Odd sun "anomalies"


Active Member
Found a video of some sun "anomalies" that look pretty cool but are used by the UFO channel to pedal their fringe beliefs

The first "anomaly" is Between 0:22 and 0:42 and shows the sun from 2 different radiation perspectives, the video claims that "something colossal disturbs the surface of the sun" but to me just looks like a solar flare or coronal mass ejection.

Before "disturbance"................................. During "disturbance"

The second "anomaly" is Between 1:30 and 1:57 the video claims that something is reflecting off the sun, it does look like it buy I just thought it was the glimmer of the plasma but I don't know how plasma actually works, might be something else.

The third "anomaly" is Between 2:38 and 3:15 a perfect, black sphere is just next to the sun, no idea what this could be but someone in the comments mentioned that NASA says that these form due to hydrogen bubbles, they dismissed that claim as they seem to prefer a more fantastical explanation. I don't know how accurate the hydrogen bubble hypothesis is.

The fourth "anomaly" is Between 3:38 and 3:56 the video describes an "enormous angel anomaly." To me it just looks like a star that the other ones flying about. It looks cool but don't think it's much more than a star or some space debris.


I actually have no clue what this last "anomaly" is meant to be, not because it's weird, but it just looks like, well, nothing! The final "anomaly" is Between 4:15 and 5:27, the video says that a person has caught "stunning solar rays" on camera. I'm not sure how that's an anomaly, I thought that was just the way the camera capture some extra sun or something.


They look like typical things and I have a good gist of what each is (aside from the black sphere) but I just wanted to know what people that have more experience in identifying this kind of stuff.

|Side not: Didn't know if to put this ins UFO forum or Skyidentity forum as, technically, the anomalies are not in the sky, although they kind of are...|
The first looks like a coronal mass ejection. The second looks like a magnetic reconnection event. The third looks like a transit of Venus but the date is wrong. The fourth looks like a cosmic ray hit (maybe two on top of each other) and there are many in the frames leading up to that particular one. The last one is maybe glints from some smudges on the camera lens. Hard to tell.
The blue one I think is actually a false hit on the sensor. Cosmic rays and other high energy particles can leave irregular trails on those images - following a CME or other magnetic event the images will be full of them like static on an old analog TV broadcast.

First two I agree - common magnetic events on the sun, it's an extremely dynamic body and is ruled by a highly complex set of magnetic fields, so the root cause of many events is not directly visible (hence why so many different types of sensors are pointed at the sun).
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Third one I think is actually a false hit on the sensor. Cosmic rays and other high energy particles can leave irregular trails on those images - following a CME or other magnetic event the images will be full of them like static on an old analog TV broadcast.
I was not aware of that, that's good to know for future reference.

Yeah, it seems like just common occurrences being misidentified as extraordinary things, not the first time this happened.
The link below shows the SDO AIA 171 Venus transit, and note that the time stamp has a different format than the one in the video
Above. He only shows a single frame and maybe the time and date have been manipulated.
That looks like an exact match! Wouldn't surprise me if the dates were off.
That looks like an exact match! Wouldn't surprise me if the dates were off.
Yes. The sphere was suspiciously the same size as Venus. But if the dates were changed then it demonstrates something beyond mere misunderstanding and gets into malicious misrepresentation.
The black sphere seems to me to be a coronal cavity. Though, it is more perfect-circular looking than any I have seen -- which may simply indicate somebody improved the image a bit for the video.


I tend to doubt the transit of Venus explanation, as the "object" seems to be inside the corona, patially obscured by it along the edge closest to the sun.

There also seem to be some curved lines in the corona framing the "object" nicely, expected for a magnetic feature in the corona but not for a planetary transit.

FWIW, though, -- In terms of dates, remember that dates for a transit as seen from where-ever the probe taking the images is will not be the same as the dates of transits as seen from Earth.
FWIW, though, -- In terms of dates, remember that dates for a transit as seen from where-ever the probe taking the images is will not be the same as the dates of transits as seen from Earth.
SDO is at the Lagrange point directly between Earth and Sun so dates will be the same. Plus the video I linked to shows the date of the SDO observation, which doesn't agree with the date in the "anomalies" video.
It could be some kind of bubble but it is very circular. I'm unfamiliar with that phenomena so I can't really speak to it. I was just saying what it *looked* like to me.

Ok. I looked for SDO AIA 171 images on this day. Here is one a couple of hours later than the one in the video. You can still see the bubble in the upper left but it seems less defined and may be fading a bit by then.

the website says movies not available yet but it will be interesting to see what this looks like as a movie.

It's just coincidentally about the right size as Venus and in the right place for the transit of 2012
SDO is at the Lagrange point directly between Earth and Sun so dates will be the same. Plus the video I linked to shows the date of the SDO observation, which doesn't agree with the date in the "anomalies" video.
It could be some kind of bubble but it is very circular. I'm unfamiliar with that phenomena so I can't really speak to it. I was just saying what it *looked* like to me.
Correction: SDO is in geosynchronous orbit around Earth. I was thinking of another Solar observing satellite. Either way, this doesn't impact the date of the transit.
View attachment 44778
Ok. I looked for SDO AIA 171 images on this day. Here is one a couple of hours later than the one in the video. You can still see the bubble in the upper left but it seems less defined and may be fading a bit by then.

the website says movies not available yet but it will be interesting to see what this looks like as a movie.

It's just coincidentally about the right size as Venus and in the right place for the transit of 2012
The movies are now available for that date. Go to: Sun In Time at LMSAL (suntoday.lmsal.com/suntoday/?suntoday_date=2021-05-11). There is indeed a circular dark region in the 171 movie that persists for some time, but it changes shape a bit through the day. It's not dark in other wavelengths, which it would have to be if it were a solid object obscuring the light from the Sun.