New Member
So, this supposedly shows Three Lakeway Center, in Metairie, Louisiana, a 403-foot (123 m)-tall skyscraper from the other end of Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.
Curvature should show a 116m drop for that distance, and the buildings around it are lower than 116m.
The viewer is standing at an elevation equal to the causeway, which takes a few meters off the drop.
The idea if you haven't seen, is that the IR sensing capability removes the hazing and distortion that prevents us seeing these things normally. Which seems at some levels like BS. We get clear days.
They also claim that you can't get IR images from mirage and atmospheric lensing effects, which again seems like BS. It's radiation, so it's susceptible to certain types of distortion.
How come the "middle" building seems so much higher that you'd think the change in perspective would indicate?
So what's happening here?