Seaside Heights, Ocean County, New Jersey - Claimied drone sighting weekend 11th - 12th January 2025


Senior Member.
News Nation reporting this as exclusive footage. Footage filmed by a researcher who rented a house in Seaside heights.

there is some movement from these private researchers. This is from acomputer scientist and artificial intelligence ... who captured this and provided it to News Nation.

Seaside Heights, New Jersey filmed over the weekend. Presumably Saturday 11th or 12th January, 2025?

Reported that a Police helicopter was seen in the area 10 minutes after the filming

I haven't yet found the location.

I made a montage from the video to show more context of the buildings.


It's not clear whether the section showing the zoomed in view with power lines is part of the same footage - if so then it is to the left of the white house.
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Thanks. Great work. I had a quick look on ADSBExchange.

11th January, 2025. The local police helo was west of Seaside Heights during 7pm hour local time. (00 UTC)

12 January, 2025. Airbus EC-135 west of Seaside Heights 6pm hour local time. (23 UTC)

12th January, 2025. Airbus EC-135 west of Seaside Heights 7pm hour local time. (00 UTC)

I haven't yet found the location.

I made a montage from the video to show more context of the buildings.

View attachment 75896

It's not clear whether the section showing the zoomed in view with power lines is part of the same footage - if so then it is to the left of the white house.

I've gone cross-eyed trawling through every street in Seaside Heights itself looking for these houses with no success. It may be in another neighbourhood close by. Or it may not be there on Google Maps: some of the Street View and 3D imagery is a few years old and the white building looks quite new.

But I think it is pretty clear that the footage is continuous, panning to the left of the white building, with the lower roof of another house to the left just visible at the bottom, before showing some power lines and poles.

I've gone cross-eyed trawling through every street in Seaside Heights itself looking for these houses with no success.
add: point of this post is google maps only goes to 2022 and these house styles are younger so we need to wait for google car to go through again unless you can find the small grey house.

i found similar [meaning the style which is pretty unique] new flipped houses but i cant find the builder that is flipping them. (well in case below the home owner flipped it and sold it as the old owner was listed as the seller, not a construction company). anyway i cant find the construction company who may be able to tell us other houses he flipped int he area.

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I've gone cross-eyed trawling through every street in Seaside Heights itself looking for these houses with no success. It may be in another neighbourhood close by. Or it may not be there on Google Maps: some of the Street View and 3D imagery is a few years old and the white building looks quite new.

But I think it is pretty clear that the footage is continuous, panning to the left of the white building, with the lower roof of another house to the left just visible at the bottom, before showing some power lines and poles.

View attachment 75908
Thanks. I've had a search around the area to the north of Seaside Heights with no luck so far. The person filming appears to be quite close to what I believe is a helo?

Possibly Lavallette area and this medevac flight?

I'm not sure how being "a computer scientist in artificial intelligence" qualifies one to be good at identifying aircraft or why they spend the time to cite that information in this very very brief news segment but don't provide other actually relevant details like what day or what time it was. I'm also not sure what "used specific equipment" means. The video looks no different from all the other cell phone videos, and either they cropped it or it was filmed in vertical mode on a phone, given the vertical aspect ratio of the video.

Also that closer house in the video is 1 floor, has a driveway on the right, and has the front door on the front right corner of the building, and has what looks like a driveway and parking area behind the structure. Which is a pretty distinctive layout. And Seaside Heights is not a big place. I could be missing it but I'm not seeing any lot there which looks like that. It could be a recent build that Google Maps doesn't reflect yet. Or they could have actually filmed from somewhere nearby like Seaside Park.
@Trailblazer @TEEJ i emailed a construction company who had signs in seaside as i drove around and who has offices there and asked them if they knew of this house or if they built it since in street a view a similar house had their sign. i'll let you know.
@Trailblazer @TEEJ i emailed a construction company who had signs in seaside as i drove around and who has offices there and asked them if they knew of this house or if they built it since in street a view a similar house had their sign. i'll let you know.
Thanks. I noticed that News Nation have posted the following video. It has a slightly better view of the houses. I have asked the reporter Laura Ingles if she can narrow down the date and time of the filming.



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This modern looking 3-story in seaside park was under construction in Mar 2022 by Dolphin Homes. I initially looked closer at it because it looks new-ish and is to the left of a 1-story with a pointy pyramid-shaped roof. But the building details don't match and there's no matching driveway behind.

Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 2.56.51 PM.png

I also used NewsNation's contact form to ask if they can provide a date+time and location for the video. I'm not anticipating a response.

Any idea where the Tedesco brothers nightcrawler vehicle is located in this video? It's not possible that the Tedesco brothers are the source of the NewsNation video is it? Neither of them work in computer science/AI?
This modern looking 3-story in seaside park was under construction in Mar 2022 by Dolphin Homes. I initially looked closer at it because it looks new-ish and is to the left of a 1-story with a pointy pyramid-shaped roof. But the building details don't match and there's no matching driveway behind.

View attachment 75915

I also used NewsNation's contact form to ask if they can provide a date+time and location for the video. I'm not anticipating a response.

Any idea where the Tedesco brothers nightcrawler vehicle is located in this video? It's not possible that the Tedesco brothers are the source of the NewsNation video is it? Neither of them work in computer science/AI?
Yes, I was thinking that it might be the Tedesco brothers, but why would they have to rent a house when they have their vehicle?
It has a slightly better view of the houses. I have asked the reporter Laura Ingles is she can narrow down the date and time of the filming.
yea your helicopter would be SUnday night about 11 oclock? if that is a car lighting up the building it seems a bit late for so much activity in winter. not impossible but... maybe a street opposite providing the light.
Laura Ingle's reporting in this clip was filmed at Gabreski airport on Long Island. Can see the air traffic control tower in the background. It is the same location as this other clip where Ingle is looking at the Tedesco vehicle:
. It looks like the road is Sheldon Way and there have been significant changes to the road and a whole new set of warehouses built along the right (west side of Sheldon way) since the street view images were taken. The warehouse they're directly in front of is there on Google Maps satellite view but not street view. Not really close to Seaside Heights so I think that reduces the chance they filmed the other video (but that was filmed "over the weekend" and they could easily have driven between the two spots).

Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 3.28.21 PM.png
Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 3.32.31 PM.png
Yes i had a quiet day at work so I spent a long time looking round Seaside Heights, Seaside Park and Lavallette with no luck. The single storey house should be findable but I couldn't.
she said she thinks its Ortley Beach. midblock.

i didnt write back to ask what midblock exactly meant as she [rightfully] thought my query on the top half of a house was weird already. Her company didnt build it.

the cupola house i posted above was just past Ortley beach area so i kinda scanned that area. no luck. i did bookmark one location thats possible IF all 4 neighbors remodeled a bit..but i couldnt find proof of that (houses for sale etc).

and there is a black and white house Ortley midblock (my definition) buts its not the same one, so she might be thiking of a different house. I'll email the "most popular" builder i saw around and ask them tomorrow.
I don't know how to do the fancy overlays on google earth, but watching a while through ADS-B Exchange, the closest match I found would be the 11th, Saturday at 5:45PM EST which if I'm not mistaken is one hour after sunset.





It would be a Cessna 172 rather than a helicopter, here's how they can look at night with lights on



I don't see any helicopter passing 10 minutes later, but 5 minutes after the cessna passes, a low flying airliner passes over the area (it's also possible there was never any police chopper, I haven't been able to find any either that weekend nor the previous one)

Also possible I just missed another flight that, maybe someone wants to do a fancier recreation and/or verify if the stars in the background match with what might have been in the sky that night at that time.
I don't see any helicopter passing 10 minutes later, but 5 minutes after the cessna passes, a low flying airliner passes over the area (it's also possible there was never any police chopper, I haven't been able to find any either that weekend nor the previous one)

Also possible I just missed another flight that, maybe someone wants to do a fancier recreation and/or verify if the stars in the background match with what might have been in the sky that night at that time.
Here are the stars for what it's worth. And great job finding the house @TEEJ - I had looked at Seaside Park but never got that far south as I was put off by the lack of 3D in that block.

Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 23.26.03.png

Unfortunately there is no 3D building imagery on that block in Google Earth but I have done an overlay in Street View. The angle is pretty good but the distance and/or elevation don't quite match, so the track passes just over the roof instead of behind it. I think this is pretty clearly the plane seen in the video though.


I only wish that I had started from the most southern area first. :)
I wish I'd started looking further South of where I'd searched, which was all blocks North of the Thomas A. Mathis bridge up to White Ave (about 2/5 the way up to the Mantaloking bridge).

At least I wasn't Google driving, but instead searching the overhead view for the (roughly) pyramid shaped roof of the single story building, then checking any I that seemed likely candidates on Streetview.

Well done @TEEJ
At least I wasn't Google driving, but instead searching the overhead view for the (roughly) pyramid shaped roof of the single story building, then checking any I that seemed likely candidates on Streetview.
i did that originally as well, but then drove the main streets and zoomed downed the side streets as i didnt see it in aerial. kinda feel like a fool for assuming "seaside heights" was fairly accurate. the female reporter threw me, i guess noone on News Nation can be trusted.
i did that originally as well, but then drove the main streets and zoomed downed the side streets as i didnt see it in aerial. kinda feel like a fool for assuming "seaside heights" was fairly accurate. the female reporter threw me, i guess noone on News Nation can be trusted.
The other frustraiting part is they can never seem to provide the exact date and time.