Identified: Wing with Three Gold Nozzles [D-ADLR Gulfstream G550 - German Research Plane ]


Senior Member
Anyone know what this is? It looks like a Gulfstream with sensors on the wings

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So in other words, because it has some kind of nozzles on , the chemtrail crowd at Geoengineeringwatch will claim this as PROOF that spraying is happening, despite the fact this is actually a plane whose mission is partly to actually MEASURE the aerosols at contrail height. Something they SHOULD be trying to do themselves.
So in other words, because it has some kind of nozzles on , the chemtrail crowd at Geoengineeringwatch will claim this as PROOF that spraying is happening, despite the fact this is actually a plane whose mission is partly to actually MEASURE the aerosols at contrail height. Something they SHOULD be trying to do themselves.

Any plane that has any sort of nozzle, sensor, or unusual looking device will be used as "proof" of chemtrail spraying. The chemtrail community has lately been using Operation Ranch Hand from Vietnam as their "proof", where the military sprayed the jungles of Vietnam with Agent Orange to kill the foliage and deny the enemy cover. I found this picture on the Facebook page of the Meteorologist Jacob Wycoff, who takes great pleasure in inciting the chemtrail community.