The Disenlightenment
Let's step back into the far, musty reaches of our minds and pull out some high school history lessons. I want to talk about the Age of Enlightenment, or more simply, just The Enlightenment. This period was marked by a flourishing of thought and philosophy that centered on rigorous rational analysis, the scientific method, and reason. It saw increased questioning of religious orthodoxy and dogma. Immanuel Kant described it as "the freedom to use one's own intelligence."
Sadly, it seems a new age is upon us. Because it's ideology is diametrically opposed to that described above, I'm calling it the Age of DisEnlightenment. This movement is primarily evidenced by the increasing prominence of fascist ideas all over the world.
(note: by fascist I refer to the common, if incorrect, definition of ultra-authoritarian policital and religious regimes. I do not refer to the original definition which also includes a corporate economic structure).
We saw a frightening rise in fascist ideology in the US during the last Administration. A President who is a "Decider" (just do what I say cuz I said so). Removal of civil rights (warrantless wire tapping). Politicizing of the justice system (firing of US attorneys who didn't arbitrarily target Democrats). And so on. And lest you say, but Obama is here now, might I remind you that he did not overturn any of the civil rights reductions instituted by the Bush. And, we are still "at war" (or something) in Afghanistan, fighting exactly whom or what at this point? And yea though he walked through the valley of the shadow of Iraq, he has not gotten us out of that unholy mess either.
But it's not just here, and it's not just politics. All over the world, religous fascism is rearing it's ugly head. So-called Islamofascists perpetrated 9/11. Religious fundamentalists are doing their best to subvert health care reform, women's reproductive rights, science education, and global warming. The French have banned the wearing of Muslim headscarves by girls in school. Unbelievably, the Swiss have recently banned minarets. And in what is possibly the most heinous move yet, Uganda is proposing a death penalty for being gay.
Such ideologies can flourish only in an age of non-thinking. Where people do not think critically; where in fact, they are discouraged from or penalized for doing so. (Remember: science in the classroom is under attack. No science, no understanding of scientific method.....) Find a dogma, chant the mantra, wave your flag and stay the course. And don't you dare say a word out of lockstep. Dissent will not be tolerated.
Maybe it's always been there and I just never noticed it. Maybe it's just getting more news coverage these days. Or maybe it really is an increasing trend. What, then, would cause a global disenlightenment?