Jay Reynolds
Senior Member.
This is a historical and factual examination of how the claim that chemtrails contain barium came about.Historical
June 15th, 2000
A.C. Griffith introduces his idea that "electroactive polymer fibers" are in contrails, which he attempts to support by quoting a DARPA document which refers to these fibers being used in robotics and image processing. He also issues a veiled threat to scientists and government employees whom he mistakenly believes are "spraying" fibers on them: "If the government told the people of the nature of the experiments, I believe the citizens would physically attack the government employees and scientists involved."
June 16th, 2000
Griffith uses the phrase, "The experiments are layered from the ground of the earth up to the ionosphere and beyond." This phrase is found within "The Spotlight" article:
"A member of the research group told The Spotlight that "an over-whelming array of ongoing military research and development and defense-related activity is layered from ground level into space,"
July 6, 2000
Posted by Clifford Carnicom "on behalf of Griff" were this photo and text entitled "Enemy Radar View".
Rather than being the work of either A.C. Griffith or Carnicom, both the image and the text was taken from this 1996 "Popular Mechanics" article.
http://books.google.co.vi/books?id=...g=PA26#v=onepage&q="enemy radar view"&f=false
In order to alter the original so that it served his purpose, Griffith has added the final sentence:" The Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) model has been tested and perfected after aerosol barium titanate salt mixture was released from military aircraft, forming chemical trails in the atmosphere across America. This was ONE experiment / project conducted with barium salt mixture in the atmosphere."
At the same time, realizing that if people knew VTRPE was simply an equation used to approximate real-life situations of radar propagation, Griffith removed the phrase "A complex mathematical model that currently can run only on a supercomputer" from his version of the article. Griffith lifted a "Popular Mechanics" article, including an image, without attribution, and altered it, adding and deleting text. His goal was to impress readers with what he hoped they would accept as his "research". Within several days, I was able to uncover and expose the hoax for all to see.
July 14th, 2000
Griffith introduces his idea that Barium is a component of contrails:
"I have every reason to believe that a barium salt mixture has been released into the atmosphere - but not limited to barium salt. If I were not sure of what I'm telling you I would not post this document." However, Griffith proceeds to tell none of the reasons he believes this to be true.
July 16th, 2000
Griffith urges people to use search engines to find references to "advanced radar studies". He says: "New doors of understanding will open for you. Stay with "Advanced Radar Studies" until you get enough insight to begin to see into their projects. Later other project doors will open to you for further understanding."
July 24,2000
Griffith describes an anonymous conversation he says was related to him regarding barium, because of this, he says, "We know we're right on target!"
July 25th, 2000
Clifford Carnicom creates a messageboard forum specifically for Griffith's barium idea, saying, "One suggestion is to invite Griff to present an opening statement here, since to my understanding, he is the source and genesis of this research. Deborah may be inclined as well as you suggest since there has been extensive research on both accounts."
Griffith Goes to Ground After this point, A.C. Griffith dropped out and away from public view, not making public comments but asking people to confer via e-mail.
Clifford Carnicom posts "Project Report #1 at his website.
On October 5th, I informed both A.C. Griffith and Clifford Carnicom by e-mail that I had begun research and intended to expose the process by which Griffith had created "Project Report No. 1" and the identity of it's author(s).
A.C. Griffith, in response to my message, began circulating an e-mail message warning of an attack coming on what he called "The Spotlight Report". I have never had any intention of disputing what was contained in "The Spotlight", which I believe accurately reported the story told to it by A.C.Griffith.
In his email, Griffith cites his sources, "As investigators get closer to the truth, informed sources in government say that an aggressive effort is forthcoming and will attempt to systematically discredit people and information found in the recent Spotlight Chemtrail Report." I say, "Which INFORMED SOURCES IN GOVERNMENT, GRIFFITH?"
To the present day, A.C Griffith has not made further public appearances, or responded to my requests for further information, including verifiable documentation of his military record. It is almost as if he's hiding out, waiting for the next shoe to drop.
Note: This report was displayed at a website I created in 2001, but which subsequently disappeared offline. Repeated emails to the free host regarding what happened went unanswered. I assume that threats of legal action were made against the host which dropped the site as part of their risk aversion policy.
A.C. Griffith as Airman 2nd Class, 1959,serving with the 6925th Radio Squadron, Mobile as a radio repairman, http://www.clarkab.org/organizations/6925thrsm/griffith/GriffithAC282.jpg
A.C. Griffith, age sixty,
is a resident of Richmond, VA, who also operates a business near Winston-Salem,NC, called Yesterdayradio.com
which specializes in reproductions of historical radio broadcasts. To my knowledge, Griffith has not engaged in commercial activity related to the contrail controversy, or advertised his business among his fellow "believers". I have asked Griffith if he was indeed an Air Force officer, but he has refused to respond. This leads me to conclude that he is not able to document his service without revealing that he was only an enlisted man, and never an officer as he claimed to "The Spotlight". He maintains a webspace at the Clark Air Force Base website http://www.clarkab.org/organizations/6925thrsm/griffith/
where he displays photos and reminiscences of his duty there as an enlisted man between 1959-60. He served with the 6925th Mobile Radio Squadron, which operated radios which monitored transmitters in China and took bearings on their locations. While this work could be considered "intelligence gathering", it does not amount to being an "NSA official", as Griffith claimed to "The Spotlight".
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