This article is from Boston Globe.... and this is from the article:
"Officials from a dozen agencies had been meeting for months to plan the scenario. They behaved much like movie producers, recruiting students from Northeastern University and the Boston Police Academy to play the parts of terrorists and witnesses.
The basic plot was this: Half a dozen members of Free America Citizens wanted to gauge police response to a bomb scare. They would plant hoax devices, then stay on the scene to watch and record the bomb squad and detectives as they responded, as a dry run to a larger attack.
The participating detectives, however, would not have known they were being watched. They would only be told that they were responding to an urgent terrorist threat. The goal of the training was for them to figure out the motives of Free America Citizens as they investigated the case, the official said.
The planned exercise has eerie similarities to the police investigation that led to the capture of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, whose images were caught on video cameras and who were captured after a car chase and shoot-out with police."
They admit the plan included backpack bombers and a manhunt resembling the manhunt that actually happened.
They're claiming that the real event happened before the drill was to take place... HOWEVER according to eyewitness reports, there was a drill going on that exact day at the same exact time... here is a local TV station covering it:
Local15 was given the order to take down the story from the website, but here is the cache version:
From the interview:
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.
This slideshow from Boston authorities used Boston Marathon as a location for a "mass casualty event"
It even specifies how to collaborate and work with the media.
Such drills mirroring exactly what was occuring happened during 9/11, 7/7, Madrid bombings, Sandy Hook & during the Reagan assassination attempt... this is an inteview with a contractor who was part of the drill during 7/7 (just a minute long)
"Officials from a dozen agencies had been meeting for months to plan the scenario. They behaved much like movie producers, recruiting students from Northeastern University and the Boston Police Academy to play the parts of terrorists and witnesses.
The basic plot was this: Half a dozen members of Free America Citizens wanted to gauge police response to a bomb scare. They would plant hoax devices, then stay on the scene to watch and record the bomb squad and detectives as they responded, as a dry run to a larger attack.
The participating detectives, however, would not have known they were being watched. They would only be told that they were responding to an urgent terrorist threat. The goal of the training was for them to figure out the motives of Free America Citizens as they investigated the case, the official said.
The planned exercise has eerie similarities to the police investigation that led to the capture of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, whose images were caught on video cameras and who were captured after a car chase and shoot-out with police."
They admit the plan included backpack bombers and a manhunt resembling the manhunt that actually happened.
They're claiming that the real event happened before the drill was to take place... HOWEVER according to eyewitness reports, there was a drill going on that exact day at the same exact time... here is a local TV station covering it:
Local15 was given the order to take down the story from the website, but here is the cache version:
From the interview:
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.
This slideshow from Boston authorities used Boston Marathon as a location for a "mass casualty event"
It even specifies how to collaborate and work with the media.
Such drills mirroring exactly what was occuring happened during 9/11, 7/7, Madrid bombings, Sandy Hook & during the Reagan assassination attempt... this is an inteview with a contractor who was part of the drill during 7/7 (just a minute long)