Ron James, MUFON's Director Of Media Relations, recently showed in an interview a picture of a "ufo crash scene" (as a tease for a film)
here's the picture (and the original reddit post about it)
r/UFOs got to work with it and it's not looking good for the validity of the picture
Here's a clearer version of the image, from some redditor that apparently bought them from someone at UFO fest (source)
Here's another person that also saw this particular photo at "McMinnville UFO festival", selling them at $10 (source)
So, this is a picture that apparently has made its way around people that sell pictures of UFOs, and as far as I know there is no known source.
As clearer versions of the image began to pop up, the image looked more and more dubious (for example, one soldier seems to have brought a chair to sit on the UFO), some people pointed out that the soldiers look a lot like Army Men toys, and a few hours ago somebody found a nice match.
So yeah, this post might serve in the future in case the image becomes more popular in the future.
As a bonus, a recreation of seemingly the same event was drawn for the book "Ominous" by Wayne Sturgill (source)
I don't know anything about the book, but the "recreation" is clearly just an artist doing a drawing of the picture (which is likely a fake done with miniature soldiers), so that's not a good sign about the research that went into it.
here's the picture (and the original reddit post about it)
r/UFOs got to work with it and it's not looking good for the validity of the picture
Here's a clearer version of the image, from some redditor that apparently bought them from someone at UFO fest (source)
Here's another person that also saw this particular photo at "McMinnville UFO festival", selling them at $10 (source)
So, this is a picture that apparently has made its way around people that sell pictures of UFOs, and as far as I know there is no known source.
As clearer versions of the image began to pop up, the image looked more and more dubious (for example, one soldier seems to have brought a chair to sit on the UFO), some people pointed out that the soldiers look a lot like Army Men toys, and a few hours ago somebody found a nice match.
Pretty clear all three "people" in the photo are exact matches to the miniatures above. Particularly compare the position of the arm of the guy seated against the tree, the hat on the guy standing, and the position of the guy seated. Also notice the guy standing is wearing a flat topped hat and the guy sitting is wearing a German style helmet.
So yeah, this post might serve in the future in case the image becomes more popular in the future.
As a bonus, a recreation of seemingly the same event was drawn for the book "Ominous" by Wayne Sturgill (source)
I don't know anything about the book, but the "recreation" is clearly just an artist doing a drawing of the picture (which is likely a fake done with miniature soldiers), so that's not a good sign about the research that went into it.