Senior Member
Not many in the general public know too much about this particular litigation, but this case was one of many that the SDNY courts dealt with in the aftermath of 9-11. I previously researched the arguments and testimony in this case while looking for more insight into WTC 7's collapse. The case revolved primarily around a claim of negligence, with Aegis and others seeking to recover losses against 7 WTC Co. and others for what they alleged was negligent design and maintenance of WTC 7 that contributed to the collapse of that tower. The claimants ultimately lost that case--not because they were wrong that the WTC 7's design contributed to the failure, but because the court did not see any such alleged negligence as a proximate cause of the collapse given the unforeseeable intermediary cause of the events of 9-11.
Anyway, this post is not about the legal merits of the case, but instead it is about the expert reports connected therewith. When I previously researched the case, I had been unable to obtain those expert reports as the district court does not maintain them in their electronic database. A recent thread on ISF, however, made me realize that the reports were, in fact, still available. Instead of obtaining them from the district court, however, they needed to be bought through the 2nd circuit. Well, ~$60 later, my gift to this forum and all those interested in studying the collapse of WTC 7 is the full suite of Aegis's experts' reports (plus the declarations associated therewith). I haven't looked at them in too much detail as of the time of this post, but my cursory pass through revealed an abundance of information and analyses. Please find them all attached below. (They are large files, so thanks to Mick for offering to host them here!)
The reports as follows:
Anyway, this post is not about the legal merits of the case, but instead it is about the expert reports connected therewith. When I previously researched the case, I had been unable to obtain those expert reports as the district court does not maintain them in their electronic database. A recent thread on ISF, however, made me realize that the reports were, in fact, still available. Instead of obtaining them from the district court, however, they needed to be bought through the 2nd circuit. Well, ~$60 later, my gift to this forum and all those interested in studying the collapse of WTC 7 is the full suite of Aegis's experts' reports (plus the declarations associated therewith). I haven't looked at them in too much detail as of the time of this post, but my cursory pass through revealed an abundance of information and analyses. Please find them all attached below. (They are large files, so thanks to Mick for offering to host them here!)
The reports as follows:
- Analysis of the Impact of a Fire in the Mechanical Room (5th & 6th Floor) of the World Trade Center 7 Building by Jose Torero.
- World Trade Center 7 by Joseph P. Colaco (same file as above)
- Response of WTC7 to Standard Office Fires and Collapse Initiation by Colin Bailey
- Expert Report by Frederick Mowrer
- Report and Summary of Findings: Global Collapse Analysis, World Trade Center 7 Investigation by Guy Nordenson (Report 1, Report 2)
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