Jake Barber tells Ross Coulthart about non-human technology - The "Egg"

Just saying....

At 4:58 PST:

We should almost throw out our guesses for the egg before the show starts. A vaguely egg-shaped object in a bad video under a helicopter that could be a buoy or anything else sorta round.



It's that easy.

And can we assume that as this video being publicly shown, it's not classified? So, whatever is dangling below the chopper is also not classified?
Is it night vision tech. I thought it was lit by a flood light. I mean the shadow , color and everything.

If it is being lit with a light. It doesn't seem to be coming from the chopper judging by the shadow, but somewhere low to the ground and to the left of screen (around 10-11 oclock from the object)

EDIT: The strange thing is that it also seems to be lit from above given the bright spot below the chopper.
If that's true, I wouldn't expect that shadow to be so pronounced. Strange.
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This is not the interview with Barber. Looks like just Ross talking to Tim Gallaudet, Marik von Rennenkampf, and Jim Segala about their opinions and giving them an opportunity to spin more stories and say how serious and credible this all seems.

It was heavily implied that the egg video would have been acquired *from* Barber himself, presumably filmed by himself. In the end, Coulthart just says that it was provided by an anonymous source in parallel to Barber's claims.
Yeah Ross said he got it from an anonymous source and that trusts the provenance of the video but it was not from Barber. So in fact Barber did not present any evidence of anything. The entire interview was just evidence-free stories.
I hope this is the right forum, I put it under Current Events.

After several days of Ross Coulthart teasing about a super-big disclosure event that was supposed to happen, today at 8 PM NewsNation played the super-secret totally-legit fully-sanctioned absolutely-real footage of an alien spacecraft being recovered by a helicopter. With them was one Jake Barber, the latest "whistleblower", who claims he was flying the helicopter. We were assured this was was going to be totally real government footage released through official channels.

Yeah... y'all can guess how that turned out.

First of all, Coulthart states that the video in question was not in fact official in any way whatsoever, and that he obtained it from an "anonymous source". So all the leadup hype about discloser vanished right off the bat.

And then there's the video itself. I can't find it on YT, so I'll post a link from Reddit:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1i4mq9e/full_newsnation_video_of_the_egg_uap/

As one can see, this astonishing evidence is a whopping 11 seconds of nothingburger.

I assume they are trying to make it look like it's filmed through thermals (or I guess an II NVG), but it is clearly just a green filter (likely post-processed). One can see what is apparently a bright light source directly below what they claim is a cable from a helicopter, yet the object is casting a shadow from a light source that would be to the upper left. What might cause that shadow at night on thermal is a mystery indeed! The "cable" looks to be a fishing rod, the "ground" looks like a low-shag carpet, and if you look closely you can see the fishing line causes indents on the sides of the "UAP" which seems to suggest it's a balloon. Best of all is the way this alien spacecraft starts rolling on the ground, almost as if it was a lightweight object of some sort!

There's also the problem that the helicopter apparently has no downwash. There is also the mystery of why they would put this down on the ground in the middle of nowhere, and why the most important object in the history of mankind has no ground crew to handle it.

What a crock.
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Is it just me or is the video a left ear exclusive?

It says a 150 foot line.

I'm curious where exactly in the line the camera is, it doesn't really look like we are seeing 150 feet worth of rope, but if it's lower, it doesn't really look like we are seeing a 20 feet long egg. Maybe it's some sort of weird lense effect like a fisheye or something, but the distance and size just feel off

I found this footage of a helicopter carrying stuff and the camera seems to be lower down the rope.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtHduxAdnGM

I don't know the length of the rope in this video nor how far up or down the rope it is, it's just an example on how the camera could be lower down the line maybe.

Here's another video where they have a GoPro on the helicopter, and we clearly see a pretty long line.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cz9S9wsTIE

(which again I don't know the length of, but if I'm not wrong 150 feet is pretty long already)
Hi all.
New member but, I've occasionally browsed this forum when i see spooky nonsense in the news.
I just wanted to point out, that "egg" looks an awful lot like a large pneumatic fender, like they use on big commercial ships. In the video the "journalist" claims its about 20ft, which is about right for the big commercial fenders. Obviously, we don't know if its actually 20ft or, they've made that number up to make the otherwise underwhelming footage a little more spicy. The fenders themselves come in various sizes, shapes and colours ( and have no visible means of propulsion.. cue spooky music)
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Quite the impressive slight-of-hand by Coulthart.

It was heavily implied that the egg video would have been acquired *from* Barber himself, presumably filmed by himself. In the end, Coulthart just says that it was provided by an anonymous source in parallel to Barber's claims.
But let's walk this all the way through....assuming for the moment the whole story is true. Flight logs/manifests would identify everyone on that a/c, and it's highly unlikely the pilots were shooting video while hovering with an underslung cargo of unearthly origins. It should be relatively simple for federal investigators to narrow down the identity of the photographer to maybe a couple flight crew, a loadmaster and/or flight engineer would be my guess. I'd not want the Feds sniffing around if I'd illegally taken photos of a highly classified operation.
I'm curious where exactly in the line the camera is, it doesn't really look like we are seeing 150 feet worth of rope, but if it's lower, it doesn't really look like we are seeing a 20 feet long egg. Maybe it's some sort of weird lense effect like a fisheye or something, but the distance and size just feel off
With the footage being night-vision, I had assumed that the video would be taken from the helicopter's built-in downward facing mission landing camera (and then maybe recorded by a cellphone from a display unit within the helicopter?). This would presumably be attached to the bottom of the airframe and would not have the ability to be suspended from the bottom of the airframe. Would be interesting to maybe find info on the specific sensor package that gives the Blackhawk a downward facing camera from the manufacturer.
Is it just me or is the video a left ear exclusive?

I'm curious where exactly in the line the camera is, it doesn't really look like we are seeing 150 feet worth of rope, but if it's lower, it doesn't really look like we are seeing a 20 feet long egg. Maybe it's some sort of weird lense effect like a fisheye or something, but the distance and size just feel off

I found this footage of a helicopter carrying stuff and the camera seems to be lower down the rope.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtHduxAdnGM

I don't know the length of the rope in this video nor how far up or down the rope it is, it's just an example on how the camera could be lower down the line maybe.

Here's another video where they have a GoPro on the helicopter, and we clearly see a pretty long line.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Cz9S9wsTIE

(which again I don't know the length of, but if I'm not wrong 150 feet is pretty long already)

In those videos the cables sway around and they go slack when the load hits the ground. In the "egg" video it appears more like a solid stick or something, it doesn't sway or go slack at all.
In those videos the cables sway around and they go slack when the load hits the ground. In the "egg" video it appears more like a solid stick or something, it doesn't sway or go slack at all.
I think that's a consequence of what we're seeing being 2 distinct ropes. The first, suspended from the helicopter, is a thick aircraft sling rope that we typically see in videos of hauling operations. The second is a thinner rope attached to the bottom of the thicker aircraft sling rope, which is in turn actually carrying the load. When the egg hits the ground, the thinner rope is the one that deforms with the load because it's a lot more pliable compared to the stiff hauling rope. The physics don't look particularly off to me.
The "cable" looks to be a fishing rod, the "ground" looks like a low-shag carpet
almost as if it was a lightweight object of some sort!
It does look like a fishing rod with a camera attached to the rod, recording an egg or egg shaped object, such as a bobber with the attachment points removed, being lowered on a carpet.


source: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Hada9d9579f414716bfe8c1c3285b939ay.jpg_640x640q90.jpg

GoPro mount for fishing rods:

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoS4g2GQtn8&t=271s
I'm curious where exactly in the line the camera is, it doesn't really look like we are seeing 150 feet worth of rope, but if it's lower, it doesn't really look like we are seeing a 20 feet long egg. Maybe it's some sort of weird lense effect like a fisheye or something, but the distance and size just feel off


found a similar camera angle in this demonstration of a valor, the specific system, PDAS, is likely too new to be the exact system though.
I think that's a consequence of what we're seeing being 2 distinct ropes. The first, suspended from the helicopter, is a thick aircraft sling rope that we typically see in videos of hauling operations. The second is a thinner rope attached to the bottom of the thicker aircraft sling rope, which is in turn actually carrying the load. When the egg hits the ground, the thinner rope is the one that deforms with the load because it's a lot more pliable compared to the stiff hauling rope. The physics don't look particularly off to me.
At this point near the end of the clip the lines from the tether/harness are pulled taught from the object rolling to the right but the end of the cable doesn't get pulled to the right at all. It looks wrong to me.


The egg shaped object looks like the radome connected to the bottom of a US military JLENS spy blimp.


In 2015:
A high-tech military blimp came loose from its moorings and floated 16,000 feet over Maryland and Pennsylvania. Officials say the blimp has since descended near the ground.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/fighter-jets-tracking-runaway-blimp/2015/10/28/67549de8-7dae-11e5-bfb6-65300a5ff562_video.html

Perhaps this was the crash retrieval mission. Or something similar
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I hope this is the right forum, I put it under Current Events.

After several days of Ross Coulthart teasing about a super-big disclosure event that was supposed to happen, today at 8 PM NewsNation played the super-secret totally-legit fully-sanctioned absolutely-real footage of an alien spacecraft being recovered by a helicopter. With them was one Jake Barber, the latest "whistleblower", who claims he was flying the helicopter. We were assured this was was going to be totally real government footage released through official channels.

Yeah... y'all can guess how that turned out.

First of all, Coulthart states that the video in question was not in fact official in any way whatsoever, and that he obtained it from an "anonymous source". So all the leadup hype about discloser vanished right off the bat.

And then there's the video itself. I can't find it on YT, so I'll post a link from Reddit:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1i4mq9e/full_newsnation_video_of_the_egg_uap/

As one can see, this astonishing evidence is a whopping 11 seconds of nothingburger.

I assume they are trying to make it look like it's filmed through thermals (or I guess an II NVG), but it is clearly just a green filter (likely post-processed). One can see what is apparently a bright light source directly below what they claim is a cable from a helicopter, yet the object is casting a shadow from a light source that would be to the upper left. What might cause that shadow at night on thermal is a mystery indeed! The "cable" looks to be a fishing rod, the "ground" looks like a low-shag carpet, and if you look closely you can see the fishing line causes indents on the sides of the "UAP" which seems to suggest it's a balloon. Best of all is the way this alien spacecraft starts rolling on the ground, almost as if it was a lightweight object of some sort!

There's also the problem that the helicopter apparently has no downwash. There is also the mystery of why they would put this down on the ground in the middle of nowhere, and why the most important object in the history of mankind has no ground crew to handle it.

What a crock.

What nonsense.
What is the light source to the upper left? Headlights of a vehicle would cast a longer shadow.
What is the surface that it is being lowered onto? The texture is being exaggerated by that same light to the upper left, but the texture is very regular, no sign of footprints or wheel tracks. Doesn't look like a natural surface.
Whoever prepared the object for lifting sure did a poor job, the thing looks like it could easily slip out. No cargo net available?

Nothing in the video to give any sense of scale. No recognizable objects from which the size of the thing can be judged.
All kidding aside, it looks more like an actual egg ($4 for a dozen) to me,
than it does a 20 foot craft dangling, inexplicably in a sling, from a helicopter...
Chicken jokes and possible hoaxing aside, even in the best possible light how does this support at all the claims of alien tech retrieval?

At best, there's no indication this is a) a government or military operation or b) an unusual cargo, let alone an alien craft. We have at most a large, inanimate, egg-shaped object being lowered to the ground in a sling and rolling to the side in a video clip with zero provenance.

Could as easily be stolen VFX from the upcoming second season of Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, the Godzilla spinoff series.
There's also the problem that the helicopter apparently has no downwash.
From 150 feet you wouldn't expect to see much down wash on a regular grass field. This appears to be about 150 feet up: (warning, there is "music" in this video)

https://youtu. be/sl-I0eLluPE
There is also the mystery of why they would put this down on the ground in the middle of nowhere, and why the most important object in the history of mankind has no ground crew to handle it
Yes, that part makes no sense. I suspect he was simply picking up something very much from this earth and setting it down on a field somewhere. Assuming this is footage from the long lining mission.
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The object in the foreground cannot be a flexible rope. The angle is wrong.

This looks like a thick, rigid rod held out at an angle. Attached to the end of the thick rod is a thinner, more flexible rod; to which ropes are attached, which dangle naturally.

If this truly does have anything at all to do with a helicopter, my first tentative guess...
It's something like this:

These are rigid rods attached to the belly of UH-60 Blackhawks



I'm guessing that the unnatural looking surface is an anti-slip coating on a helipad.

Reference_Helipad_coated_inside_8 Kropped.jpg

If this is true, the scale is all wrong. We're only looking a few feet down to the helipad, therefore the object in the sling is small.

They could be tiny Aliens. They've landed in The Land of the Giants. Us

(Very old TV show.)
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And if it's an egg, it's an exercise in handling something delicate. A test of skill...
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To me, it all looks small scale. Like the ground is carpet or something, and an egg is being lowered from the end of a short pole dangled on strings. Once you see the whole thing as a small scale thing, it's hard to un see it.
@Mick West

If that is an egg hung under the helicopter, then it's a very short cable given scale. And there would be lots of rotor wash.

Frankly it all looks small scale to me. As I mentioned before , it looks like an egg dangled of strings at the end of a short pole , lowered onto carpet or something. The ground looks artificial to me. It all looks small scale. With maybe the helicopter sound added
From 150 feet you wouldn't expect to see much down wash on a regular grass field. This appears to be about 150 feet up: (warning, there is "music" in this video)

View attachment 76039
https://youtu. be/sl-I0eLluPE

Yes, that part makes no sense. I suspect he was simply picking up something very much from this earth and setting it down on a field somewhere. Assuming this is footage from the long lining mission.

My first guess posted in the other thread is it was the radome from a JLENS blimp. One crashed in 2015 somewhere and presumably they would've disassembled it into parts to be carried back. These shells are designed to be quite light so it would probably roll. If not this model, it could be something similar that is held aloft by balloons or blimps. It does sound like the US military has invested a fair bit in static monitoring equipment for high altitudes using buoyant devices. It would line up with the idea of crash retrieval for these objects
Looking at the cable in this video I wonder why here the cable is in focus for the entire visible length. In the EGG video the section nearest the cable is out of focus. What is the depth of field like for night vision gear? Plus I am wondering where the camera was mounted on the helicopter, or was it hand-held? Seems the camera must have been very close to the top visible portion of the cable.
@Mick West

If that is an egg hung under the helicopter, then it's a very short cable given scale. And there would be lots of rotor wash.

Frankly it all looks small scale to me. As I mentioned before , it looks like an egg dangled of strings at the end of a short pole , lowered onto carpet or something. The ground looks artificial to me. It all looks small scale. With maybe the helicopter sound added
If the surface is an anti-slip coating and the rod is rigid, there's nothing much there that would react to rotor wash. The ropes (strings) are under tension. And the egg does look as if it's rocking.

Supporting your fishing rod idea, at one point, when the object touches the ground, the string at the end of the rod looks to be getting longer. Or reeling out. Can't be sure about that.
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If this is 20 feet long, then the ridges are 10 inches apart. (23 ridges is the length of the egg)

Is there anything you can tell us about the shadow off to the right? As in, where would the light source need to be, at what angle, how large, how bright, etc. ... to see if that seems reasonable/explainable for real-world scale?
Just watched the full interview. He seems to be avoiding eyecontact and touching his eyes... not that it means anything or that I am "body language expert " :D ... But from what he says, I though the egg was something inside the craft... but from what it looks like, it is "craft" itself.. Anyways, intsresting, what is this video and what do we see tnere... Also, it could be hoaxed easily imo.. Waiting for other opinions/facts/developments! Psyonics and hard drive killers also seems like something out of a movie... But then again, I am not a special uap retrieval agent :D

Stabilized. One thing I noticed is that after it lands, the "sling" does actually seem to release a bit, indicating it's not tape.
Is there anything you can tell us about the shadow off to the right? As in, where would the light source need to be, at what angle, how large, how bright, etc. ... to see if that seems reasonable/explainable for real-world scale?
Sunlight is a good candidate. As mentioned earlier, this seems to be faux night vision. Just an ordinary video taken in daylight then edited.

I did this in Photoshop. Not very convincing, but neither is this video.
night vision.png
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Since the camera view is "locked" relative to the position of the base of the cable where it meets the copter, I have to assume this is (or is supposed to be) from a belly-mounted camera system that displays in the cockpit, and not the view through NVG's, which would move around some, and likely couldn't get that same perspective anyway. Wouldn't the copter's camera system normally have grid markings and values (altitude, bearing, speed, etc.) overlaid on it?