yea iw aqs wondering what california looks like in winter.. my screengrabs
Thanks deirdre, I figuered out how to get some screen grabs now. Here's from the very beginning of the clip. you can see the 2 planes at the end of the runway. The runway runs parallel to a road that has a T intersection and there's some buildings near the T:
Here is the Williams Airport, also known as the Williams Soaring Center. Same T intersection near the buildings and runway parrallel to the the road. Red circles are where the planes appera in the clip:
Then we see the Sutter Buttes in this shot:
So, on Google Maps the view is East and a little North:
When the "UAP" appears, the guy has panned a little south and is looking due East, the Buttes are no longer visible, but there is this squigaly line between fields at the bottom. It's likely a check, a berm that regulates water between rice fields:
Which matches up pretty good with this field near the Soaring Center, so the plane has to be about here:
Then he continues to pan south as he looks over I-5 where there is an interchange next to a pond:
Which would be here:
This screen grab by deirdre at the end shows what I thought were rice fields, but now looking at them, they could be orchards. This is looking south west now towards the Coastal Range:
Something like this:
The bare dirt in the clips looks like rice fields being readied for flooding and planting, so maybe early spring, they start planting in April. Some of the orchards in the final shot could be evergreen olives as they are planted along the west side of the valley, though usually further north. But the rest of the clip seems to be awfully green for January, and dry giving the rain we've had since Christmas.
I noticed in the comments for this clip people saying it's a balloon and people asking when it was filmed. No responses that I found.
EDIT: If this is from last year, which was a severe drought, those bare dirt fields could be fallow. The west side of the valley had more restrictions on water allocations. I haven't hunted in the last 2 years because my dad's blind near I-5 on the west side didn't get any water. So, it could be May or June.