Beloved one, you are one of the ones who volunteered, a long time ago, to be incarnate at this time, to come ahead of time to pave the way and to be here now for what has been predicted and prophesied to be the great shift in collective consciousness. It is a shift that you have prayed for, that you have tried to envision, and that you have spoken about to the friends, the ones who would listen.
You have often been the masters, the ones who have been acknowledged as the wise woman of the village, the wise monk who knew how to access other dimensions. You have been the one who helped in birthing a new consciousness; not only birthing physical beings, but a new consciousness. And so once again you are here to lead the brothers and sisters into the preparation for the shift in consciousness.
As has been prophesied, in the next twelve to fifteen months of your timing there is going to be much of change, much that will look to you very different. You will look back upon this time and you will wonder, "How could such changes comes about?" As now you look back in the last decade, the last two decades, even four or five decades back, you can see the change in the collective consciousness thinking.
In your timing of the next twelve to fifteen months, there will be as much change happening as has happened in the last five decades. So hold on to your hats, as they say, because there are going to be day-by-day great leaps of understanding. Ones are ready to shed their heaviness. Ones are ready for peace. Ones are ready to know love, to know relationships that are uplifting. They have been calling out for healing. They have been calling out for answers to understand that life does not have to be as hard as the world has suggested to them and as hard as the peers and parents and even friends have said to them, "Well, that's how life is."
Now, regarding preparation for the shift: In truth, you have already been doing much preparation. You have been awakening in the mornings and you have been asking to see miracles in the day. You have been asking to know the positive of life and being grateful for what is in your life—all of nature, all of the friends, all of the books, all of the gatherings that you are called to go to. You are finding that you are grateful for everything that happens, even if at first it may seem a little bit strange.
But you find that you know that everything works together—as I have been saying to you for a long, long time—everything works together for the realization of at-One-ment. For truly, there is only One. Everything you perceive is you, because you are bringing it forth. Where does it exist?
Ask of yourself, where does everything truly exist? In your perception, in your mind, what you see. You are projecting what you believe is possible. You are projecting it out, and then you see it as it would be in a mirror coming back to you and you say, "Okay, that must be real, because I see it." But, in truth, you have the idea first, and you are projecting it out.
So as you have been changing—and you have; in your mornings when you first wake up, throughout your day as you will acknowledge that perhaps you can see things differently—you are changing your perceptions. You are changing your world, the world around you, because you are projecting a different image of what can be.
Try it on for size on the morrow. Say, when you first wake up, "I am going to see miracles in this day. I am going to see happiness, lightness. I am going to see friends who want to be in the same light space." You will notice as how you hold a certain idea, how things fall into place miraculously, how things just happen to time themselves perfectly, and you say, "Hey, that's really cool. I like that,"—be aware that very often that which you have asked for comes to you.
Be aware of the little nuances of every day, because there are miracles every day that happen. They have to, because you have set your mind to see miracles, and they come because you expect them. That is the number one ingredient in preparation for this shift: expectancy. "I expect to see miracles in this day. I expect to see Light in this day. I expect to hear laughter and to feel joyful."
Keep your expectancies positive, and that is what you will find in the day. Expectations, expectancy. That which you expect is what you are going to see. It is going to come to you. Now, I know for a long time you have been caught up in the morass of the world situation. Expect to see miracles happening there, as well. Expect to see other ones finding that they are truly able to change their lives.
I know the world has spoken that there are many who are suffering. You have projected that out because that has been old generational thinking of what you have been taught the world has to be. When it comes up for you — and it will — say, "No, that is not what I expect now. That is old generational thinking that I have subconsciously taken upon myself and expected to see, because the parents expected that."
The brothers and sisters that you grew up with, your peers, this is what they have expected to see, as well. And so they see it. But you are moving into a new space, and the brothers and sisters that you interact with are also moving into a new space. Expect that they will move into a new space, because they truly are. They are waiting just for that little snap of the finger to make a change.
You may speak to them of the power of expecting the good. You have had a saying some decades ago. It even became a bumper sticker: Expect A Miracle. Well, take that as your motto every day. Expect a miracle. And you can be very specific about it if you want to. "I expect a miracle regarding the balance of the golden coins and the amount of work that I do. I expect a balance in my life." And you will find that it will come, because you will be asking to see it, and it will happen because you expect it.
There is truly only One. You look out, and because you have been taught to see many, you see brothers and sisters. You project out this belief. But truly, you are the One expressing as the many, and that in itself is a miracle, that you can do such an expectation, that you are going to see hundreds, thousands or more individuals, seemingly individuals, upon the face of our holy Mother Earth.
But stop for a moment and ask yourself, "Where does that idea come from? Well, it comes from my belief that there are many people inhabiting the world. Maybe I can see this differently. Maybe there is only One of us. Maybe there is only the I, the We." We; start working with the word We, because you are joined to all of the ones that you yet see because of the belief in the many.
So start working with "We." We feel peace. We are happy. We are enlightened. And then you come to a place where you begin to understand that the mind is showing you many because you have been taught that there are many. But maybe it is all a projection of the One. Play with that idea for awhile and see how powerful you are.
I have spoken to you throughout the years about how powerful you are, how creative you are, how you create everything that is in your world, in your experience. You create everything. And if you create it, where does it start first? It starts with an idea in your mind. So you begin to expect that things are going to be different. Things are going to be easy. "I am going to have everything I need."
You, as the One creative Mind that you are, will always take care of you. You can rely on that, even if you have to call on me and think that I will do miracles for you. I will, but it is truly your belief that does it. But if you want to call on me to do a few miracles for you, that is okay, too. I am happy to do that. It is easy.
Begin to understand your power. Begin to understand how Light you are, how Light everything in the world, in your world, can be as you project Light, as you feel Light. Physical lightness, yes; emotional lightness even more, and understanding that, "I expect to feel Light. I expect the brothers and sisters — as I still see the One expressing as the many — I expect to see them moving into Light."
As you work with expectancy, as you work with changing belief, it is powerful. That is why I can say to you that in the next twelve to fifteen months you are going to be in a very different place. You are going to see your world in a very different dimension, because you are projecting what the world is.
Now, do not take, from what I have just said, guilt upon yourself and say, "People in other countries are suffering because it is my belief that they are suffering. I am guilty." No, you are not. And they are not. In truth, they are not suffering. "Oh, my goodness, how can that be true. My news media tells me that there is chaos, there are uprisings, there is the military that is doing horrendous things. How can that be true?"
In truth, they are not suffering, except as how you believe they are suffering. What if you believed and expected that they are going to come to peace. It might happen; not only might happen, it will happen. It has to happen, because you are the extension—as we have said many times—of the one creative Principle. You create everything in your life. That is how powerful you are.
The mind cannot take that in. It can work with it, it can play with it, it can toss it around and find all sorts of objections to it. But when you work with the heart, with the feeling of the expectation, then you come to the truth. Work with loving everything that comes into your experience every day. Love it, thank it, and know that truly you have put it there as a gift.
I know many times separated ego has said, "Ha, big gift," and has wondered, "What are you going to do with this gift?" But everything is a gift that has led you to this place now where you are ready to hear that there is truly only One expressing as the many, as there is yet that belief. And how you are changing that in your preparation for the shift is with expectancy and with love; expecting that things are going to be different; expecting that you are going to love everything in your life.
Wow, big order. It seems to be big, but you have already made great strides in moving into the space of saying, "I want to see the good in this. I am willing to see the good in this." You have already made great progress. So when separated ego will speak to you that, "That's too tall an order, I can't do that, I can't love everything and count everything as a blessing," you just say back to separated ego, "Hey, I've been doing that. Where have you been? You didn't notice. I've been moving into a space of great gratitude for everything I know that I am out-picturing."
Work with loving everything that you see, everyone that you see. Work with, play with, experience loving yourself, because you are the one who is creating. You are the master, as we have spoken many times, and you have heard the words and you have said, "Oh, well, that sounds good, but how come I have all this manure in my life?" Well, it is because you want to grow, and so you do.
Work with gratitude for what you see in your life, and then bring that back home to yourself, to loving self, and say, "Hey, you know, I've really done a good job this lifetime. I've come through a lot of challenges, worldly challenges, and I've been able to see the good in it; maybe not right away, but later on I could see the good in it." Because truly you have allowed healing in a lot of areas where at the time when you were in the middle of it you did not think there could be healing—relationships especially.
And so then you live in a place of gratitude. You live in a place of saying, "Wow, there must have been a divine plan. Hmm." And then you move one step closer and you say, "I must have had an idea, a future self of me that was going to be able to look back on this and see the healing in it." Because you have in every moment what you would understand as a concept, a future self.
Play with that for awhile. It is powerful. Play with being the future self of you. "What is the future self"—and it may be like the next day or the next year or ten years—"what is the future self of me going to be doing? Where am I going to be? What do I want to be doing? What can I create?"
That is powerful, and that is part of the preparation for the shift that you are bringing about. Loving self, being grateful for everything in your life, seeing everything as a miracle, being able to look forward to the future self and say, "Self, how do you see what I am going through now?"
Put it forward perhaps the twelve months. Where are you going to be in twelve months? Separated ego says, "Well, I don't know." Well, separated ego does not know. But the future self of you does know and does exist even in this moment, and you can access it by expecting to access it.
The understanding of expectancy transforms your life. It hastens the shift that has been prophesied. You believe in the prophecy and you know something big is going to happen because it has been prophesied by many, many people; therefore, it has to be true. Of course, the many, many people are projections of your belief, but it comes from the one divine Source of you that says, "It's time. It's time now to know the one Self, the one creative Energy, the One that is expressing yet as the many, the We of us.
"We are doing really well. We are bringing miracles into existence. Wow! Hey, you know, that's really great. I can speak that to the friends. You know, we are really bringing about change"—and it is true. So you speak this to the friends. Some of them will understand and be happy about it. Other ones will say, "Hmm, that's very strange." But that is alright. You have created them in order to perhaps have a bit of feedback. And in time you are going to bring about only the ones who are in the same resonance with you, because your belief and your projection is going to show you only harmony.
You can feel that in the heart. The mind sometimes has a bit of a problem with it, but the heart knows. The heart feels love, Oneness. And then the heart instructs the mind to see things differently.
Those of you reading this have asked that you be the pivotal teachers, the ones who know that you are projecting that which you see in your life. It is what you expect to see. You are the ones who have agreed that you are going to take that power and you are going to spread it as seeds among the seeming many, and you are going to love them, because you have created them to be in your life.
You are going to say, "Wow." Maybe not out loud. "I have created you. I see you as an extension of life. I see you with a body. I see you going through experiences of life. I am creating you moment by moment. In truth, there is no separation, and you really do not exist except as I see and expect you to exist."
And that does not then cancel out their value. It only brings the belief system back to its origin, back to the one Mind that projects out. In Truth, you as individuals do not exist, except as there is belief in your mind that the other ones exist. So if you are creating them—and I say unto you truly, you are—then make them the way you want them to be. Make them as friends—happy, joyful, wanting to do things with you in a harmonious way to bring about peace, to bring about enlightenment in the world.
If, in Truth, the other ones do not exist except as you bring them into your reality – lower case "r" – then make them the beautiful beings that truly the extension of the one creative Principle would dictate that they are. Hear that well. Go back and read that again. It went over the head, but it is true. You are creating everything you experience; you have heard that before.
You are creating all of the friends and not-so-friends in your life. In truth, they only exist as you believe them to exist; therefore, you can see them differently. You can expect to see them differently. Now, that takes a bit of playing with, until you practice, practice, practice. But it does not take too much practice before the penny drops in the slot, and you say, "Oh, okay, I understand; I get a glimpse of that. Okay, and that means then that I can expect to see harmony in my world, even love." And you will.
Love is all around you all the time. It is what you truly are—love incarnate, expressing. And as you understand that about yourself, you begin to feel differently about yourself. You begin to know that truly it is the power of love that dictates to the mind what you are going to expect to see, and things change rapidly.
That is why I can make the prediction that within the next twelve to fifteen months you are going to see big changes. You are going to see big changes, because you are going to expect to see big changes. It has been prophesied. A master has spoken to you that it is going to happen; many masters, in truth. And you are going to project out the belief that changes are going to happen. And what will you see? Changes. The changes that you have prayed for many lifetimes.
Now you have moved to the place where you are willing to see changes. Other lifetimes you expected to live the human life with all of its challenges because you wanted to play in the sandbox; you wanted to know what that particular sandbox felt like. What color was the sand? Was it heavy, was it light, was it gray, was it pink, was it green sand? What happened when you threw it up in the air? Did it come back down on top of you, or did it fly away somewhere? You wanted to know the different sandboxes.
But in the back of your knowing, even in what you understand other lifetimes to be, there was a knowing, a hope that you would come to a place of understanding that the sandbox was just a sandbox, just a place to play; no judgment, but just a place to be creative. And so you have been very creative. And now you can look back and you can bless every creation.
Expect a miracle. Expect to change your mind. Expect to feel differently about yourself. Expect to take on the power of changing your beliefs, and then look for the miracles, because they will be there—little ones and big ones. And that which you have thought to be difficult will find an ease in manifesting the answer. It will flow.
Change your thoughts and you change your reality. It is as easy as that. Change your expectancy and you change your reality—lower case "r". And the power for changing your reality—lower case "r"—comes from the Reality of the capital "R" because you are the extension of the one creative Principle. You are energy. You are Intelligence. You are the divine flow of Beingness from before time began.
You are the creators of time. And after the purpose of time has been fulfilled, and that may happen in the next twelve to fifteen months, you are always going to be that which you are right now—the one divine Self, the extension of the one divine Source. So if you are that—and I guarantee that you are—why not be happy? Expect to be happy, and you will be.
Understand the power of your creativity. Begin to grasp it. Begin to understand the one Mind that you are.
Do not take guilt, because nothing is judged; nothing is judged. Everything serves the realization of at-One-ment. Everything brings you to the place where you are right now, where you have grasped a new idea, an understanding of how powerful you are.
Expect to see me. Play with that one for awhile. Expect to see me in the light body, as a physical body glowing. Feel me. I will take your hand. Feel my hand taking yours. Reach out right now and feel my hand taking your hand. Feel the energy. Know that always that which I am, you are.
Beloved and holy and only Child of our heavenly Father, Child of the one Source, Child of Light, divine. That is who you are. Take it deeply within the consciousness and contemplate what that means.
I am the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph, Jesus you have called me, and it is in great joy that I come to abide with you this evening in your timing as you have chosen once again to call me forth. Great joy always to be in your midst; to be able to look out with the human eyes and to behold the radiance of you; to be able to feel heart to heart the love that you are; and to feel the excitement of your soul as it stands upon the threshold of making a great shift into the place of understanding Oneness.
Great excitement. All of the masters, ascended and those who walk amongst you, are feeling great excitement, because you are ready. You have been asking, you have been pleading, you have been praying to want to know, "Who am I? Why am I? What is happening? I want to know all of me; not just the separated ego that says I have problems and challenges and that I have issues, that I have things that I have to just trust are going to work out alright. But I want to know all of me. I want to know the good stuff."
You have begun to say that now. It is time to know the good stuff. You have said, "I have suffered the slings and arrows of the world long enough. I have been in the challenges long enough. Now I want to know all of me. I want to know the Reality—capital "R"—of me and to know that it allows me to make the reality—lower case "r"—of my own experience, and if I don't like that reality, to know that I have the power to change it and to really take hold of that power;" to really take hold of the divine power of creativity that you are, to make the changes that seem to separated ego to be impossible, and to make those changes moment by moment. And that is what it takes.
Separated ego has been your companion for so long that it feels like it is part of you, a very integral part of you. Whenever you start to move into a new space, it is going to speak to you loudly and it is going to remind you of other times when you tried to step out of what the human image had been.
When you decide to ask to know the All of you, separated ego will run onstage and it will say, "But you tried that before, and it didn't get you anywhere. Why do you think that now is going to be different?" And you say, "Because now I have other information. I have practiced my trust. I have practiced my Light, turning on my Light, feeling happy in the midst of unknowing and what it takes in order to come to that place of realizing—making real in my experience—the Oneness that I am."
The power of that Oneness is the old adage, "Practice, practice, practice." Just keep saying, "I Am One. I Am powerful. I Am coming out of the place of separation. I Am trusting. I know that I am loved, being taken care of, and that always I will prosper. Always I am whole. I am healed already. I do not have to worry about what the morrow if going to bring me, because I know it is going to be all for my good," which it is.
Now, separated ego at that point is going to run onstage and say, "Oh, yeah, right; it may look like a pile of manure, but it's going to be for your good; sure." And you say, "Yes, I trust it now. I know that it is all working for the realization of at-One-ment, that realization of knowing that there is truly only One of us present. There is only One of us; no separation."
This is why I have spoken to you many, many times and why the other masters have spoken to you that there is only One, that your Reality—capital "R"—is the Oneness; only One; not separation. So there is great excitement on this plane and the other planes as well as they behold your willingness, because that is all it takes, is your willingness to practice, to come back each time and to say, "No, I'm not going to be as I was even a moment or so before or a day before. I am going to be a new person in Christ."
Your brothers and sisters have a good saying there if they would realize the true meaning of it. I am a new person in Christ. I am realizing the Christ being that I am. What would the Christ do? Not just what would Jesus do, but what would the Christ do in a situation? And then you pause for a moment, you take a deep breath, and if you don't get an answer, you take another deep breath. And if you don't get an answer, you keep on breathing until you do get an answer. Or, you fall over into a bit of a sleep because you have too much oxygen, but that won't happen, because before that happens you will have some guidance.
Now, I have been asked to speak this evening about your upcoming year that is quickly approaching, a year that has been called 2012, two-thousand-twelve. There have been many prophecies about what this year 2012 is going to bring. There have been conflicting reports and prophecies, and it is hard to know what is going to be happening.
Well, I say unto you, you are the ones who are going to be making the reality—lower case "r"—of 2012. I am going to give you some probabilities, but the final choice is yours. You are the masters, so therefore whenever there is a choice, allow yourself to breathe, to step back as the Beholder and to ask, "What is for the highest good of All, of the One?" And again, if the answer doesn't come right away, you ask again and you wait for it.
Now, your year 2012 has been designated as a great pivotal year, and it has prophecy that on the last month and the third week of the last month of the year there is going to be a great change. Ones are going to wake up and realize who they are and what is going on. And this is true. That prophecy contains a kernel of truth in it.
There will be many. Because they expect that to happen, it will happen for them and through them. However, I do say unto you that you do not have to wait until December 21 for it to happen. You can let it happen on June 21 and celebrate early or any other date that you want in the year, because you are the masters of your reality—lower case "r".
But, probabilities—as it is seen now, looking forward into the year 2012, it is going to be a year of great tumult, chaos; a year of divisiveness; a year of brothers and sisters choosing sides and standing very firm in their beliefs and defending their beliefs, much as you have had in this year. But it is going to grow, where ones get very much into two definite camps and defend what they believe to be the rightness of their beliefs.
And so for the first ten, eleven months of the year, you are going to have much of chaos, much of words, much of judgment. It is not going to be a pretty sight, except as you will sit in the front row of seats at a Broadway production and behold all of the drama going on and keep yourself from getting drawn into it, as much as it is possible.
Now, you are going to have your own beliefs, and you're going to find an affinity with others who share the same belief systems. You are going to find that from time to time you are going to get a wee bit hooked by what is being said by "the others" and then you're going to back off from that and say, "But it is a Broadway production and it is worthy of many awards," because it will be.
You are going to find ones rising to the occasion, very strong in their beliefs, and putting forth information, whether it be truth or not, putting forth information that suits their cause. And they will, at least at the surface level, believe in what they are saying. If you were to question—and there will be much questioning that will go on—if you were to question them and take it a bit deeper, there would be a bit of what you call the waffling. But on the surface of things there is going to be much divisiveness.
The voices that are calling out for change, that are calling out for helping brothers and sisters, those voices are going to get trampled in the melee of the other ones who feel that they must complete lifetimes of being the warrior. That is what they are doing. They are completing lifetimes where they have been in battles, embattled, where they have been the commanders, where they have been the ones who had to make the hard decisions, and where even if they saw the battle going against them, they could not change their mind because they were already stuck into what they had chosen.
And so there are going to be ones who are going to be very definite and warlike. You are going to see much of war—on a large scale and on an individual scale. Co-workers…there is going to be much of upheaval in the employment, and the employment is going to be even less than what you have now; in other words, what is coming up to be the programs for job creation, these programs are going to fail. They are not going to be the be all and end all answer, although the ones touting them are going to say that they are.
The power is going to be finally realized at the grass roots level, at the personal level. That is the miracle that is going to happen. The power is with you and the brothers and sisters, taking your power back from the collections of ones who supposedly represent you, and they do not. They represent themselves or the big corporations.
There is going to be a miracle of change of thought, where ones are going to realize that the representatives do not represent me. They are going against anything that would seem to be common sense, and common sense is not all that common, as you know. They are not looking out for the common man. They are looking out for how to win the battle, because as I have said, they are completing lifetimes where they have been the warriors and where they had to be right, and if they were not right, it was death to the body for them.
So you can see that it is a life and death crisis that they are going to be looking at, and therefore they are going to be very much stuck into their belief and they are going to defend it to the death. You and other ones who have a different viewpoint, you are going to wonder, "What is happening to my reality? This is not what I have envisioned. This is not what I thought would be happening in a place that has promised that each person can live their dream, the so-called American dream, the so-called potentiality of ones being able to realize their fullest potential. This is not," you are going to be saying to yourself, "what I thought the representatives were going to be saying."
Now, some of the representatives will be understanding the position of the "common man/woman" and they will be speaking out, but their voices are going to be drowned out by the warriors who have to win. So you are going to see much of warring and you're going to see much of discussion going on; disappointment; frustration of ones who elected a leader thinking that he could make everything right, and seeing that he cannot make everything right. In truth, he couldn't anyway, because you are the ones in charge of your own destiny. But he volunteered, as the great soul that he is, that he would play this part in this time and that he would do his best to interject from time to time a voice of reason.
But the voice of reason will not be heard; not for a long time in the year; not for many months in the year. And ones are going to turn to each other, ones of like mind, ones who want to help others. You are going to group together and ask, "What do we have in our house that we can share with others to make it better for them? What can we do to form, perhaps, a corporation of our own, an organization of our own, whatever legalese it needs to be, where we can collect and distribute the goods that ones need and stop looking to the big father/mother in Washington D.C. or in any capitol of any country to take care of me.
The big father/mother, in truth, does not exist except in your heart. So it is going to begin to dawn upon you and the brothers and sisters that you do not have a voice in the large scale of what is going on, but you do have a voice that is very powerful when you band together and decide what you can do to make it better for ones in your own neighborhood and even farther away than that as you begin to get a bigger picture of what can be done.
You are not powerless. There is going to be a feeling the first few months, the first six months perhaps, of the year 2012 of powerlessness. "Why can't my representatives understand what needs to be done? Why am I powerless to get them to understand this petition I've just signed? Why won't they hear me?"
They won't hear you because they don't need to hear you, because you are going to take it into your own hands and heart to change things. All of you are very powerful, and all it takes is that shift in consciousness that says, "I am that which I've been seeking. I am all-powerful and I can help others. I can join with others of like mind."
You have many in your midst who know how to organize. They have been sitting on the sidelines…such as you and you and you and you…sitting on the sidelines thinking, "Well, gee, I'm just one person and I haven't had a degree in such and such and I don't know what I can do."
You can do a lot. Already you know how to use your technology to be in concert with others, immediate concert with others with your texting and with your e-mails and your telephones. You know how to be in concert with others and you know how to find ones who know how to organize.
All it takes is that small shift to the place where you say, "Hey, nobody else is doing this. Maybe it's because it's for me to do it," and taking your power back, no longer looking to big brother/big sister/mother/father in government to look after you. It's not there. This is what you are "proving" to yourself as evidence that mother/father/government can no longer do it. But you can. You can become the government of the people, by the people, for the people.
What do you think that statement means? Your forefathers knew when they wrote that. They knew where the power lies; not with representatives that are miles away and haven't a clue what you do day by day. They knew where the power lies, and it is being given back to you now.
So you will gather in groups—doesn't matter the size—a group of two or three, a group of five, six, five hundred—doesn't matter—realizing that you can help your brothers and sisters. You can look into your closets, your wardrobes, everything that you have in your house to share. All of you have extra blankets. All of you have extra clothing that you don't use any longer.
"Well, I might need it, maybe next year; I'd better keep it." Well, you keep it until the moths get to it. Give it away. Whatever you have, give it away. It'll be a freeing feeling and it will also be much help for others who perhaps are in a place of feeling helpless. You say to them, "Hey, what do you have that you can give? I'll do you a trade." Because you don't want them to feel that they're just receiving and they're being powerless. You ask of them to give as well. It's an exchange, because they have something to give.
And if they don't have something tangible to give, they have a smile to give. They have words of wisdom to share with other ones. They have the hug that can be given or the shoulder that someone else can cry on or lean on for a moment or so, however long it might take. If they do not have the tangible, they have definitely the intangible.
So the power is coming back to you. That is my message to you about the year 2012. There is a miracle that will be happening in the year, and the miracle is going to be the waking up of the people to take the power back; not only in this geo-political country, but in other countries as well, but you don't have to wait for the other ones to wake up. You can wake up. You can start even now.
Study for yourself. Take those words deep within you: the power of the people, by the people, and for the people. What does that mean? Hey, maybe I'm a people. Maybe I have power. Maybe I don't have to sit and wait until somebody else takes care of me and does something for me. I'm speaking there as a generalization. Spread the word to other ones.
I would suggest that you meet once a week with ones of like mind and get organized as to where you can volunteer, give your services, give your tangible goods, whatever you have to share. Get the ideas flowing. You know how powerful an idea can be, an idea whose time has come. And I am telling you that in the year 2012 this idea's time has come. Yes, and it is okay.
Government is going to look like a mish-mash, because it is. Government has lost touch with the people. Government is full of warriors who are completing, and there is nothing that is going to get them off their course. But the good news is, you don't have to worry about them, because you are going to be taking the power and organizing.
You have foundations of some corporations, of philanthropic organizations that you can work with, or even better, you can set up your own. If everyone put in a small tithe…you may not have much; you may say, "Well, my tithe is only about ten cents." Okay, a ten cent here and a ten cent there, and after a while you have twenty cents. Yes, it adds up; fifty cents, a dollar; pretty soon you've got money to work with to help ones.
But it doesn't have to be just the golden coins. That is the point I am trying to put across. It can be the intangibles of believing in another person, asking an unemployed person, "What is your specialty? What can you do? What would you like to do?" Make a survey. "Oh, but Jeshua, that takes time." Well, what else do you have? You've got time. And then matching up ones.
You have on your most wonderful worldwide web things like e-Bay, Craig's List, Angie's List. Okay, start with those. Start your own, a list of ones who will work for food, barter; old-fashioned idea, yes, but it works. Start your own list—Jennie's List. What do you have that you can exchange.
This does two things. It serves the person who is looking for a person who is unemployed and has talents but is not being hired anywhere, and it also gives them the self-image that they are no longer unwanted, but they have value. They're on your list. You might even get phone calls and text messages…and they will.
Take your power back. That is what the year 2012 is all about. Now, I know that this evening's message has been a little bit different than what you expected to hear, but your economy is going down because there's nothing to prop it up. Your economy is like a house of cards, and you've begun to see some of the cards on the foundation, lower floors, have been pulled out. And the ones in the upper floors, upper stories of what has been built, are a bit shaky, to say the least.
Your economy is not going to improve from outside sources, but it is going to improve by what you do, because you are going to be believing in Jennie's List, in Jim's List, in Ted's List. You are going to be believing in the group that you organize, and you start networking. You are all good networkers, and you know other ones who are not physically present here in this room who are good networkers.
All of you actually are good networkers. You know people. Goodness, you don't sit in your closet and not see anybody. Every day you go out and you interact with people. Start interacting, offering, asking what does someone else have to offer.
You have in this evening a table full of books and tapes that are free for the taking because someone is wanting to empower you, and in that way to empower herself. You all have stuff that you can share with other ones. Some of the stuff may be of more immediate use. All of the stuff is of use, but sometimes the brothers and sisters are hurting too much to sit with what you would term the spiritual books and understand their spiritual power, so you have to start with feeding the body first or giving them the blanket to keep the body comfortable.
Then after the body is comfortable, then perhaps they can begin to go into the well of themselves and to dig deeper and to find the power that they are. I would suggest, strongly suggest that those of you who can, meet together once a week and give a report as to what you have done in that week to further the group's activities of making the list, of getting it on the computer, of perhaps contacting places that are already set up to help ones who are homeless.
If you have friends who are homeless…what do you have in your house that you can share? Do you have spare room in your house? Actually, you do. You'll say, "Yes, but there's this and that and this problem and this other challenge and…." Sure.
Why do you think you have recently this past year, 2011, seen so much of the "natural disasters" of the weather? It has been a housecleaning. It has been a time of ones having everything that they ever valued taken away or threatened to be taken away. They've come to the place where they've had to realize, and they have even spoken that, "I've lost everything, even the photographs of my ancestors, even treasured mementos, but I still have my family."
They have come to the realization of what is truly important. It's not the things, not the tangible things, and they realize this, although as I have said, sometimes you need the tangible things for the body in order to then move on to the next stage of realizing who you are. But they have come to a realization that the tangible things are not who they are.
Why do you think you have so much of the earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, the drought that has gone on for months in parts of your country? It has been so that ones can be reduced to the actuality of who and what they are. They are not their job. They are not their house. They are not anything that they ever thought they were.
You and the brothers and sisters have been doing exquisite planning of process over the past few years of, first of all, letting some of the economy slip—the banks, the mortgages, ones losing their houses because they were—as-it-is-called—upside down in the mortgages. It has started as a process some years ago, and then the businesses not having the money to reinvest in their business and having to let some of the workers go; good people with talents, but no longer with the money to pay them.
So there's been this downward spiral. Why? It has been a great global wake-up call, but if you want to, you can just look at your own geo-political country and see what has been happening. It has been on a global scale, because you are no longer isolated from the brothers and sisters who might be across the water somewhere or in another country.
You are not separate. Your news media tries to bring that home to you every time you tune-in to it. They show you what is happening with the brothers and sisters who are rising up and demanding that they have a voice. Yes, your heart goes out to them because some of it looks rather horrendous. But in truth, they have volunteered to play in this great global Broadway production so that you all as One can wake up to where the power really lies. Look not to another one, for the power lies within you.
So I would highly suggest that you meet with ones of like mind once a week, once every two weeks perhaps. If you do not have a group that is of like mind, seemingly, you have your religious organization, your church perhaps where ones want to do good, but aren't quite sure how to do it, or maybe they are sure how to do it.
You can work within the structures that are already established and take your power back. That is what the year 2012 is about. That is the miracle that is going to be happening. And on the day of December 21, 2012, there is going to be an awakening of ones looking back over the year and realizing—making real in their awareness—hey, look what we have done in this year. Look what we have done, joined together as One. Feel the power in that? That is going to be the great awakening on December 21. As I have said, perhaps it will come sooner than December 21.
Take this all to heart, because what you are going to see in the next year of your timing is going to be horrendous, a mess, divisive, warring; not at all what you have hoped for. And yet the outcome is going to be what you have hoped for, because as I have said over and over and you have heard it go over the head, everything works for the realization of at-One-ment.
Everything, no matter how bad it looks, works for the realization of "I AM THAT WHICH I AM. I AM the power that I seek. I AM the love. I AM the miracle. I'm not going to wait for someone else to do it for me." You've been doing that long enough—lifetimes where you have enslaved yourselves. You have prostrated yourself and you have said, "Oh, master, please take care of me. I will do your bidding." And you got twenty lashes and sent out into the field.
Long enough you have given your power away. Even in this geo-political country that has been founded by enlightened ones, there has still been the thread of giving away power and hoping, expecting that the great master in the capitol city will take care of you. You don't need someone else, and you're not going to get it, but you do have the power yourself.
Be not down-hearted. Be lifted up by the power of the Christ within.
Beloved one, we will continue speaking of the year that has been prophesied to be a great shifting year, a year of great change, the year 2012, and the prophecy that by the end of the year there will be known in reality and in awareness the collective and individual shift that truly is in process right now and has been for some time.
In the year called 2012 you are going to continue to see a good bit of divisiveness. People are choosing their camp, which side they want to be on, what they believe because of generational teaching based upon past histories and completion of past histories.
So it will be interesting in the coming year to see what will be happening. It has not been written yet. It is very fluid now and will be for a good six, nine months yet, very fluid. You are going to be asking questions, you are going to be listening, wondering, "How is this going to affect the overall; not only for this geo-political grouping, but also for the world, the global impact?" because you have already recognized that this geo-political grouping is part of the global manifestation of issues and resolution of those issues.
With the isolation that was known before your technology and your means of transportation evolved the way they have most rapidly in the last five decades, there was a possibility that each country could be on its own, but now there are ties where if there is a ripple in one geo-political country, it ripples out and touches the others as well. It is part of your knowing of Oneness, how there is truly no separation.
But meantime the way it plays out and the way it appears is rather chaotic and rather disturbing if separated ego gets in there and starts giving a message. Your job in all of this is to hold the highest vision, to look at every happening and ask, "How does this serve the Atonement, the realization of at-One-ment?"
Much is going on in other geo-political countries which is influencing what goes on in this country as well. So when you do your visioning you are going to include all of holy Mother Earth and all of the peoples, because you are the One expressing as the many, and there is no separation. What happens in another geo-political grouping affects you, and what you choose, what you envision spreads out and touches other ones as well.
So your purpose, your mission, should you choose to accept it, and you have already decided that you will, is to hold the highest visioning and to know that truly everything does work for the realization of at-One-ment.
There is coming a knowing of the Oneness, and it is a bit like birthing the physical. There is the labor and the energy that has to go into birthing something new, and what you are seeing now is the birthing process. Some of it is painful. Later the painful part will not be remembered, the same as with the physical birthing. At the time, it is not too pleasant, but afterwards the pain is not remembered, but the joy is there.
That is what is coming to be, and how you get there depends on how you decree you will be with this new birthing, how you will look for the best and highest and the reasons that things are happening. Look to what could be possible reasons that certain things are coming up to be looked at, for there will be much that is going to be changing. There is going to be much of upheaval in the process.
And yes, holy Mother Earth is going to aid in that, as you have seen with the storms that have come and the earth quaking in various parts, even where earthquakes were not expected to be. Holy Mother Earth is going to help with the changes as well. Count it all as good, even if it comes to your doorstep and then you no longer have a doorstep. Count it all as good, for truly the changes are bringing you and the brothers and sisters to a place of understanding manifestation and the spirit energy that manifests everything.
You do manifest everything that is in your reality. Watch your thoughts. Watch the process of thoughts. If you find a thought that is fearful, that is leading you downward into a place where you feel like you could give up, watch the journey of your thoughts and catch yourself and choose anew.
It is very important to be aware of your thoughts. Always this has been true, but it is even more true and important in the next twelve months. So watch what you say, because your words carry energy. Your words carry the energy of what your thoughts are, and thoughts are powerful. Speak always in a positive way. Always look for the good, even if everything looks like it is going to be a muddle. There is purpose, divine purpose in every muddle, every upheaval, every conflict.
This lifetime is a culmination of many other lifetimes you have lived where you have been asking the question, "Who am I? Why am I? Why are certain things happening?" So you are getting the answers, and it will become clearer and clearer for you as the time goes on.
Choose anew every time news comes to you. Think of someone or something that you love when you are in a space where it looks like a possible disaster and it does not make you feel too good in the solar plexus perhaps. At that moment take the deep breath and think of someone or a pet perhaps that you love, and be in that space of love.
All of you have something or somebody that you love very much, and as you will choose anew on the emotional level—that is where the power lies—on the emotional level, find, feel, live in the space of loving someone or something and you will see changes immediately in the outer; maybe not big changes that you would like to see, but every change will lead to the bigger change that you have been praying for.
So allow yourself to be of good cheer. That is most important, because many of the brothers and sisters are looking at appearances and finding themselves frustrated, sad, wondering. You can turn that around for yourself and you can put hope out to the many, because there is no separation.
As you live and breathe and feel the love of whoever you choose to be your symbol of love, you put out hope to the other ones who may not think that there is a possibility for hope. You put out a little bit more Light. Now, you are all light-beings, whether you see it or not. The brothers and sisters are light-beings as well, although they see it not. They are too focused right in front of the nose to see any farther than that. That is not said in judgment, because there is much in the human condition that has to be attended to, and so they are busy attending to the family and the dwelling place and the employment or the non-employment, depending on what is happening in their life.
So it is not said in judgment, but for you who now are awakening, allow yourself to live in love. Feel that love. Know that you are in love. Even say to yourself, "I am in love. Wow! Hey, I thought that happened long ago, but you know, I'm in love," and it feels really good. If you can think of no other—and this is not true, because you will think of objects of love—think of me. I am in love with you, very truly in love with you.
Two thousand years ago when we walked together there was great love, camaraderie, being companions, knowing the human condition and yet knowing there was more than that. Two thousand years ago you were in love with me. You followed me everywhere as often as you could to hear what I would share with you, to hear what was the newest joke on the block because, believe it or not, I collected funny stories, and there were many funny happenings.
Now, beloved one, I want to speak of a broader view. We have been speaking about the geo-political happenings and the divisiveness and the choices that brothers and sisters are going to be making and about how the economics seem to be falling apart because it has been founded on confidence in the system, and the confidence now has been undermined.
You have brought it to a certain place of manifestation where you are understanding the workings of the economy and the welfare—the physical welfare, not the spiritual welfare, because that always is okay—but the physical welfare of brothers and sisters and yourself as well. So you have had a chance to examine and look at how does it feel to perhaps not have a paycheck of golden coins coming in each month, or as you have had it reduced. How does it feel to be one of the people that you never thought you would be?
"I never thought I would be unemployed. I have a lot to offer. Why did I get the pink slip? Why did my company have to 'downsize'? Why has this happened to
me? I've always done my best." It has happened to you because you are manifesting change, and you have asked to see how things look from a different perspective. That is all that it is about, is to have a different view, a different perspective, and you will be able to find your way out of it, even if it feels very, very dark some nights when you toss and turn and worry and wonder what is going to be happening.
"How can I deal with it?" I would suggest unto you that you deal with the Now. Where are you right now? You are right here, reading my words. You are breathing. You have had something to eat. You have raiment to wear. It may not be the designer clothes, but you do not really need designer clothes. You have what you need and truly more.
Now I wish to speak of a broader view that you will become aware of more and more as the months go by. You have many who watch how the starseeds—who are you—are working together or not. You have many that you would call the extraterrestrials, embodied or not, who watch and take note of how you are evolving.
In the next six to nine months, even twelve months, you are going to be aware more and more of the vastness of your reality; not just what is in front of your nose, not just what the news media brings you to chew on like a dog will chew on a bone, not just what you have seen in your physical world, but you are going to become aware of an energy that is vast, part of the cosmos.
You are going to become aware of a loving energy that wishes you well; this has been true since the beginning of this seeding, where the starseeds—you—have been seeded on holy Mother Earth. There is a loving energy that you will feel more and more, and you are going to know yourself to be the spiritual brother and sister of ones that, because your focus has been for generations upon the physical, you have not been aware of them, but they have been aware of you and they are aware of you now as you go through some of these upheavals, as you go through some of the choices that you make. They are aware of you, and they are very much open to your communication.
You are going to feel a new energy, a loving energy, a supportive energy that is going to sometimes do small miracles of changing time for you, of changing other circumstances; not because they are doing a magic that you cannot do, because truly you are doing it, but you are going to be feeling more of the expansive You.
This is important, because some of the roller coaster that you are going to be riding in the next year of your timing is going to be a bit bouncy, and if you can see yourself to be the energy that is vast -- as you truly are -- it is going to help you over some of the bumps of the roller coaster. It is going to help you hold on and enjoy the ride.
In some cases, because you feel the energy so strongly, you are going to actually see for a moment or so or longer an entity, a loving entity; not as your science fiction and your early stories of the ETs have portrayed as something to be feared; not as something that has been put out there as a story that your government has been in cooperation with some of the ETs and have allowed some of the population to be used as experimental.
The energy that is coming into your reality, your awareness, is loving energy. Now, I know that you yet live in a reality of duality. There is a belief in duality; therefore, there is going to be a voice that is going to be speaking of duality. But I say unto you, you do not have to listen to that voice any more than you would listen to an old nag who was telling you a story that you did not want to hear.
The fearsome stories which will pop up because of the belief in duality are going to be there as well, but they are not true—lower case "t"—in your reality. Hear that well, because you have a choice. You are going to be hearing all kinds of stories about how you could be prey for them to work on you, to abduct you, to take you somewhere, etc. You have had those stories already. That is not going to be your reality.
The energy that you are going to feel, because you have asked for it, is a loving energy that allows you to know your vastness; not just tied to the focus of the physicality—hear that well—it is going to be a loving energy that allows you to feel the vastness of you that is not tied to the focus of physicality. So you are going to feel a shift, and it will come some morning, some afternoon when it is least expected probably, and you are going to feel that something is different.
"Something has shifted and I don't know what it is, but I don't feel alone any longer." Enough lifetimes you have walked in a reality of your own making where you felt alone. You felt that you had to defend yourself, your belongings, the family, the dwelling place, and you felt alone and you wondered, you questioned if you were going to be able to defend and keep that which was important to you.
Long enough you have walked in a reality of aloneness. No longer do you have to walk in that space of feeling alone and vulnerable. You are
not vulnerable and you are
not alone.
You are vast spiritual energy that you bring into a physical manifestation. You are vast spiritual energy that you bring into the physical and manifest the physical reality.
So what I am speaking to you now goes beyond what we have said previously when we were focusing upon the physical stories. Now it is time to shift your awareness, and you are the only one who can do it, but I send out the suggestion very strongly to focus upon the vastness that you are and the loving energy that you are, and as you focus on that, it is as a magnet that draws the loving energy to you; in other words, you will become aware of it. It is always there, and as you focus upon it and you are as the magnet that draws it to you, you are going to awaken and you are going to say, "Hey, you know, I really feel like I'm being taken care of."
And it is true. You
are being taken care of. Every time you lift your foot, physically and spiritually, you have energy that guides you as to where you can put the foot down. Every step you take; every physical step, every choice that you make, every spiritual move forward you are being guided by the vastness of you, the loving energy that you are.
You can listen to the stories that have a lot of fear in them. They are fun to listen to. They are fun to play with, the drama of it. It is great drama. It makes for great movies. Ones do make these movies, and the stories do come forth and ones fear, "Look at what might happen to me." Well, that is one outlook, but in your reality it is not true, because you are going to choose anew.
You have the power of choice. You have built that into your reality and you are awakening to it. You have always had the power of choice, but a lot of times you have chosen to say, "I don't have power of choice. All these things happen to me, and I'm not powerful enough to deal with them." Now you have a choice to say, "
I am the vastness of the cosmos and I draw unto me the loving energy that I am."
Then you will feel yourself in a new space which is part of the shift that is going to be happening; not just a shift that seems to be on holy Mother Earth, but a shift that ripples out into the cosmos and attracts to itself the loving energy that you are, and it comes back to you as the waves. They recede and then they come back to shore and they bring you that which you have sent out.
So be aware of your thoughts. Be aware of your words, because the words indicate what your thoughts are and what your belief is. Be positive. Speak positive. Yes, you can ask questions. "Is this true?" In fact, it is very good to question everything and see what resonates with you as the loving energy that you are.
You have heard me say that you are the holy Child come forth into this reality to express and experience the love of the Creator. What do you think those words mean? Are they just empty words that sound good? I would not waste your time saying something that is not true. I know that you need repetition for it to sink in. It is true now as it was two thousand years ago. My message two thousand years ago I gave over and over in different ways, over and over and over about the love of the Father.
Now you can call it the Father/Mother/God/Goddess/All That Is because, you see, you have expanded your awareness of the Isness of you. So I come and I speak to you over and over the same Truth, that you are loved, so loved that you have chosen to come into an incarnation that does not believe in loving energy. I come in order to bring you love, laughter, Light, to be here amongst the brothers and sisters to laugh, to find the goodness of life, the nectar of life, and to live in that space and allow it to spread out from you.
Always you have the power of choice. If something comes up and says, "This could be…oh, my goodness, it could be bad," breathe, be aware of where your thoughts are taking you, and choose anew. At that point, allow yourself to expand into the love of something or somebody that you love dearly and then feel the loving energy around you, the vastness of the loving energy of the cosmos, because you are much more than the body; you are much more than the personality. You are much more than any of your achievements—believe it or not.
You are the vastness of the cosmos which has chosen to be incarnate one more time to express the Truth of your being. You
are love. You
are the power of the Christ. You
are the living, walking essence of the Christ upon holy Mother Earth and beyond. The vastness of the cosmos is you.
Study some of your photographs of the cosmos and the birthing of new stars. Feel the energy of manifestation. Allow yourself to get into it and know that you
are the manifestation of that new star that is being birthed. It would not be happening without you. It would not be happening without you. Live in the vastness of the space of loving energy, always manifesting, always renewing, and you will find me there.