They removed the hardware, then Jake was simply retrieving the balloon part.
Let's remember though, this video is NOT of one of (Jake) Barber's supposed retrievals. According to Coulthart, this is from a "trusted" but anonymous source. As some have speculated, it's possible Barber gave Coulthart the video, either anonymously or with Coulthart hiding his identity, but that gets a bit convoluted.
Just to get a handle on the story from
@Nemon 's transcript, Barber started as a mechanic in the USAF in the '90s and maybe traveled with Air Force 1 and its support team:
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We checked Baba's records, and we've confirmed that he was an airman in the US Air Force working as an aerospace mechanic in the late 90s. But as these documents show, he was also recruited into Air Force special operations known as combat control. He says he ended up working in a non-official capacity for the Department of Defense and the intelligence community. What were you? What was I. Ross I was a highly talented airplane mechanic who got to deploy on a number of presidential support missions.
Then he joins the special Forces and become
the main character in a bad action thriller novel a pilot:
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But Jake was no ordinary mechanic. Being recruited into the Air Force's elite combat control unit meant he had a resumé that reads like something out of an action thriller. Helicopter pilot, freefall parachutist, expert marksman, and the recipient of a NATO top secret security clearance. A legacy of his service in Bosnia, where he won an award for an act of heroism.
It's a bit unclear if he was a mechanic or in the Special Ops group when in Bosnia. Most of the NATO air support seemed to have been between 1992-1994, with the war ending in 1995:
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the belligerents in the Bosnian War met in
Dayton, Ohio in November 1995, and signed the
Dayton Accords, a peace treaty. As part of the accords, NATO agreed to provide 60,000 troops to deploy to the region, as part of the
Implementation Force (IFOR), U.S. designation Operation Joint Endeavor. These forces remained deployed until December 1996, when those remaining in the region were transferred to the
Stabilization Force (SFOR). SFOR peacekeepers remained in Bosnia until 2004.
Probably not important and not the kind of detail Coulthart would be interested in.
Next he leaves the Air Force to become a contractor or to work in the intelligence field.
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You say you were an enlisted man, and then you ended up working for the intelligence community as a contractor? Tell me that story. How did that happen? Everything changed for me right around 911, and, I left the Air Force and was sent out to California at that time to begin stablish. And my cover basis for an independent as an independent contractor, so that I could serve what was coming down the line next for me.
It's a bit confusing, and I'm reaching out to
@Duke and other for a bit of clarification. He started as an enlisted airman, then became a helicopter pilot. Does that make him a warrant officer? Just some quick Googling says Air Force pilots have to be officers, but I'm not sure I trust what I found.
Anyway, Barber ends up as a contract pilot for somebody, but he doesn't make it clear who:
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Barber says he was contracted as a helicopter pilot and was part of a team assigned to retrieve crashed aircraft
at an undisclosed testing facility in the desert.
Now this is where it gets interesting. He claims he's working as pilot for this retrieval program at a place he calls "the range":
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A lot of the work we did on was on what I call the range, where, the U.S. government and its private partners used to test all kinds of things, weapon systems, and resilience to weapon systems of certain craft. And so you see a lot of exciting things.
Of course, he doesn't really say where it is, just out in the "desert". Combined with him claiming to be in California when this started, is it safe to say he was at places like Edwards Air Force Base, the Marine's 29 Palms facility and/or places in nearby Nevada locations like the Nellis Range and Groom Lake/Area 51? That sound reasonable?
Without going through the whole thing what struck me is there is NO mention of Barber being deployed to various parts of the country, let alone the world, to go retrieve crashed UFOs. Everything he describes seems to just happen at "the range". When he has an emotional experience transporting "something", he only goes 20 miles:
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And I got the load hooked up and I began flying away and once it was just me and that object in between the pick and the drop site was about 20 miles in between. I felt like something was inside of me. I felt like I was possessed by the most. Beautiful spirit I had ever been possessed by and. Was it loving? It was loving. But there was a sense of sadness at the same time. And, had you ever had an experience like this before? No, no, it was a very feminine energy, I'll tell you that. It felt like felt like the Spirit of God,
Just a side note on the above quote, he says "it was just me and that object". Would an operation like this occur without a loadmaster? And if he is flying something like a UH-60, or a heavy lift helicopter like a CH-47, or CH-53, aren't these all considered "crewed aircraft", in that they always need 2 pilots? Just asking.
Again, this is NOT the classic crashed UFO retrieval story that it's made to sound like. As far as I can tell from reading though this, Barber does NOT talk about running round the world grabbing crashed UFOs. He ONLY retrieves these crafts at "the range". One's first thought is "why do the aliens only crash at a secured secret base?"
The answer seems to be that they are being summoned, like a Steven Greer CE5 event:
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And so how did the object come to land? I think it was invited to land by the Psyonix team. Jake says his mission that night came from no accidental crash. The UAP was summoned by a separate team. A special team with special abilities. They're called psionics. What is a psionic? A psionic, person is someone with the predisposition for, astral. Temporal. You could say abilities and sensitivities. Extra temporal abilities. Also known as psychic powers.
I guess that explains why Barber only makes UFO retrievals at "the range", but then creates the obvious question, why is he retrieving UFOs that are being summoned and controlled? Why are the crashing? If he retrieved and moved one 20 miles, why not just have the aliens land the UFO where it's supposed to be instead of 20 miles away? It makes no sense at all.
The rest of it just sounds like a bad Netflix spy thriller, with illness, threats of murder, computers with their hard drives mysteriously removed. Honestly it just sounds silly. Read on:
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Well, we were deployed on a particular task to recover what we call treaties or high value targets. Those high value targets were Panasonic tough books, the sensitive material that is on these Panasonic tough books, has to do with sensor data. Jake and his team suspect those Panasonic tough books contained data from the top secret UAP retrieval operations worth millions to the right buyer. Jake says the private company contracting him was determined to recover them. We recovered our first two, tough books. They were, they were in the High Sierras.
We got back to our our base location and then went through them and took photographs, discovered that the hard drives were missing. Jake says his team arrived too late. The hard drives containing the data had already been taken, and it became clear to Jake that not all was what it seemed. As his team set out to recover the missing data. The next piece of intelligence that came through led us to, a lake and high altitude lake. And we found, the hard drives in a sealed steel container 25ft underwater.
The computers were somewhere in the mountains? But the hard drives had been removed? But then they got a tip that the hard drives were in a lake? WTF? It really sounds like Barber tried his hand at screen writing and when that didn't work out, he phoned Coulthart.