UFOs that was filmed by the witness from his apartment balcony.
What a fantastic video showing 4 UFOs hovering in a row and then they all decide to fly off which they then do so but start to shimmer which all this is in sync and together acting as one.
The article is from January 7, 2023, but the exact time of the video is unknown to me.

The reddit thread is here:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/108cmya/four_ufos_filmed_hovering_over_buildings_in_chile/

Here is a still from the video linked on Reddit (I don't know how to pull the video):

According to redditor yantheman3,
I lived in Chile. This looks like Santiago, looking towards the south

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/108cmya/comment/j3s37kz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

The building on the lower left corner of the image looked like something that would stick out to me, so I panned around Santiago in Maps for about 30 minutes, gave up, came back to it, and just happened to find this:

The location is approximately here:
33°29'21.3"S 70°36'57.2"W
Macul, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile

The view is looking approximately south and pans to the west:

All that remains is to determine the exact time of the video, and I think corresponding air traffic can be found.
Date on the orginal Instagram post is 15 December 2022.

Looks more like aircraft in formation to me - initially flying towards the camera and then banking/turning left. Could be military, could be a civil aerobatic team...?

The Escuadrilla de Alta Acrobacia Halcones (Falcons High Aerobatics Squad) are the precision aerobatic demonstration team of the Chilean Air Force The Halcones display with five Extra 300L aircraft painted in their national colours of white, blue, and red.

Also, its quite common for the Chilian Air Force to fly their T-35 planes in formation for a Graduation at the Air Force Academy.


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6krlMO0VCTY
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Here's a news video of the graduation parade on 15 December 2022 in Santiago....

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8GepLn8C7M

21,415 views Premiered on 18 Dec 2022 #fuerzaaereadechile #escueladeespecialidades
This Wednesday, December 15, the Graduation Ceremony and Investiture of Corpors of the 2021-2022 "Altair" Promotion of the "Sergeant 1st Adolfo Menadier Rojas" Specialty School was held, which was presided over by the Minister of National Defense, Maya Fernández Allende, accompanied by the Commander in Chief of the Chilean Air Force, Air General Hugo Rodríguez González together with the Undersecretary of the Armed Forces, Galo Eidelstein Silber.

Screenshot from 1h09m....


Using @FastIndy 's suggested map of the area, it looks like the planes fly towards the observer and then bank left. This would potentially take them toward the El Bosque Airfield, which is where the graduation was held and the T-35s are based.

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I agree with @flarkey, and also the older thread where we and @Easy Muffin made a similar comment.
It looks like aircrafts in formation and later curving away. They are either approaching (headlights) or moving away (engines)
Looks more like aircraft in formation to me - initially flying towards the camera and then banking/turning left.
That seems reasonable if aircraft would put on the glittery light show after making the turn... which seems possible for an exhibition team, does anybody know if it is sonethingbthey actually do?
That seems reasonable if aircraft would put on the glittery light show after making the turn... which seems possible for an exhibition team, does anybody know if it is sonethingbthey actually do?
Its not something specific, just an effect of what the observer can see - Initially the bright constant and directional landing lights that point forward, switching to the flashing anti collision lights on the wingtips.
