Yes that happened, but the goal was not to discredit them but to laugth about the conpiracy.
This one is very common in germany, it shows aerodynamic contrails and silly chemicals are added... A german with very very poor knowledge about chemistry must noticed that these chemicals are fictional. "Spinnonium" for examply should translated into "Crazyonium"
A lot of CT-Believers fall for it, this for example is Jo Conrad, host of the Internet-Streaming-channel, former moderater at Here he added "Is this scientific enougth for you?
There is also a more clearly variant, as english-speaking persons, you should notice "Nickelodeon" on it. "Air Wick" is a common cough-candy.
The popular german YouTube-Uploader Conrebbi and many other had used it:
This one shows a Ram-Air-Turbine (RAT) in action. Just put a circle and "???" on it...
This was widely spread via the website wich doesn´t exist anymore.
But please remark:
These fakes where made by satirical blogs/Websites/Forums, not by debunkers...