Sylphs and Pereidolia


Senior Member.
I wasn't sure where to post this, chemtrails or here. It is superficially about 'sylphs'. However, they need such weak refutation, I decided the pages have far more to say about pareidolia within the conspiracy mindset, and the willingness to believe in patterns - if necessary, self-constructed - where non exist.

This page perfectly illustrates pareidolia, in this case in the sky. The author has taken a large image, and scoured it at all sizes and rotations, delivering crops showing in his honest opinion faces, presumably of 'sylphs' or some such. As a meteorologist, I have a life-long love-affair with 'cloud gazing', and as a graphic designer, inventor, artist and playwright, I would hope I have an active imagination. However, despite these possible qualifications, I can see nothing - not even the faces I am socially programmed to see - in these images.
Scott Stevens and his "Weather Wars" is another good example example of this type of thing (but technology based, rather than spirits). Here's a typical photo from his site:


[ex=]Looking at the same view but tilted a little higher in the sky. Rippling remains present, as do the holes in the overcast, or what should have been overcast. Remnants of past contrail flights appear to have seeded the upper troposphere for the formation of the cirrus that is seen in the upper left hand of the image. There is also some square edges to the cloud field upper center and to the upper right.[/ex]
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even ignoring contrails, I'm surprised by how often wave cloud formations are labeled as 'unnatural' by people from all points on the conspiracy spectrum.
Even cloud colours - Strange Phenomenon!! Red Illuminated Clouds In Sunset!!! Unnatural Sky After Heavy Chemtrails!!

I was banned from a chemmi/conspiracy site for making 1 post suggesting red skies in the evening might be natural - "Red skies at night...." and all that - seriously - my 1st post, not trying to be controversial or anything, just suggesting, politely, that it was not unnatural!
Jeebus, that really was a video of absolutely nothing!
I saw something very similar on Icke's circus; if you were banned from there, I doubt you've lost much.