It seems to move exactly parallel to the camera, never twists around its own axis which you'd expect if it was moving diagonally away or toward the camera. Is it coincidental that it's exactly parallel (if a distant object)?
If it was balloons or plastic garbage, the "legs" at the very least would move, changing the silhouette.
But if it's something like dirt hanging near the camera, barely moving, or sandwiched between two plates of glass in the equipment, it would remain parallel with the same silhouette.
External Quote:
"It's in thermal, it was filmed on a weapons platform... The problem was, the optics platform was jammed... not being able to lock it was one of the first signs that somethings weird. I was able to find direct eye witnesses and corroborate that this event did happen. [The hanging bits] had geometric form like scales... There were also people with night vision who were out and they were tasked to go look for it, couldn't see it on the night vision. Only in the thermal spectrum could it be seen.
Source: Jeremy Corbell speaking over the video in this
Mike Colangelo tweet, taken from
TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution, episode 1 (not available to view, not for me anyway)
Couldn't lock on because it wasn't out there?
People sent out couldn't see it with night vision because it wasn't out there?
Scales because it was dirt?
Could only be seen "in the thermal spectrum" which I assume is a reference to the footage itself?
No footage of it flying off, natch.
Screenshots a second or two apart showing the object presenting the same silhouette. Looks like a spider's moulted skin to me.
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