On Jul 31st 2014, US Congressman Mike Honda introduced a bill, labeled the "Responsible Body Armor Possession Act":
Or as describe by a body armor vendor:
There is a petition to stop this, which makes it seem like HR5344 is banning all body armor.External Quote:
Washington, DC – Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA17) today introduced the Responsible Body Armor Possession Act of 2014, which allows law enforcement to respond to active shooters more effectively. It accomplishes this by prohibiting the sale, purchase, use, or possession of enhanced military-grade body armor by anyone who is not a member of law enforcement, active duty military, or other authorized users.
"There is no reason this type of armor, which is designed for warfare, should be available in our communities except for those who need it, like law enforcement," Congressman Honda said. "There's nothing more dangerous than what a well-armored, unstoppable active shooter can do. This bill is common-sense and long overdue."
However this is slightly misleading, as the text of the bill bans 'enhanced body armor'External Quote:
Stop H.R. 5344 from banning responsible law abiding citizens from owning body armor.
Preserve our right to own, possess, and transport body armor as a law abiding citizen of the United States. Stop H.R. 5344 from stripping citizens of our freedom and ability to defend ourselves and our families. Protect our freedom to purchase and own body armor, regardless of the protection level.
Created: Aug 08, 2014
NIJ 0101.06 Defines type II (not banned) a protecting against anything up to a 9mm FMJ (Full metal jacket) or .357 Magnum JSPExternal Quote:
''(36) The term 'enhanced body armor' means body armor, including a helmet or shield, the ballistic resistance of which meets or exceeds the ballistic performance of Type III armor, determined using National Institute of Justice Standard–0101.06.''
Or as describe by a body armor vendor:
Level III-A (commonly refered to as 3A) is what is being proposed as being banned.External Quote:
- Level II-A could be the best choice if thinness, comfort and concealability are the most important factors, e.g., if wearing for long periods, or with a lot of movement. Most folks opt for the extra safety margin of blunt trauma protection with a Level II or Level III-A these days.
- Level II is often worn by police officers. A great balance between blunt trauma protection, versus cost, and thickness / concealability / comfort. What we recommend most often if concealing under light clothing is a priority...
- Level III-A is a little thicker, stiffer, heavier and more expensive, but will stop more of the uncommon pistol threats, for example, it is tested for 9mm sub-machine-gun and .44 Magnum. Plus it gives you more blunt trauma impact protection – possibly better to return fire in a gunfight.