Jake Barber tells Ross Coulthart about non-human technology - The "Egg"

So right next to here is a agri chem site with a large variety of shapes of storage vessels


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Yes, there are a number of things that have been suggessted (storage tanks, satellite dishes, balloons, aerostat radomes, plastic sealed hay bales, etc) as the item shown in the video, but why would anyone incur the added safety risks of moving pedestrian things like those at night/wearing NVGs?
If it was a concave radar dish, that would explain why it appears to be quite well lit all over, even on the side that looks like it should be in shadow if it's egg-shaped.
I think it's probable that there's light coming pretty much straight down from the helicopter (as well as the oblique one that casts a shadow of the object on the ground. There's a bright shine off the near portion of the cable.
Can someone simulate how high and how far away the source of light must be to create exactly the shadow of the egg on the video? Together with the ground conditions, this might be the only clue to the location.

Did Barber say anything in the long version of the interview that has any factual value in this regard? For example, I'm still wondering why the egg was dumped in a place with no discernible access route. If the value is so high, wouldn't you expect a special location with a suitable or prepared spot? And that the object would be unloaded directly onto a truck? It can't stay there. And to reload it requires a big crane ... etc. Lots of question...
The problem is NN pulled a fast one.

They had Barber tell a story about transporting an egg shaped UFO via helicopter.

Then they showed a video of an egg shaped object being transported by a helicopter.

But then they say the source of this video is anonymous and so apparently unrelated to Barber, this basically short-circuits the brains of people not paying attention and also prevents reasonable queries like "ask Barber to describe what is going on in the video etc." because well Barber had nothing to do with this video.

Its having your cake and eating it too journalistically.

So at the moment I am just sort of but theorycrafting along the vague lines of:

Barber maybe DID make the video using his resources as a pilot at a helicopter company (access to helicopters and longlines)

NN says it's "anonymous" but you gotta have a video to go along with the story these days, so what are the chances that you have a story and an totally unrelated video that just happens to match what it would look like if your storyteller also made a video to go along with the story and was a commercial helicopter longline pilot with access to Bell helicopters that worked out of an airport/s next to a place with oddly shaped white containers...

I dunno, we got nothing much to go on other than that.
Yes, there are a number of things that have been suggessted (storage tanks, satellite dishes, balloons, aerostat radomes, plastic sealed hay bales, etc) as the item shown in the video, but why would anyone incur the added safety risks of moving pedestrian things like those at night/wearing NVGs?
You didn't, you made a hoax video with the resources available to you.
NN says it's "anonymous" but you gotta have a video to go along with the story these days, so what are the chances that you have a story and an totally unrelated video that just happens to match what it would look like if your storyteller also made a video to go along with the story and was a commercial helicopter longline pilot with access to Bell helicopters that worked out of an airport/s next to a place with oddly shaped w

The whole story is full of, what I assume, are unrelated video clips. There are all kinds of helicopters, military stuff, dudes that kinda look like Barber in the pilot's seat, but then they cut away (see post #373), interspersed with Barber actually flying a helicopter, Barber LARPing out in the hills, his team and maybe some actors(?) recreating a psyonic calling a UFO, then off to DC and then Stanford with Nolan.

Aside from Barber actually being interviewed, most of it feels like a TicTok video with a lot of rapid cuts of things that are kinda related but includes just a lot of stock footage.

And when Coulthart gets to the egg video, he's in a completely different place. It really seems like they shot all the Barber footage in the US, Coulthart went home and then they shot the egg section and inserted into the report. That's why Barber never comments on it. He and Coulthart certainly spend some time looking at videos on a computer, but never the egg one. I'm thinking the video showed up after they were done with Barber? Like they needed some video to go along, and it showed up.

This is Coulthart introducing the egg video, and I'm pretty sure the background looks more like his native Australia. It's certainly not Tulare county:

You didn't, you made a hoax video with the resources available to you.
Which was my point. It's not likely anyone would move those relatively mundane items at night with a commercial helo for day-to-day business purposes. So if we accept the video truly shows a helicopter lifting something at night, it's probably a purpose made hoax video with whatever they had to hand to play the egg role, or a legitimate military video that shows something (not necessarily an alien craft) underslung and being transported by a helo.
Doesn't that video show that he and a vehicle was behind the gate and on the airport property?

The report first shows Barber coming out of the airport, with the car he was driving in the background (Ford Super Duty F-350), approaching the "Restricted Area" sign form behind, which you published above (19:23). But then, a couple seconds later (19:25), the footage shows them in front of the weather station, walking towards the airport's gate and next to the same car, which is now facing the opposite way (pictures below) (19:28):



Much later in the video, Barber is driving Coulthart on a highway in the same car (23:56):
Can someone simulate how high and how far away the source of light must be to create exactly the shadow of the egg on the video? Together with the ground conditions, this might be the only clue to the location.

Did Barber say anything in the long version of the interview that has any factual value in this regard? For example, I'm still wondering why the egg was dumped in a place with no discernible access route. If the value is so high, wouldn't you expect a special location with a suitable or prepared spot? And that the object would be unloaded directly onto a truck? It can't stay there. And to reload it requires a big crane ... etc. Lots of question...
Strictly off the cuff estimate is 25 degrees above the horizontal. Too high to be headlights of a vehicle, lights below the height of the top of the object would cast a shaddow to infinity.
If the height of the egg is equal to the width then the length of the shaddow is roughly twice the height of the egg. If the light was at 45 degrees above the horizontal then the shaddow should be equal in length to the height. Since the shaddow is about twice the height then split the 45 degrees and you get roughly 25 degrees (with many sources of error, to say the least).
So the light source is not a vehicle or person holding a flashlight (unless the object is only inches tall), and not on the helicopter. A pole mounted light illuminating the area or a full moon maybe.
The light source is clearly not the helicopter itself but is way off to the upper left and quite low down, judging by the length of the shadow. So the egg is not exactly being dropped in the middle of nowhere, even though it looks so from the terrain. Someone is clearly waiting for it, in order for there to be a strong light source to illuminate the area.

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No it looks like a sun shadow to me by the sharpness. I placed the sun at 17 degree in my Blender reconstruction.
Can someone simulate how high and how far away the source of light must be to create exactly the shadow of the egg on the video? Together with the ground conditions, this might be the only clue to the location.

Did Barber say anything in the long version of the interview that has any factual value in this regard? For example, I'm still wondering why the egg was dumped in a place with no discernible access route. If the value is so high, wouldn't you expect a special location with a suitable or prepared spot? And that the object would be unloaded directly onto a truck? It can't stay there. And to reload it requires a big crane ... etc. Lots of question...
17 degree in my Blender reconstruction.
Did some quick trig just based on crudely measuring the pixels in the video and eyeball estimating the center of the egg. I'd estimate the light angle to be ~21-22º. The units here are all pixels then a' is the pixels adjusted back to feet. Assuming one axis of the egg is indeed 20 ft, this would put the light pretty far up off the ground. Using the top edge of this screenshot as a bare minimum (since the light source is not visible in the video, it must at minimum be farther away than the edge of the video), it's probably well over 40 ft off the ground. Feel free to check my math here and my pixel ratios.

Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 2.38.20 PM.png
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The "egg" in the video does not seem overexposed. And there is one light source illuminating the scene. Would that not show a much larger shadow on the egg? The egg is very well visible from all sides, like illuminated ambiently. looks odd.
Did some quick trig just based on crudely measuring the pixels in the video and eyeball estimating the center of the egg. I'd estimate the light angle to be ~21-22º. The units here are all pixels then a' is the pixels adjusted back to feet. Assuming one axis of the egg is indeed 20 ft, this would put the light pretty far up off the ground. Using the top edge of this screenshot as a bare minimum (since the light source is not visible in the video, it must at minimum be farther away than the edge of the video), it's probably well over 40 ft off the ground. Feel free to check my math here and my pixel ratios.

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I knew someone with higher math skills would rise to the challenge.
Bottom line is that the light source is either the sun or a bright light mounted on a tall ground structure.
Or maybe another helicopter with a spotlight that is illuminating the entire area shown in the video?
This is not some chunk of ground out in the middle of nowhere,
and where are all the people/vehicles waiting to receive this object?
I knew someone with higher math skills would rise to the challenge.
Bottom line is that the light source is either the sun or a bright light mounted on a tall ground structure.
Or maybe another helicopter with a spotlight that is illuminating the entire area shown in the video?
This is not some chunk of ground out in the middle of nowhere,
and where are all the people/vehicles waiting to receive this object?
I don't know the math, but Blender is normally quite accurate with these kind of things, and 17 degree is a match for me.
The lighting has been bothering me since this video first appeared. What's with the "vignette" effect, where the corners of the picture are dark and the center is brightest? It's supposed to look like a spotlight, but the spotlight doesn't illuminate the egg's shadow. And, not only is the shadow side of the egg illuminated, but also the sling, which suggests the egg is not illuminated internally.

I don't think this can be a spotlight coming in at ~17° from the left, as we would expect the right/far side of the picture to be darker than the left/near side. As previously mentioned, it seems like sunlight...so why the fake night-vision look (and what seems like fake helicopter audio)? It's amazing, if they had definitive video of an alien vessel, that they'd choose to degrade the picture.

Finally, irregularities in the egg's shadow on the far-right part of the picture suggest some kind of minor topography, like this isn't a carpet or other flat manmade surface.

Most head-scratching video ever.
Using the top edge of this screenshot as a bare minimum (since the light source is not visible in the video, it must at minimum be farther away than the edge of the video), it's probably well over 40 ft off the ground. Feel free to check my math here and my pixel ratios.
So, an ordinary highway-sized street light?
So, an ordinary highway-sized street light?
That's only if the light source is just barely out of frame. I'm thinking possibly a multi-story building or tower next to it that would have downward facing floodlights. Or possibly it's not taken at night at all and the angled light source is the sun, or it's a particularly bright moon, which could cast a dim shadow. That would be an interesting discovery. As would the possibility it's entirely a hoax created at a totally different, smaller scale. I'm not very trusting of Ross Coulthart's ability to critically assess source claims, or evidence or its provenance but I think even for him, having the entire fact base of the video fall out would be surprising. Though he retweeted a video of satellites (along with the claim that they were "orb UFOs") back in December that he still has not taken down.
The lighting has been bothering me since this video first appeared. What's with the "vignette" effect, where the corners of the picture are dark and the center is brightest? It's supposed to look like a spotlight, but the spotlight doesn't illuminate the egg's shadow. And, not only is the shadow side of the egg illuminated, but also the sling, which suggests the egg is not illuminated internally.
The vignette effect in the video is strange. If you sort of trace a circle where the brightness falls off, to my eye that moves around as the helicopter moves around, suggesting that its location is not the result of a static spotlight being shined from out of frame. It's also circular, which would not be the case for a spotlight shined in from out of frame, unless that light is at a very steep angle like potentially on another helicopter near the one that is filming (seems unlikely). It could be a light mounted to the filming helicopter, shining downwards. This could also help explain why the egg's shadow is not darker and why the whole surface of it seems illuminated despite the bright shadow-casting light coming in from the side at a <30º angle.

A few possibilities that come to mind:
a) The vignette is a digital filter added to the video after the fact (and the whole video authenticity gets thrown out).
b) The helicopter has downward facing landing lights also used during cargo pickup which create a circular illuminated area underneath the helicopter.
c) The night vision camera on the helicopter is mostly amplified visible-spectrum but is augmented with active infrared.
Finally, irregularities in the egg's shadow on the far-right part of the picture suggest some kind of minor topography, like this isn't a carpet or other flat manmade surface.
In my opinion this could be an illusion created by the light brightness falling off on a gradient like this. Making the ground look sloped down almost like a convex dome. If the left side of the video didn't also darken along a similar arc, ground slope may be more likely.
A few possibilities that come to mind:
a) The vignette is a digital filter added to the video after the fact (and the whole video authenticity gets thrown out).
b) The helicopter has downward facing landing lights also used during cargo pickup which create a circular illuminated area underneath the helicopter.
c) The night vision camera on the helicopter is mostly amplified visible-spectrum but is augmented with active infrared.
d) a handheld flashlight out of frame is not being held perfectly steady? If it is a small scale fake...
Most head-scratching video ever.

Well, even more bizarre is that Coulthart describes the egg as being lowered 'delicately'. But hang on, its not being lowered onto grass...as there is no sign whatever of grass ( or indeed anything at all ) waving about in the helicopter downdraft. So the egg is being 'delicately' lowered onto a quite rough and uneven rocky surface. But why ? If it's been taken to Edwards Air Force Base you'd think they'd have a nice smooth and level tarmac surface to lower it onto. So why is this piece of supposedly precious alien technology being allowed to roll about on sharp and uneven desert rock that could potentially damage it ?

It's much more the way you'd treat some worn out old piece of junk that was just being moved out of the way.
d) a handheld flashlight out of frame is not being held perfectly steady? If it is a small scale fake...
True I guess this would be similar geometrically to it being mounted on the helicopter, but just that there is no helicopter and it's fully a hoax.
Interesting detail about the location of "the range", in the full interview. Barber: "because of where we operate, sometimes things can make their way into the steep terrain. The terrain where we operate is the highest mountain range in the whole continental united states" (it was mentioned in relation to the 8gon)

Given wikipedia's highest mountains list, it would be around about here.

But I'm not totally sure that's what he meant. I (non-american) havn't encountered the term "continental united states" before, so I asked claude a bunch of different ways whether americans sometimes misuse the term. Consistently it said yes, people often do think that term excludes alaska. In this instance, even Claude misstated the definition.

And again,

So it's possible he meant the Sierra Nevada range. (comically, claude admits here that continental united states includes alaska, while also just assuming that the speaker would have intended to exclude alaska)
True I guess this would be similar geometrically to it being mounted on the helicopter, but just that there is no helicopter and it's fully a hoax.
That was my thought -- I'm not sure I believe that to be the case, but I think it has to be in the mix of possible explanations for the video. While recognizing this is not evidence of anything, I can't make myself see it as anything other than something about the size of a actual egg.
That was my thought -- I'm not sure I believe that to be the case, but I think it has to be in the mix of possible explanations for the video. While recognizing this is not evidence of anything, I can't make myself see it as anything other than something about the size of a actual egg.
yea i moved to real helicopter but now im back to balloon wrapped in ribbed cardboard on a field of myrtle or somesuch similar ground covering.

look at the stripes on the "rope"..itf this were a long rope the stripes would get thinner further down but they dont. so i'm going with construction hat size object max :)
Screenshot 2025-01-24 184659.jpg
yea i moved to real helicopter but now im back to balloon wrapped in ribbed cardboard on a field of myrtle or somesuch similar ground covering.

look at the stripes on the "rope"..itf this were a long rope the stripes would get thinner further down but they dont. so i'm going with construction hat size object max :)
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What are the two white threads that appear to be stretching off the egg and which get quite long before the video ends ?
Those are not stripes on the rope. Watch the video and you can clearly see they're moving; it's a moire effect, visible on the ground as well as the rope, caused (probably) by something like filming the thing off a TV screen.
ok yea i see a bit of teal and gold here. and a bit f bleed off the rope.

Can be, but if you see the video of post #1, it looks really odd, right?
It does.

The other thing bothering me, and this is based only on intuition, is that the audio seems disassociated to the visuals - seems synthetic or looped from another sound source. During my youth I worked on sound and video production in the media and I've flown in a jet ranger helicopter a few times and these things vibrate like hell, and I just don't get that sense of physicality from either the audio or video.

The audio does not have any low frequency content related to audio capture within the interior of a helicopter that I've heard before - of course that is easy to roll off during recording or post production. But it also sounds too distant to me and does not have the "bite" I'd expect if captured in the same device as the video (assumption warning).

I also can't hear any engine whine from a turbine engine (which is common in military/commercial craft), nor any change in pitch (throttle or rotor blades) due to pilot inputs during a hover and let down.
It does.

The other thing bothering me, and this is based only on intuition, is that the audio seems disassociated to the visuals - seems synthetic or looped from another sound source. During my youth I worked on sound and video production in the media and I've flown in a jet ranger helicopter a few times and these things vibrate like hell, and I just don't get that sense of physicality from either the audio or video.

The audio does not have any low frequency content related to audio capture within the interior of a helicopter that I've heard before - of course that is easy to roll off during recording or post production. But it also sounds too distant to me and does not have the "bite" I'd expect if captured in the same device as the video (assumption warning).

I also can't hear any engine whine from a turbine engine (which is common in military/commercial craft), nor any change in pitch (throttle or rotor blades) due to pilot inputs during a hover and let down.
To be fair I don't think the fake helicopter sound is a big problem. It's clearly filmed of another screen and I doubt there are even audio on such a video to start with. So that's an "artistic" addon I can accept.
The video it self is the problem ;) ..it's either fake or a perfectly normal operation added green tint and mystery :D
Well, even more bizarre is that Coulthart describes the egg as being lowered 'delicately'.
Where exactly does he say that? At least in the transcript of the long interview I can't find the keyword.

In the new, long video, as far as the procedure for these deployments is concerned, he says a few things that are worth noting here. In particular, he addresses some points that we have already discussed here in the analysis (there was the egg and a flying octagon; the transcript AI reproduces this confusingly below)

(44:45) chopper yeah I'm in my I'm in my Chopper what sort of Chopper uh at the time it was a bell 22 which is the same as a uh uh uh N1 it's a twin engine twin bladed uh Bell Helicopter you're flying at night flying at night yeah what time at night oh God I don't remember like after midnight have you been given any pre-flight briefing um I would I'm the one who would be given the briefing but we are given a a load out on the particular uh object that when you're flying an external load um we designate two different sites one's called the drop
(45:25) site one's called the pick site you could say the pi site is where the payload is that you're flying in pickup um as you're making your first trip into the Pix site the payloads are already rigged and manifested for you and to prepare them for flight um when you're in route to that object uh you're given some basic information like weight estimates size estimates there's two objects that I'm here to talk about one was the egg the other is what we called an 8 gon the 8 gon was a uh essentially a flying disc with what looked like
(45:58) eight uh delineated sections when looking down and I can tell you what it looked like from looking down because that's primarily how I saw it because I'm a helicopter pilot um we did recoveries with the eight guns there was more than one that was that made its way to the ground on this particular operation and the recovery uh was done at night and then more was done in the day because of where we operate um sometimes things can make their way into the Steep terrain the terrain where we operate is the highest mountain range
(46:32) in the whole United continental United States and so uh the decision was made to wait till daylight to recover some of the uh object or some of the material that um was brought down or made its way to the ground that night during the recovery of the object at nighttime uh I make my way in the helicopter from where we configure the line and we fly to where what we call the Pix site there's two locations we designate them pix site drop site drop site at the delivery location we have a crew both at the pick site and the uh
(47:09) the drop site on the ground the the pick team configures the cargo for flight so whatever it is the craft is sitting in a sling waiting for your helicopter yeah it's sitting we have this these things called pumpkins which are like rubberized bags or containers and from my point of view that it was covered in a pumpkin at least from the bottom and the sides um this is one of the most profound experiences I've ever had in my life I'm about to share with you so bear with me um this is for me when it became clear
(47:44) as I get closer to this pixite I start feeling odd I start feeling extremely emotional um and the closer I get the more the emotion starts to overwhelm me...

As to the pick up and drop sites at the mountain range he says:
I'm crying at the same time and then I'm do I abort the mission do I and I so I just did my best to focus on my particular cues when doing this type of work and I got the load hooked up and I began flying away and once it was just me and that object in between the pick
(50:18) and the drop site there was about 20 mil in between

I watched the video in sections and have to say: it all gets a bit too much. For every minute that Coulthart gives us, you can spend an hour analyzing it. We can already see that here with the analysis of light and shadow in the video.

I have one more contribution to make on this point. If we assume that the helicopter operation took place away from fixed infrastructure, the most probable light source is a mobile floodlight system. Something like this (German manufacturer but English website and self-explanatory)

From 1:30 in the video you can see the characteristics of the lighting:

Source: https://youtu.be/Js-5zL5zNWc?si=coaVtQkgykTajU8-

I don't know if anyone here has the patience and time to go into all the details. Anyway, Barber says that he and his team are in the process of generating "evidence". Shall we just lean back and wait for that? What we've seen so far is strikingly reminiscent of the dilettantism of the Skinwalker crew ;) But we don't want to prejudge anyone and are curious to see what these guys come up with. What can we expect? It will probably be a TV documentary. One of those that is always investigating at night, because the nightview cameras make the mundane scene ghostly. And maybe, if we are lucky Sasquatch will walk through the picture, too. Sorry, I can't stop the polemic :)
The ground shadows seen in the original video are pretty sharp, which only can mean the source is point-like (or very far away). The mobile floodlights as mentioned above are rather large, spatially, which will show more diffuse shadow edges. So I am still unsure what to make of the illumination. Reasonably, on small scale this illumination is far easier to accomplish, pointing more and more to model-scale creation.