Hi all,
Signed up specifically to discuss this topic so apologies if I end up posting some stuff here that has already been ruled out or gone over thoroughly.
My professional background is visual effects and post production for film and TV as a whole, and I'm not completely convinced that this thing is actually real, so here's a quick run down of what I've been tinkering with:
There's something to my eye that just doesn't look right about the "orb" in the image, so I took the original cropped image into photoshop, desaturated it, and started measuring RGB values in the image. As a VFX artist, this is the starting point for me when I need to add something to a shot - I need to know what the lightest and darkest values in the image are, so that I can get the value of the shadows and highlights right.
To do this for shadows, I look at the average RGB value of the darkest parts of the image I'm compositing into - which, in turn, gives me a rough RGB value-based idea of the dynamic range of the camera that took the image. From there I can clip the darkness value on whatever I'm compositing into the scene, and it matches the rest of the shadows.
When I measured the RGB values in the shadows on this image,
I found that the darkest parts of the image - the hole for the APU exhaust, under the wings, inside the engine cowling, and the shadow of the wheels - The average value was around 90-96. I managed to find a single pixel with a value of 76, but by and large the average darkness RGB value of the shadows on parts of the aircraft receiving no light was around 96.
The shadow on the underside of the orb has an average darkness value of around 60 - which is quite significantly lower than the rest of the image. I could not find - anywhere in the rest of the image linked above - darkness values as low as this.
This leads me to believe that it might have been composited into the image, as it would seem that the darkest value of the orb seems to be outside the dynamic range of the rest of the image. I am aware that as objects move further into the distance they reduce in contrast - but even the black posts just behind the orb do not have darkness values as low as the orb - they also average around 90.
The reflection on the Orb seems strange to me as well - almost as though its using an HDRI image of a similar - but not the same - location to the one it's in.
Happy to go into more detail and provide images to illustrate if people think there's anything to this, but I'll end it there for now as I'm in danger of making this an essay.