Jake Barber tells Ross Coulthart about non-human technology - The "Egg"

Interesting....He kinda hints at the "cover" story idea in the interview, but as with most of it, it's vague:

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Everything changed for me right around 911, and, I left the Air Force and was sent out to California at that time to begin stablish. And my cover basis for an independent as an independent contractor, so that I could serve what was coming down the line next for me.

Again, it's all very vague. To start with, according to Wikipedia, a "combat controller" in the USAF is a Special Ops person who is trained in a number of Airforce related things, like ATC:

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Air Force Special Operations Command's Combat Controllers are battlefield airmen assigned to special tactics squadrons. They are trained special operations forces and certified Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers.[2][3][6] The mission of a Combat Controller is to deploy undetected into combat and hostile environments to conduct special reconnaissance, establish assault zones or airfields, while simultaneously conducting air traffic control, fire support, command, control, and communications and forward air control. They deploy with air and ground forces in support of direct action, such as counter-terrorism, foreign internal defense, humanitarian assistance, and combat search and rescue. Combat Controllers employ all-terrain vehicles, amphibious vehicles, weapons and demolitions in pursuit of their objectives, which may include obstacle destruction.[2][3]
And often team up with other Special Ops guys like the Green Berets or SEALs:

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Trained in underwater and maritime operations, freefall parachuting, and many other deployment methods, Combat Controllers are often assigned individually or as a team to Army Special Forces, Army Ranger, Navy SEAL, and Delta Force to provide expert airfield seizure, airstrike control, and communications capabilities.[4]

They seem to integrate Air Force Special Ops into other Special Ops teams. What they don't seem to be is helicopter pilots, which is how Coulthart, again vaguely, describes Barber's tenure in the Special Ops unit:

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But Jake was no ordinary mechanic. Being recruited into the Air Force's elite combat control unit meant he had a resumé that reads like something out of an action thriller. Helicopter pilot, freefall parachutist, expert marksman, and the recipient of a NATO top secret security clearance.

It sounds like maybe he went the Combat Control route and washed out? Not something to be ashamed of as 90% do:

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Combat Controller training, which is nearly two years long, is among the most rigorous in the US military. The CCT pipeline has a wash out rate upwards of 90–95%, mostly due to self-eliminations, injuries sustained during training, and academic failures.

He became a mechanic AFTER going to Combat Controll school, as he now says on X, though he implies he did not wash out, rather he was reassigned as part of his cover story:

View attachment 76355

Not the other way around as Coulthart says. Still not sure when, or maybe IF, he flew helicopters in the Airforce.

The plot thickens!
The idea that he was recruited into the controllers program and then put undercover as a mechanic just doesn't sound real. If one is a mechanic in the military, they are a mechanic and your DD214 is the summary of your military career at time of discharge-why would he show a fake DD214 at this point?

If anyone watches Don Shipley's channel, he repeats how often the people that he goes after for claiming false histories as Navy Seal's are compensating for some disappointment with themselves in their actual military career.
And the pattern looks much like what we are getting from Jake Barber-they claim to have been in a special forces unit but it was all "black ops" and the records are of course sealed. They claim highly improbable career paths, i.e. from qualified combat controller to secret agent mechanic, and involvement in super secret ops.
Predictably, they never provide evidence for these claims.

Another point that Shipley makes is that washing out from these difficult programs doesn't have to be for physical reasons. Candidates are under close scrutiny during training to ensure that they have a psychological profile that is compatible with the seriousness of the job.
Watching Barber's interview, the kind of hypomanic delusional episode that he describes is symptomatic of some potentially serious mental health issues. Maybe PTSD or something else would explain his odd comportment, but it has to raise serious questions about his mental state.
To me, his claims about his background as a super secret black ops guy disguised as a mechanic for years too closely fit the profile of those type of guys who create imaginary heroic backstories for themselves.
Maybe a different shaped tarp for an egg shaped inflatable antenna?
i think the tarp would be the same , as the egg in your pic would be pointy side skyward. theres a flexible satellite dish in there that needs to point toward the satellite. so even if they did make an egg shaped one (which i doubt, thinking our 'egg' is just a bit deflated) the dish would have to be at the wide bottom of an egg, ie it wouldnt be lying on its side. ?

These balloons are built of a strong plastic and the satellite dish is made of a flexible fabric. Instead of using metal or any ceramic dish, this fabric dish and plastic balloon are easily inflatable. The weight of the whole thing is just 32 kg that it can fly high in the sky.

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The idea that he was recruited into the controllers program and then put undercover as a mechanic just doesn't sound real. If one is a mechanic in the military, they are a mechanic and your DD214 is the summary of your military career at time of discharge-why would he show a fake DD214 at this point?

If anyone watches Don Shipley's channel, he repeats how often the people that he goes after for claiming false histories as Navy Seal's are compensating for some disappointment with themselves in their actual military career.
And the pattern looks much like what we are getting from Jake Barber-they claim to have been in a special forces unit but it was all "black ops" and the records are of course sealed. They claim highly improbable career paths, i.e. from qualified combat controller to secret agent mechanic, and involvement in super secret ops.
Predictably, they never provide evidence for these claims.

Another point that Shipley makes is that washing out from these difficult programs doesn't have to be for physical reasons. Candidates are under close scrutiny during training to ensure that they have a psychological profile that is compatible with the seriousness of the job.
Watching Barber's interview, the kind of hypomanic delusional episode that he describes is symptomatic of some potentially serious mental health issues. Maybe PTSD or something else would explain his odd comportment, but it has to raise serious questions about his mental state.
To me, his claims about his background as a super secret black ops guy disguised as a mechanic for years too closely fit the profile of those type of guys who create imaginary heroic backstories for themselves.
Once we start getting into "spook" territory where someone is telling you they used to deceive everyone around them with a fake job and cover stories about what they did, you at least have to wonder why you should believe he's telling the truth now.

Also, if you were really working for an organization within the military that relied on cover stories for secrecy, how do we know you knew what you were actually doing?

Was "recovering an alien spaceship" a story for doing something prosaic but unethical/dangerous/toxic so no one would believe the story? Barber says they were never directed to take any hazmat precautions. You know what can be packed into any shape, like a giant bladder, but isn't fragile? Cocaine. Precursor chemicals for fentanyl. Toxic chemicals that make you ill and loose all your hair. Though Barber says they also transported "mystery boxes." The Stanford immunologist who looked over "decades of" Barber's medical records is quoted saying his "first thought" was radiation exposure -- but we don't know if that was his conclusion or if there was any other analysis.

Was it a LARP or practical joke that some people believed too well? ("For today's exercise, we're going to (air quotes) recover an alien spaceship." "Really?" "No. (Wink-wink)." )
To me, his claims about his background as a super secret black ops guy disguised as a mechanic for years

To be fair, the interview doesn't exactly word it that way, though it seems that's how the narrative is now evolving. The best I can tell in the interview:
  • He's presented as an enlisted airman who is a mechanic, including on presidential details.
  • He is then recruited into the Combat Controller program where he becomes a helicopter pilot as well as airborne and a marksman.
  • At some point it seems he serves with NATO forces in the Bosnia theater.
  • Around 9/11, he leaves the air force and maybe has some sort of "cover" for what he was doing for contractors, presumably as a pilot.
  • In the '00s and beyond he flew helicopters for a contractor that recovered advanced aircraft and alien UFOs in the deserts of So Cal.
We now know the part about being recruited into the Combat Controll (CC) program after being a mechanic is backwards. It seems he may have entered the CC program, but there is no indication that he finished. Only 5-10% ever do, as it last nearly 2 grueling years. One has to learn to be a FAA certified Air Traffic Controller, while also attending the US Army Ranger airborne school as well as survival school, weapons training, search and rescue and so on.

What they don't seem to do at the CC program, is learn to fly helicopters as far as I can tell. CC guys are ground troops, not pilots. As my ex-Army Special Forces friend told me, while he was learning to rappel out of helicopter, he didn't want the pilot learning to rappel also, he wanted the pilot learning to fly better. Pilots are pilots, not ground troops.

If Barber went to CC school first and then transitioned to mechanic, as he now claims, it would seem he didn't finish CC school. So, he didn't learn to fly helicopters at CC school. That means as an enlisted mechanic, he would have to go to OCS to become an officer, because it appears all air force pilots are officers. Maybe I'm wrong on that. But if it's true, and he's a pilot his rank when leaving would be as an officer of some sort, right?

If that's not reflected in his paperwork, then did he learn to be a pilot in the air Force? If not, what did he go to California to do if not fly? Maybe as what he was already trained for, a mechanic? And he learned to fly later? Lots of questions, and all the silly sounding cloak and dagger parts of his story don't help answer any of them.

And, if the CC school/pilot from mechanic part of the story is backwards in Coulthart's report, I think it's a reflection on Coultharts usual sloppy journalism. One can look up what a CC is on Wikipedia. He gets a story, claims to verify bits of it and runs with it. IF Barber's claims continue to change and the story starts to fall apart, Coulthart will just be off to the next story.

IF I put on my tin-foil-hat, I might suspect that's why the story never really connects Barber's claims with the egg video, it's all just implied. If anyone at News Nation had doubts about the video or Barber's claims, keeping them officially separate allows them to jettison one or the other without comprising the other. If Barber's claims don't pan out, they can say they were misled, but the video is real. If the video is fake, they can say they were misled, but it depicts a real operation as verified by Barber. They never actually said the video is of Barber's claim. Now if both the video and Barber are problematic, they'll just move on to the next big UFO story.
To me, his claims about his background as a super secret black ops guy disguised as a mechanic for years too closely fit the profile of those type of guys who create imaginary heroic backstories for themselves.
The term is "stolen valor", and people who create a heroic backstory for their lives have been known to sustain it for years, until they stick their heads too far above the parapets by, say, running for political office and thus drawing scrutiny. Several actual or would-be congressmen have been tripped up by that deception. In some cases it's been a self-deception, I believe. During the last election, VP candidate JD Vance falsely accused his counterpart, Tim Walz, of the offense. Another one was JB Majewski:
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Ohio congressional candidate J.R. Majewski can't seem to stop embellishing his military service.
Barely a week after the Associated Press revealed that the Air Force veteran had allegedly misled the public about a 2002 combat deployment to Afghanistan, the news outlet revealed that Majewski had also misrepresented the circumstances of his past punishment and demotion the previous year.

Overt portrayal of oneself with false medals was a misdemeanor for a few years, but that law was repealed, and it is now, sadly, considered OK to lie about one's past heroics.
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The Stolen Valor Act of 2005, signed into law by PresidentGeorge W. Bush on December 20, 2006,[1] was a U.S. law that broadened the provisions of previous U.S. lawaddressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any military decorations and medals. The law made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U.S. military decoration or medal. If convicted, defendants might have been imprisoned for up to six months, unless the decoration lied about is the Medal of Honor, in which case imprisonment could have been up to one year. In United States v. Alvarez (2012), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 was an unconstitutional abridgment of the freedom of speech under the First Amendment–striking down the law in a 6 to 3 decision.

But while telling stories is OK, it's still forbidden to wear some medals.
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The 2013 law identifies several specific military awards that it is illegal to claim with intent to gain benefits by doing so. They include:
  • Medal of Honor
  • Distinguished Service Cross
  • Navy Cross
  • Air Force Cross
  • Silver Star
  • Bronze Star
  • Purple Heart
  • Combat Action Ribbon
  • Combat Infantryman's Badge
  • Combat Action Badge
  • Combat Medical Badge
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Replacement or duplicate medals "for such medal as authorized by law"
The penalties for stolen valor under the 2013 act can include fines and/or up to six months imprisonment.
Once we start getting into "spook" territory where someone is telling you they used to deceive everyone around them with a fake job and cover stories about what they did, you at least have to wonder why you should believe he's telling the truth now.
I also wonder why a person whose work is secret enough to need a cover story is now blabbing about it at all.
If that's not reflected in his paperwork, then did he learn to be a pilot in the air Force? If not, what did he go to California to do if not fly? Maybe as what he was already trained for, a mechanic? And he learned to fly later?
Does the programme show pictures or video of Barber piloting a helicopter?
Not saying there is anything nefarious going on, but he must have giving Coulthart 2 helicopter rides, as in the first one Barber is in the right hand seat:


And in the 2nd one, Barber is in the left-hand seat:


The whole video is full of what I assume is stock footage of military like helicopter interiors, but that don't appear to actually be Barber flying.

Then shots like this, where they're in front of a "restricted area" near an airport for no real reason, other than to show a restricted area. They don't go in, they just stand around outside the gates:


This scene could be anywhere out west. As @John J. noted up thread, Barber currently owns a Jujitsu Dojo in the Sacramento suburb of Elk Grove, so maybe this is a Sacramento area airport.

Later, I'm sorry, the whole thing just takes on a cosplay vibe about it. Here he is in a military-like buggy of some sort as he goes looking for the nefarious people that set him and his team up and maybe want to kill him. What they're doing out on a fog shrouded hill is unclear:


But if they are hiding in the fog, he's got a good radio to let his team know where they are:


It's embarrassing.
The pilot with the tattoo might be someone else, the headset does not match what is seen in the helicopter with Coulthart. Maybe just some stock footage.
Here he is in a military-like buggy of some sort as he goes looking for the nefarious people that set him and his team up and maybe want to kill him.
In another take, a tally plate can be seen inside the vehicle:


Which reads "US Tower Corp.":

US Tower Corp. (https://ustower.com/towerproducts/alert-atv/) is a supplier of surveillance solutions (data sheet attached):


In the report, the mast is in the stowed position on top of the vehicle:



I think that the evidence is that he is a pilot.
You can look up his info on the FAA registry.

According to documents shown on the News Nation segment his name is Jacob G. Barber (I missed it if any of them showed his full middle name).


There's only one Jacob G. Barber hit on https://amsrvs.registry.faa.gov/airmeninquiry/Main.aspx for a Jacob Gary Barber who is certified on helicopter transport, so I assume that is him.

Then shots like this, where they're in front of a "restricted area" near an airport for no real reason, other than to show a restricted area. They don't go in, they just stand around outside the gates:


This scene could be anywhere out west. As @John J. noted up thread, Barber currently owns a Jujitsu Dojo in the Sacramento suburb of Elk Grove, so maybe this is a Sacramento area airport.

I have geolocated where they recorded the conversation:


San Joaquin Valley Weather Forecast Office next to Hanford Municipal Airport, California.



Is this our chap? Jacob Barber of Visalia, California on Linkedin.

jacob barber.jpg
Similar strong chin to
, but I'm not sure.

From Linkedin, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-barber-611874b3?trk=org-employees

External Quote:

Chief Pilot
San Joaquin Helicopters & Coastal Helicopters
May 2014 - Present 10 years 9 months

Jacob is the Chief Pilot of both San Joaquin and Coastal Helicopters and specializes in government wildland fire fighting contracting and operations.

Jacob is also a Disabled Veteran and the President of HBT Innovations, Inc. HBT is. a California company specializing in the R&D and marketing of innovative wheelchair/prosthetic technologies.
Website helis.com appears to list a current fleet of 4 mixed Bell types for San Joaquin Helicopters if I've understood it right (I might not have), https://www.helis.com/database/sqd/2418/ ;
they're based at Delano Municipal Airport, very roughly 31 miles/ 50 km NNW of Bakersfield CA (Google Maps).
I think that the evidence is that he is a pilot.
You can look up his info on the FAA registry.

Yep. The question is when did he become one? In the air force? After he left the military and joined whatever contractor he worked for, or later?

That is a Polaris MRZR-D4:

Yes, my bad. I should have recognized the Polaris grill as my own not so cool RZR, the 'Squatch Hunter is the same, but I've got special lights:


The MRZR-D4 a largely military specked Ranger with a diesel. Barber seems to be farting around int one with US Towers collapsible antenna. But why? I know he's supposed to be looking for bad guys, but where did he get this thing and why is looking in the fog shrouded hills? What the hell is going on?

As I was typing @MonkeeSage post popped up with this document:


Note, the PO box in Exeter in Tulare County. Right up the road from Exeter is Woodlake:


Which is where US Tower is located:


The likely owners of this MRZR with a collapsable tower on it, as shown by @john.phil up thread:


It's not his buggy, or the militaries. It belongs to US Tower and he cosplayed in it for Coulthart. Complete with binoculars and a side-arm. Who the hell is he looking for in the hills of Tulare county? In the fog?

I have geolocated where they recorded the conversation

You are good my friend. Near Hanford fits with the general area they were in. I suspect the helicopter ride with Couthart took place at teh Hanford airport:


Or maybe nearby Fresno.
According to documents shown on the News Nation segment his name is Jacob G. Barber (I missed it if any of them showed his full middle name).

View attachment 76420

There's only one Jacob G. Barber hit on https://amsrvs.registry.faa.gov/airmeninquiry/Main.aspx for a Jacob Gary Barber who is certified on helicopter transport, so I assume that is him.

View attachment 76421
so he leaves the Air Force around 9/11. Goes out to California to set up his secret government sponsored independent contractor thing. Spends a few years learning to fly a helicopter and gets his license mid 2017. and the government (with access to pilots with decades of experience) hires his company to retrieve extraterrestrial aircraft.

is that the general story, or did i miss something? (kinda been ignoring this thread and just listened to a debrief podcast..who mentioned @Mick West btw. Micah Hanks his name was)
so he leaves the Air Force around 9/11. Goes out to California to set up his secret government sponsored independent contractor thing. Spends a few years learning to fly a helicopter and gets his license mid 2017. and the government (with access to pilots with decades of experience) hires his company to retrieve extraterrestrial aircraft.
That's just when he got an Airline Transport Pilot rating. You don't need that to sling-load. You just need a commercial pilot certificate ( a lower rating than ATP) and a Rotorcraft External-Load Operator Certificate

No person subject to this part may conduct rotorcraft external-load operations within the United States without, or in violation of the terms of, a Rotorcraft External-Load Operator Certificate issued by the Administrator under § 133.17.
That's just when he got an Airline Transport Pilot rating. You don't need that to sling-load. You just need a commercial pilot certificate ( a lower rating than ATP) and a Rotorcraft External-Load Operator Certificate

No person subject to this part may conduct rotorcraft external-load operations within the United States without, or in violation of the terms of, a Rotorcraft External-Load Operator Certificate issued by the Administrator under § 133.17.
oh. so why arent those listed.?
Complete with binoculars and a side-arm. Who the hell is he looking for in the hills of Tulare county? In the fog?

To quote Jake Barber from NorCal Dave's post #178,

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... it was a very feminine energy, I'll tell you that. It felt like felt like the Spirit of God
...so understandably he's now on the lookout and tooled up to make sure nothing like that ever happens again :)
The light source is clearly not the helicopter itself but is way off to the upper left and quite low down, judging by the length of the shadow. So the egg is not exactly being dropped in the middle of nowhere, even though it looks so from the terrain. Someone is clearly waiting for it, in order for there to be a strong light source to illuminate the area.

If it was a concave radar dish, that would explain why it appears to be quite well lit all over, even on the side that looks like it should be in shadow if it's egg-shaped.
Yeah I was putting it down to some over exposure, but its is curious there's no selfshadow on the egg..
Yeah I was putting it down to some over exposure, but its is curious there's no selfshadow on the egg..
After watching the video again, it definitely looks convex, ie more like an egg than a radar dish. You can see as it rolls after release, and the way the brace holding it moves.

It could just be very white compared to its surroundings and hence over-exposed.

Or possibly translucent, like a balloon?

It does still look a little darker on the right.
After watching the video again, it definitely looks convex, ie more like an egg than a radar dish.
Might a satellite dish come in some sort of protective container to protect these slender protruding bits?

Of course those might be bolted in place on site, and it would seem more likely that a protective package for such a unit would be the traditional Big Rectangular Crate (stackable, etc.) than an egg -- but I don't KNOW either of those to be true. And of course if we are looking at the packaging something came in, what's inside it could be almost anything and need now have much resemblance to the package (eg: a chick need not look much like an egg.)

But the location does seem to be supplied with plenty of things that at least cast oval shadows:

Note that the site is immediately adjacent to a dirt track for car racing and is in a pretty populated area. Anything happening there would have a pretty high chance of being observed.
There is often, though not always, a helicopter of some sort parked here, which may or may not be relevant.

Can someone simulate how high and how far away the source of light must be to create exactly the shadow of the egg on the video? Together with the ground conditions, this might be the only clue to the location.

Did Barber say anything in the long version of the interview that has any factual value in this regard? For example, I'm still wondering why the egg was dumped in a place with no discernible access route. If the value is so high, wouldn't you expect a special location with a suitable or prepared spot? And that the object would be unloaded directly onto a truck? It can't stay there. And to reload it requires a big crane ... etc. Lots of question...