Lovely update to NASA's Worldview page, which allows you to looks at MODIS images and other data overlays from any day in the last few years, anywhere in the world. They have replaced the "click a day" interface with a date slider. But the great things about it is that the images get cached locally, so once you have gone through a range of images, you can scrub back and forth, and see the large scale movement and development of weather systems. You can also use the arrow keys to do this.
Lovely update to NASA's Worldview page, which allows you to looks at MODIS images and other data overlays from any day in the last few years, anywhere in the world. They have replaced the "click a day" interface with a date slider. But the great things about it is that the images get cached locally, so once you have gone through a range of images, you can scrub back and forth, and see the large scale movement and development of weather systems. You can also use the arrow keys to do this.