so the show is presented by a documentary film maker who encounters first a doctor, then many parents and educators who interact with non verbal or very low speaking ability autistic children and adults.
the show presents many individuals who seem to exhibit the ability to have ESP.
the initial critique i've heard is that these non verbal autistic folks are being assisted in their communication, via "spelling" (pointing to letters on a board), and therefor are being manipulated. this argument doesn't hold water in my opinion because many of the spellers go on to become autonomous, and require no physical touch in order to assist their spelling, so physical manipulation doesn't appear to be a culprit.
I'm not really sure where else to go with alternative explanations, but the tests are typically such that, the pyschic autistic person chooses a person whose mind they will read, and then can with 100% success, spell out what the subject is seeing, from: random number sequences, sentences in random books on random pages, thoughts the subject is holding, depictions of images the subject sees.
curious what other explanations folks might have in mind.
the show presents many individuals who seem to exhibit the ability to have ESP.
the initial critique i've heard is that these non verbal autistic folks are being assisted in their communication, via "spelling" (pointing to letters on a board), and therefor are being manipulated. this argument doesn't hold water in my opinion because many of the spellers go on to become autonomous, and require no physical touch in order to assist their spelling, so physical manipulation doesn't appear to be a culprit.
I'm not really sure where else to go with alternative explanations, but the tests are typically such that, the pyschic autistic person chooses a person whose mind they will read, and then can with 100% success, spell out what the subject is seeing, from: random number sequences, sentences in random books on random pages, thoughts the subject is holding, depictions of images the subject sees.
curious what other explanations folks might have in mind.