Here are several videos of Dr. Pang at the meeting.
In one, he mentions that Michael Murphy is moving to Maui in September.
In this one, he begins a discussion of chemtrails near the end:
He continues in this one, giving some details of his testing:
-A high school student in Haiku, caught rain every day for 45 days.
-Chemtrail believers there kept a diary of days when they thought they were being sprayed, with ratings of high/medium/low.
-Samples were tested for aluminum.
-Michael Murphy claimed that 4000(no units given) was high, but when you called them they said an average was kinda like 800, then they said that what's high is about 40.
-Of 28 samples, 2 were about 60, the rest were very low, there was no correlation whatsoever with the diary and the aluminum level.
-Then, another kind of diary was created, using online radar pictures(satellite images of ship trails or contrails?-JR) where they said they could see chemtrails in the high atmosphere, "apparently the university of Washington was doing the same thing", the second diary ranked high/medium/low, but again there was no correlation.
-Testing was done in one location
-Pang said that they could spray with sea water, so to prevent them from switching to sea water during the test, there was no communication between the diary keepers and his team.
-Pang related that a member of the county council had received an anonymous letter from a Colonel saying that there was nothing that could be sprayed at that altitude that could be harmful.