Please help me: Where exactly does Coulthart say that if it's not here in the video?
Edit: It's here in the transcript posted by me. Doesn't say "trusted" though
My bad, I must have misremembered the "trusted" part, maybe from another Coulthart segment.
As you quoted:
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news nation has independently obtained previously unseen video obtained from a secret UAP craft retrieval program.
They never actually say this is video from Barber's claimed retrieval. When they come back from showing the video, Barber makes no mention of it, he goes on to talk about the "acorn" which made him feel the "Spirit of God" when he transported it:
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The UAP Final Destination still unknown.
So there. There was another object. There's two objects that I'm here to talk about. One was the egg. The other is what we called an acorn.
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No, no, it was a very feminine energy, I'll tell you that. It felt like felt like the Spirit of God,
I think Matt33 sums it up well:
This is all deliberately unclear, ambiguous and misleading.
I don't think at any point does Coulthart or News Nation explicitly make it clear that the video is directly related to Barber. Barber tells of 2 retrivals. In the first, he infers he's lifting something that looks like an egg:
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Well, I was a helicopter pilot, and I operate with, 150ft to 200ft long line. So I got within 150ft of this object. What did you see?
I saw an egg, a white. Egg.
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I would say approximately 20ft, plus or minus a little bit about the size of a large SUV.
And he does NOT know at that point that it's alien, just weird:
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How did you know that that egg shaped object was non-human in origin? Well, visually, after seeing all kinds of things in my past, it was clearly something that was ridiculously looking. It's inconsistent with anything I'd ever seen before. I can also tell you that the reaction by my team, we all knew we were dealing with something, extraordinary. And at no stage were you ever subsequently told
that the craft was of non-human origin.
He then claims it was NOT confirmed to be alien, but rather not unique:
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I will tell you that during this process over the last couple of years, it's been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP Task Force that what we were working with that night was, in fact, at high, and it was not a unique experience.
Again, he was never told it was alien during the operation, and the UAP Task force did not in this quote confirm it as alien either. Just "not a unique experience", whatever that means. It's all word play and inuendo.
Then Coulthart shows the video claiming the craft is 20', just like Barber said, but does not say this is the same egg Barber saw or transported. Which, if the "not" "unique" comment by the UAPTF is at all credible, would make sense. There are more that one of these eggs getting moved around it would seem.
But that brings up the problem of the UAPTF and credibility. We know that for a while the UAPTF was run by Elizondo's old AATIP UFO hunting partner Jay Stratton, included David Grusch among others and had as it's Chief Scientist, Travis Taylor of
Ancient Aliens and
Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch fame. Their report was full of supposedly unexplainable UAPs that turned out to be very explainable.
After showing the video, Barber moves on to his "acorn" and "God" story without even commenting on the video. I assume he saw it. This seems to be typical Coulthart smoke and mirrors. Barber never says he was told any of these things were alien, not even by the alien hunters at the UAPTF. He just believed they were alien, and Coulthart runs with that as an alien retrieval program.
And to reiterate, unlike the standard secret UFO retrieval programs that run off to Roswell, Keksburg, Kingman and Brazil, Barber seems to have just operated in the deserts of Southern California at what he calls "the range". Unless he's bopping over to Nevada and Groom Lake/Area 51, he's pretty much operating at Edwards Air Force base.
One can just look at the map and see where the base is and other military training areas, like 29 Palms, and kinda figure out where he was supposed to be. There just aren't a lot of top secret areas on the map:
EAFB is surrounded by highways on 3 sides and Lancaster to the southwest and the El Mirage OHV park to the southeast. There are a number of air strips and other government facilities outside the base proper. Lockheed's Skunkworks and Northrup Grumman are located at Air Force Plant 42 in nearby Palmdale and obviously test aircraft out there:
But it would seem this is where all the action happens. Even when Barber and his "team" head out on other cloak and dagger secret retrieval missions looking for compromised ToughBook computers, they still don't stray too far away, finding them up in California's Sierra Nevada mountains:
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Jake and his team suspect those Panasonic tough books contained data from the top secret UAP retrieval operations worth millions to the right buyer. Jake says the private company contracting him was determined to recover them. We recovered our first two, tough books. They were, they were in the High Sierras.
As a side note, besides the egg, Barber speaks of the "acorn". This is also the term Grusch uses for the supposed crashed UFO from 1933 Italy. When Grusch started telling this story he called it "bell-like craft" which is an allusion to the supposed German craft known as
Die Glocke. Here he is talking to a French magazine:
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Int.: What allegedly happened there?
D.G.: In 1933, a bell-like craft, around ten meters in size was recovered in Magenta, northern Italy. It was kept by Mussolini's government until 1944 when it was recovered by agents of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS, a former US intelligence agency).
However, for reasons discussed in the linked thread below, he later modified it to a "bell or acorn shaped thing":
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the hump and there's like a you know
like a bubble on topic classic like like
that like that but it looks like when it
hits the edges broke off so it became
this like Bell or
Acorn shaped thing um and there was
nothing in it it was like just an
artifact you know there was no
These stories seem to cross-pollinate.