Rare things that have been documented much better than UFOs

Aircraft land on highways all the time, it tends to make the news, and often there's observer footage of the landing. Recent examples:

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Vh2YHbQzc

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwHGSiZQalI

Something a lot more rare happened on Sunday 9 January 2022, near Whiteman Airport (WHP/KWHP), Los Angeles: a small Cessna 172H took off, lost power and landed on a road. It stopped on a railway intersection, and was hit by a train 8 minutes later. (The pilot survived.)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnv8C3Fjvm0
On 23 November 1996, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 was hijacked, ran out of fuel, and ditched in shallow waters 500 yards (460 m; 1,500 ft) off Le Galawa Beach Hotel, near Mitsamiouli at the northern end of Grande Comore island. A tourist recorded a video of ET-AIZ crashing. She said that she had begun taping because she initially believed that the 767 formed a part of an air show for tourists. (Source: Wikipedia)

Incredibly, 44 people survived.

This was the first time the ditching of an airliner was recorded.
As an avid railfan, I'd suggest unusual grade crossing collisions don't really fit into the "rare things better documented than UFOs" category. There's a few reasons for this:

1) Grade crossing collisions are common and also related to the volume of rail traffic.
2) Railfans congregate at hot spots with high traffic levels.
3) Grade crossings allow for good photo sites (clear fields of view, good spot to park your vehicle, audio and visual alerts of an oncoming train, etc.)
4) When the possibility of an unusual collision presents itself, the camera operator has advanced warning that a collision is imminent.

This convergence makes a sort of "unusual event trap" that doesn't work for a lot of other unusual events.
This convergence makes a sort of "unusual event trap" that doesn't work for a lot of other unusual events.
It works for UFOs, though.
• We've analysed a fair amount of doorbell and security camera footage; webcams, even.
• We've commented on a camera team traipsing around Skinwalker Ranch at all hours of the day or night.
• We've seen trail camera footage of claimed rare animals.
• And there's a large amount of flaring satellites and thus a fair number of pilots who can see and document them.
• Plus all the classified military surveillance that gave us orbs and a jellyfish.

There is a huge number of "UFO traps" out there, and a large number of UFO reports, yet UFOs remain badly documented.

This suggests—but does not prove—that e.g. grade crossing collisions exist, but UFOs do not; i.e. that UFOs are only U because they are badly documented, and any potential UFOs that are well documented turn out to not be unknown or unusual.
I'm a bit surprised they launch with passenger aircraft that close!

I not they zoomed in on the correct pad before it was really noticeable that anything was happening, suggesting but not proving that the photographer knew which pad was the interesting one... I wonder if this is actually taken by somebody in a plane that is there in some official capacity?

Still a fun video!
An asteroid was observed via telescope on September 04, 2024 by the Catalina Sky Survey and a visible fireball was predicted. It was able to be tracked and accurate predictions were made about its atmospheric entry location.

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Freshly discovered in the first hours of September 4th by the Mt. Lemmon Survey (G96), part of Catalina Sky Survey, 2024 RW1 is a small asteroid (around 1 m dimensions) coming from the main asteroid belt.

BIG NEWS! CSS observer Jacqueline Fazekas has just discovered a small meteoroid that will harmlessly impact with Earth's atmosphere in about 8 hours over the Western Pacific. The object (called CAQTDL2) is small, a few feet in diameter. Attached are the discovery images. pic.twitter.com/js7qHNiZq0

— Catalina Sky Survey (@catalina_sky) September 4, 2024

But what's exceptional with it, is that its orbit will soon bring it into the Earth atmopshere! For the 9th time in human history, an extraterrestrial object is discovered BEFORE it enters the Earth atmopshere. Seen the size of the impactor, the main highlights will be a major fireball and potential meteorites recoveries, but this remain a dramatic and scienitifaclly valuable event.
Source: https://www.imo.net/9th-earth-impactor-on-its-way-to-northern-philippines/

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDkPryAmTV8

More videos and pictures of the event are here:
Person in passenger plane videos unusual-looking feature on the ground, just when a rocket launch occurs there. Rocket launches are not particularly rare, but it's just another example of how everything gets filmed one way or another. Sound off!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6VcLfeHm1f4

Maybe not so rare:
This video of an Atlas V rocket launch seen from an airplane is just amazing

""My plane happened to be flying by Cape Canaveral during the Atlas V launch yesterday," airline passenger Andy Lin tweeted. He added a short video showing the United Launch Alliance (ULA) rocket safely lifting off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, on May 18."

It's possible the story is fake and the person knew there was going to be a rocket launch, the pilot might even have announced it as there was probably a NOTAM for the launch window.

Pilot apparently announced the Atlas V launch.

"The video, recorded with an iPhone X, includes a crew announcement advising the passengers to look out the right side of the plane to view the ongoing launch. This was a long-haul Delta Flight 644, which typically flies Boeing 737-900 passenger jets from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City to Cancun, Mexico, according to FlightAware."
Source: https://www.space.com/atlas-v-rocket-launch-airplane-video
An upward lightning streamer....captured from just 4 feet away, in 2017. These are generally faint forks of lightning that travel upwards from the ground and which then meet the main stroke coming downwards. I captured this during a video, and the following is a frame from the video ( there is a bright lightning flash about 500 feet away a second or so later ). I was very lucky the main lightning chose another streamer to connect to and not this one !

I think this may be the closest capture of an upward streamer anyone has ever taken.....I'd estimate its about 20 feet in length.

Video DSCN1387 Captured Streamer.png
I'm curious: was the lower end of that streamer coming from an electrical wire or metal object?

It came from the top of a garden fence post. Where you see the streamer start is pretty much where the top of the post is., and the neighbour's conservatory you can see part of beyond that. I was lower down, sitting in the patio...with my video camera pointing upwards about 45 degrees. It was about 4 feet way. It's not the only such thing I have captured on video. I also have a capture of ball lightning just after a lightning strike....not as dramatic as some ball lightning captures but it is one all the same. I have recorded every storm since 2015 in great detail.....so its no surprise I capture rare events.

I'll dig up up ball lightning capture and post it later.
An upward lightning streamer....captured from just 4 feet away, in 2017. These are generally faint forks of lightning that travel upwards from the ground and which then meet the main stroke coming downwards. I captured this during a video, and the following is a frame from the video ( there is a bright lightning flash about 500 feet away a second or so later ). I was very lucky the main lightning chose another streamer to connect to and not this one !

I think this may be the closest capture of an upward streamer anyone has ever taken.....I'd estimate its about 20 feet in length.

View attachment 73456
Wow. I used to binge on the tornado chaser type shows in the early 2000s. They used to show these sometimes, very cool.
Ball lightning...captured during a storm on the night of July 19th 2017. These two frames are pointing in the exact same direction and are taken from video. The first shows a bright flash of lightning, the second is about one second after the lightning....a red orb appears in the field. The orb lasts for just 2 frames. I'd like to overlap the two images but I don't know how....

Ball lightning...captured during a storm on the night of July 19th 2017. These two frames are pointing in the exact same direction and are taken from video. The first shows a bright flash of lightning, the second is about one second after the lightning....a red orb appears in the field. The orb lasts for just 2 frames. I'd like to overlap the two images but I don't know how....

View attachment 73967View attachment 73968
A close-up of the ball lightning....from which you can see there is not just one orb but 3....a red one and two white ones.

I have hundreds of hours of storm video, so if anyone's gonna capture something wierd its likely to be me ( as with the streamer photo further above )....

This just shows that 'orbs' do exist ! If I can capture them so easily...why can't Lue Elizondo.


Thanks. I'd say that puts it about 800 feet away if one assumes it is near the ground. So its actually intrinsically quite bright...at least as bright as a 150W light bulb. There aren't that many good photos of ball lightning...and I've never seen one that seems to capture 3 at the same time. I'm assuming this is ball lighting, as in the video the orbs appear literally a second after a bright nearby lightning stroke. I think this is a pretty good capture !
So I wondered, what are some other events that have been very well documented that are more rare than the thousands-to-millions of UFO encounters that weren't documented well?
I would think this (and the famous movie footage) would fit the criteria, no?
Sure, it was already a well-publicized and well-attended event, but what are the odds that this particular moment was captured on film, especially given the year?
JFK pic.jpeg
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RQ-180 has a single engine iirc
now that I'd like to see a source for

The RQ-175 Polecat looks like it has two engines:

(via https://www.twz.com/37401/was-the-s...ne-really-photographed-over-the-mojave-desert )

The concept image for the RQ-180 that Duke found shows it with 2 contrails. Obviously it's hard to confirm when the aircraft is classified.

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When it comes to phantom aircraft that are the product of 'bleeding-edge' technologies and supposedly exist only in the shadows, the so-called RQ-180 is unrivaled in our time.
I always think of the giant squid when this subject comes up.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDepthsBelow/comments/tqlwcd/rare_footage_of_the_giant_squid_filmed_a_few/

Miles upon miles of ocean, and a camera with a field of view that can be measured in feet, and yet we still manage to get footage of them in their natural environment.

Or an echidna that is so rare it was thought to be extinct, until one was captured on video:


And yet, we have literally hours worth of UFO/UAP footage at this stage, and not a single video that confirms that we're looking at technology beyond our own capabilities.

It's as though there was something to that...
Man captures results of an ice dam breaking upstream, just as he starts filming.

Soundtrack muted due to someone having added overly dramatic music, and the guy repeatedly saying "Holy smokes!" which makes you want to smack him.

Man captures results of an ice dam breaking upstream, just as he starts filming.
I once walked on a trail in a nearby park just at the moment that a water main broke on a nearby road. Suddenly a torrent of mud, leaves, and golf balls (yes, it was beside the golf course) burst out and thundered into the gorge. A maintenance crew was working nearby, and when the trail quickly began to wash out, I held onto a worker by his belt to keep him from falling in while he removed debris from a culvert to open it up.

Sadly, no video! :(
A meteorite hitting the ground, with audio.
Extraordinarily cool, if true. I remain skeptical, though, only because it is so conveniently just barely blocked by that low wall, which would neatly conceal where the squib could be hidden. Not saying it is fake, just thinking cautiously.

Anybody know what coil of wire/line is at the end? I think it is unrelated to even a squib hypothesis (it seems to thick to be a good choice for that, and if somebody was faking it they'd move the evidence before taking the second video shot.) Not thinking it's related, it'd be useful to know what it is and rule it out definitively...
Extraordinarily cool, if true. I remain skeptical, though, only because it is so conveniently just barely blocked by that low wall, which would neatly conceal where the squib could be hidden. Not saying it is fake, just thinking cautiously.
The video has a discussion with a university expert who analyzed the fragments to confirm it was a meteorite.
The video has a discussion with a university expert who analyzed the fragments to confirm it was a meteorite.
Nice, thank you. That would then require fakery to involve acquiring an actual meteorite, bashing it with a hammer or something, and making a neat little starburst pattern to film for the second shot. Convoluted but possible.

Not that I think this happened -- I'm inclined to accept it as real. But then, I really like the idea of somebody's doorbell cam catching a meteor strike impacting their sidewalk, so I'm trying to make sure I don't fall into the Accept It Because You'd Like It To Be True camp... ^_^
Extraordinarily cool, if true. I remain skeptical, though, only because it is so conveniently just barely blocked by that low wall, which would neatly conceal where the squib could be hidden. Not saying it is fake, just thinking cautiously.

Anybody know what coil of wire/line is at the end? I think it is unrelated to even a squib hypothesis (it seems to thick to be a good choice for that, and if somebody was faking it they'd move the evidence before taking the second video shot.) Not thinking it's related, it'd be useful to know what it is and rule it out definitively...

You can actually see the meteorite falling in two frames of video before impact. In the second it appears to have broken in two, although that could be a video artifact.



That could be used to give a rough estimate of impact speed if the frame rate was known.
Starship 7's breakup is caught on video. Filmed on a boat in the Bahamas. Unbelievable! Unfortunately it's broken into tiny clips here [EDIT: they are a sequence of iPhone live photos, not videos]. The explosion is seen in the 4th video of the tweet.

Source: https://x.com/FrankTaylor/status/1880031159633215936

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(Assuming these are both real)
This could also be considered a rare thing that was captured much better than UFOs, video of the outer layer apparently loose and flapping about during launch:

Source: https://x.com/thetouis/status/1880024965300343156

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