Above Oct 2 image from Martin van Hemert, who writes via email:
The second image here from Martin is from Nov 18 2009, and shows a trail generally believed to have been from a bolide:External Quote:I found your website the other day when researching some unusual contrails I've seen. I live in Payson, Utah (about 50 miles south of Salt Lake City). In the early morning of November 18, 2009 I saw and photographed some unusual contrails to the east of where I live, unusual in that they had a distinctly bluish cast and a very erratic pattern. Later that day I learned that a very bright meteor was seen in the skies at 12:07 am local time. I wondered if there was any connection, but did not pursue it further.
Earlier this week on October 2, 2014 I witnessed similar contrails in the early morning light. Bluish compared to normal contrails and with an unusual pattern. I again photographed them. Later in the day I learned that a bright meteor had again made an impressive show earlier in the morning, at about 4:40 am local time. The time of my photos in both instances was about 7:00 am. I'm convinced that there is a connection and am hoping you can shed more light on the images or the phenomena. I would appreciate any information you might be able to give.
A note about the attached photos. First, regarding the 2009 contrail, the lens I had on my camera was not wide enough to record the entire contrail in one shot, so I shot 2 and stitched them together. I am a photographer, and well versed in stitching photos. The contrail in the second image (2014) was smaller and/or farther away.
Below are links to 2 local news articles about the 2 bolides. Attached are the 2 images I have spoken of.
Nov 18th 2009:
Oct 2nd 2014
My initial impression was that these were rocket trails, however there is a known trail from a small asteroid over Sudan in 2008 which looks quite similar:
Reports of the Oct 2nd meteor can be found here:External Quote:Explanation: On October 7, the early dawn over northern Sudan revealed this twisted, high altitude trail. Captured in a video frame, the long-lasting persistent train is from the impact of a small asteroid cataloged as 2008 TC3. That event was remarkable because it was the first time an asteroid was detected in space before crashing into planet Earth's atmosphere. In fact, after astronomers discovered 2008 TC3, the time and location of its impact were predicted based on follow-up observations. Later, the impact predictions were confirmed by sensors, including a Meteosat-8 image of a bright flash in the atmosphere. Astronomers are now hoping for more reports of local ground-based observations of what must have been a brilliant meteor streaking through Sudan's night sky. Additional reports could improve the chances of recovering meteorites.
The view in the photo from Payson is approximately ENE, or around 70°
Which would seem to eliminate White Sands in New Mexico, unless the sounding rockets there fly far North.
What do people think? Another bolide trail?
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