Substantial portions of Luis Elizondo's "Imminent" are available on Google Books. In addition to the preview chapters, the entire book is searchable. Here's an excerpt, converted with AI OCR.
Substantial portions of Luis Elizondo's "Imminent" are available on Google Books. In addition to the preview chapters, the entire book is searchable. Here's an excerpt, converted with AI OCR.
However, the "aura" is indeed an artifact of the camera, as I explain here:External Quote:
A while back I had shared the Predator video with Neill Tipton, who also was a liaison for the folks that worked the Army Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Task Force. Neill was a "techie" and knew the world of ISR probably better than anyone. If what we were seeing in the video was a supersecret US platform, Neill would know. Though fascinated by the evidence before him, Neill had no clue what it could be.
I believed him because he was echoing what our aviation experts had told us. I trusted Neill and he'd shown himself to be a good leader and a sharp thinker. If I cultivated more allies like him, I'd be in good shape to land additional technical support for Interloper.
A few months later I was sitting in a room with high-level Navy officials, CIA reps, and someone from the NSA. After the usual exchange of pleasantries and some backslapping, we rolled the tapes.
The room went silent when we showed the GIMBAL video. What made GIMBAL so perplexing was the fact the object never lost altitude as it turned 90 degrees. Like magic, it remained in place. If a human-built aircraft did what this object did in the video, it would immediately lose altitude because the wings are creating lift disproportionately. In this case, however, the object seemed to hover at an altitude of 20,000 feet and linger there, eerily. Skeptics would later suggest that the object was a balloon, but this was certainly not the case.
One of our meeting attendees made an uncomfortable joke that this thing seemed to be showing us what it could do, mocking us, as if to say, "Hey guys, watch this!" Of course, we do have vehicles that can hover, but not in this fashion, and not at that altitude, and not in that headwind. Whatever this was, it was not conventional technology and not ours. It was something different. To be clear, no one in that room thought this UAP was made by humans.
This unnerved, mystified, and concerned our team of aviation and optical experts. Was this some sort of breakaway technology? Did an adversary figure something out that we hadn't? Despite the billions of dollars we spent on intelligence each year, somehow, someone slipped through the cracks of our multidisciplined intelligence architecture and developed a superior technology completely in the dark. It was an unsettling proposition for all who attended the meeting.
The GIMBAL maneuvered in a way that reminded me of the old Apollo 11 lunar module, which was about as aerodynamic as a dishwasher. It didn't have to be because it operated in the near-vacuum of space, where it encountered zero wind resistance. As a result, it didn't need wings. Yet, in vintage NASA footage you can find online of docking maneuvers, as the lunar module approaches the lunar orbiter for its rendezvous "hookup," it begins to ratchet itself into position, making small adjustments with its thrusters as it gets closer to the orbiter.
If you compare that maneuver to the way in which the object in the GIMBAL video rotates, you will see an uncanny resemblance. This may suggest that whatever is in the GIMBAL video is also operating in a vacuum environment, creating a bubble around itself so the effects of atmospheric resistance are moot. Was that the reason a slight aura can be seen around the GIMBAL object? Was this a protective bubble? Was this an artifact of the propulsion unit?
In our meeting, I watched as a rep from the CIA shook his head, then launched into a half-assed exploration of the possibilities. "The only way I see this being even remotely possible is if you had a . . . hybrid balloon with some sort of inducted fan at its center," he said, not quite believing his own words. "Perhaps it is some sort of Mylar football that has its own navigation and propulsion." I kept my mouth shut just to see where this was going.
His eyes boggled as he tried to keep track of his own tortured logic. The mental gymnastics were herculean. Balloons. Inducted fans. Mylar football. Right. "What about fuel and loiter capability? This thing is way out in the middle of nowhere," I said. His response was even more comical. "Um ... perhaps they are using some sort of tether or beamed energy to give it power, you know? Like a floating platform nearby." This thing was smack in the middle of the ocean.
The object itself was indicated as being very hot; however, the air surrounding it was very cold. It didn't make any sense. He let out an awkward chuckle with apologetic eyes. I felt bad for him, because we'd all been there. The GIMBAL was a great, glittering mystery. On the observables scale, it was clearly an antigravity device. Everything the video showed, the pilots backed up with eyewitness testimony.
When the meeting adjourned and we went our separate ways, I had occasion to flip through the images again, frame by frame. My eyes always came to rest on that weird little bubble. Was it some sort of illusion or effect produced by the camera? According to the CIA, it was not. It was not an artifact of the camera nor a lens flare. Whatever it was, it was real. You had to wonder: if the aura was novel, then was it possibly a clue to the propulsion system of the UAP? To get the truth, we had to pierce that bubble. And we would, sooner than I'd ever imagined.
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