Global Skywatch Conference Call with Dane Wigington, Nov 2012

Anyone catch this on their site..?? How to make money with chemtrails spreading the word while supporting the effort. They are told to contact Russ. Of course... Money making machine he is....

Sick, Sick, Sick.

He actually started out the conference call mentioning the "Business Model", seeming like he wanted to get people to sign up with his Herbal Remedies MLM business, providing they would give a portion of their profits to Michael Murphy, or similar.
A recent chemtrails news article from discuses nothing new, but is pushing Carnicom and Russ Tanner, and references a recent globalskywatch conference call. Carnicom is a dead-ender, no use working with him at all.

The article is particularly alarmist, and features Carnicom's EPA sample which was returned, the red wine test, and how Carnicom now "oversees the Morgellons Research Group"?

I don't know much about the site, except it is pretty far left and has pushed chemtrails since the beginning. Being from Ottawa, Canada, they closely followed William Thomas circa 1999. They have a fairly large readership.

If you read this 2004 article you will see that most of the present day meme which was circulated 8 years ago is still being repeated:

I'm wondering what is up with the article's author Dr. James F. Tracy , An Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. You can peruse his articles at the link to gain insight by seeing his interests.

This is his second recent article on chemtrails, here is the other. He seems like most other chemtrails believers to have bought into WITWATS and had his child's hair sampled and found aluminum.

Though he is currently a believer, and therefore not acting as a reporter, I'm not so sure he is unreachable so much as simply unreached.

What do you think?
A recent chemtrails news article from discuses nothing new, but is pushing Carnicom and Russ Tanner, and references a recent globalskywatch conference call. Carnicom is a dead-ender, no use working with him at all.

The article is particularly alarmist, and features Carnicom's EPA sample which was returned, the red wine test, and how Carnicom now "oversees the Morgellons Research Group"?

I don't know much about the site, except it is pretty far left and has pushed chemtrails since the beginning. Being from Ottawa, Canada, they closely followed William Thomas circa 1999. They have a fairly large readership.

If you read this 2004 article you will see that most of the present day meme which was circulated 8 years ago is still being repeated:

I'm wondering what is up with the article's author Dr. James F. Tracy , An Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. You can peruse his articles at the link to gain insight by seeing his interests.

This is his second recent article on chemtrails, here is the other. He seems like most other chemtrails believers to have bought into WITWATS and had his child's hair sampled and found aluminum.

Though he is currently a believer, and therefore not acting as a reporter, I'm not so sure he is unreachable so much as simply unreached.

What do you think?

Here's the audio of that conference call with Carnicom. It was quite revealing, Carnicom think's he's a scientific genius. He can't afford any real lab equipment, and he does not trust official labs.

I'm not so sure Tracey is entirely reachable, he seems pretty into the entire conspiracy canon, looking at his other articles there's articles on JFK, 9/11, Fluoride, EM radiation health problems, and media manipulation.

Still, might be worth a try.
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Here's the audio of that conference call with Carnicom. It was quite revealing, Carnicom think's he's a scientific genius. He can't afford any real lab equipment, and he does not trust official labs.

At 34:00, Carnicom explains what he does:

Clifford Carnicom said:
Your methods are, if you want to obfuscate the issue, you change the standard, number one, that's one to watch for, you change the standards so that whatever you had to compare it with before simply doesn't exist, or you simply don't make the data available.

This is the chemtrail promoters modus operandi, don't look at past levels of elements in the atmosphere, soil or rain, then make sure you don't make that data available to the people you seek to persuade.

He also admits he doesn't really know for certain what the samples he has are made of.

Clifford Carnicom said:
@23:00If you want to look at my work, I never actually stated any findings, that doesn't mean that it doesn't actually exist by any means, you have to understand that the work that is being done here, is being done by seat-of-the-pants grassroots with essentially no resources, you have to understand that I'm a jury-rigger, I do the best that I can, but to get this done with the type of resources I have is kind of ludicrous.
Q:Ok, You mention ionizable metallic salts, filaments and crystals that were collected on the ionizing plates of filters, are there any particulart one of these classes that you believe to be more harmful than others, or that we should be paying more attention to?
Clifford Carnicom said:
@ 25:20 You know, until the work is done, and you know what they are, and I mean REALLY know what they are, I really don't have patience for this generalized type of information at this point. I'm in fairly detailed work with my equipment, as best as I can do that I have been able to muster over the years, and you know, if one does not really have the information, I mean the detaled information and the correct information, how is one in a position to even judge the toxicity or the effects on the body? I'll certainly make my sort-of inferences with what I do know, but the fact that we don't even know what we are talking about at the level of detail that is required to make those types of evaluations and decisions is the very nature of the problem.
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I'm wondering what is up with the article's author Dr. James F. Tracy , An Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. You can peruse his articles at the link to gain insight by seeing his interests.

This is his second recent article on chemtrails, here is the other. He seems like most other chemtrails believers to have bought into WITWATS and had his child's hair sampled and found aluminum.

Though he is currently a believer, and therefore not acting as a reporter, I'm not so sure he is unreachable so much as simply unreached.

What do you think?

He's not definitely reachable. He's now in the news for claiming that Sandy Hook was staged. Clearly he's all the way down the rabbit hole.
I tried about every way except a phone call. He strikes me as a 'hero' conspiracy theorist. He is on a mission to show himself approved. But if you look closely,
what he is accusing the media of doing is exatly what he is making a practice of doing. He may just be capable of being a Scott Stevens and heading off the deep end so far he would spoil his career doing so. He has many negative comments around from his students. Colleges seem to be very tolerant but there is a limit to employability when it gets media attention like this.
"Global Skywatch" looks like it is a failure. Russ Tanner asked for people to buy yard signs but only got 10 takers.

Global Skywatch said:
The "End Geoengineering" Project
Project Will Be Abandon
This is the last call. So far, we have only received orders for 10 "End Geoengineering" yard signs. If we don't receive the remaining 15 orders by Friday, January 11th, then we will abandon this project.
We need a minimum of 25 orders to have the signs printed at a reasonable discounted price.
I know this project has the potential to impact the general public in a big way, and this is vital because the vast majority of people have never heard the word "chemtrail" or "geoengineering".
"Global Skywatch" looks like it is a failure. Russ Tanner asked for people to buy yard signs but only got 10 takers.

Jay where does that quote come from? The current page says something slightly different -

External Quote:
Although we had pledges for over 30 signs, we only have a hand full of orders at this time. If we don't receive orders for at least 25 signs by Friday, January 11th, this project will be cancelled. All current orders will be refunded.
Jay where does that quote come from?

My CI was correct at the time.
Your update is correct.
Global Skywatch has sold 34 signs @ ~$25 USD ea.

It is a historic achievement.....$850 to buy plastic signs few passersby will even understand.....
Russ Tanner has added an event called Dane Wigington Joins Us - Global Skywatch Weekly Public Conference Call in the group named Global Skywatch.

External Quote:
When: Monday, January 21st, 2013 8:30PM Eastern Standard Time
Place: Online
Description: When: Monday, January 21, 2013 at 8:30 pm ET, 5:30 pm PT Very important information this week! Dane Wigington joins us. Dane appeard in What in the World are They Spraying and Why in the World are They Spraying. He is a solar scientist and will be providing vital information regarding the damage being caused by geoengineering. He will also take 20 minutes to answer your questions at the end. Please join us! Date: Monday, January 21st, 2013, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific Details:

Phone #: 559-726-1300 Access Code: 156230
So, now Dane Wigington is allowing himself to be called a "Solar Scientist"?

To my understanding he has no degree at all, and the solar power system at his house was done by others.
Sounds interesting.

Dane isn't a "Solar Scientist" is he? That implies someone who studies the sun. He's a general contractor who installs solar panels.
See page 14-20 of Home Power magazine, Dec 2003.

External Quote:
With a distant background of having worked for the IBEW
on two of the first solar-electric facilities in the U.S. in the
early 1980s, I figured it was high time to put together my
own solar-electric system.
External Quote:
Sure there are always a few bumps in the road, and some
unexpected fireworks while connecting wires. My
experience in the electrical arena was nearly 20 years back,
so it all felt somewhat new. In the end, I found PV to be quite
forgiving to the rookie, as long as you show due care for
those really important positive and negative hookups
Sorry, but I'm a bit confused here. is Jay saying that the people he is working with turning into Conspiracy Theorists?
Sorry, but I'm a bit confused here. is Jay saying that the people he is working with turning into Conspiracy Theorists?

No, I am opposed to just about everything Dane Wigington is claiming. One point is that so many times we see these chemtrails promoters inflating their expertise as a false appeal to authority.

Wigington is a land investor originally from CA, who moved to Arizona and did work as a Union electrician during the 1980's. He wasn't even a foreman, and though he states he "worked for Bechtel Power Corporation", he actually only worked as a union electrician for a contractor at a Bechtel project.

Later, near Kingman, AZ, he became a land investor and sold houses.

He must have been successful, because later he shows up near Redding, CA and buys 2500 acres and builds a 4200 sq ft home.

In this article, he describes hiring seven carpenters and a solar contractor, and describes himself as a "solar bozo".

When Wigington later decided to install a solar well pump, he hired another fellow, Jason, for the installation.

Wigington had a contractor's license in CA, but the license is expired.

However, he allows himself to be described as "a solar power engineer", a "Climate researcher", "one of the most reputable, well spoken scientists in the movement", he was recently even called a "GEO-ENGINEER", and "a renewable energy consultant".

At his own website, he describes himself as, "Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar engineering and was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp."

None of the descriptions of his expertise are true, Wigington has no technical degrees, no contractor's license, is not an engineer or a scientist, yet Wigington is doing so in order to increase his status and lend credence to his claims.
Last night's Global Skywatch conference call featured a Q&A with Francis Mangels. Near the end of the call, I confronted Mangels with Steve Funk's testing results which showed:
1. Soil Ph hasn't changed in the Mt. Shasta City Community garden in the way Mangels has claimed for his own garden in the same town.
2. The Mt. Shasta Snow samples were snow covered with wind-blown dust.
3. Rain samples taken in Mt. Shasta town have not only aluminum but also significant amounts of silicon indicating the signature of alumino-silicate mineral dust, not the claimed aluminum oxide/hydroxide claimed by Mangels.
Mangels decided to make the argument personal against Steve Funk, and said Steve was jealous of Mangels because they worked in different departments and there were funding differences. This is my recollection from the conversation as was driving on a road trip and couldn't take notes. I was disconnected after my comments and have not heard how the participants handled the issues. I am also not able to download the recording, but think it is available at the link on this page:

If someone cold summarize the conversation, it would be helpful.

Some other recollections of the call are:
- while Mangels insisted that Global Warming was real and caused by CO2 rise, Russ Tanner insists on his website that Global Warming is a hoax.
-while a caller and Mangles insisted they had seen contrails all their lives, Tanner says on his website that itis very unlikelythat anyone would ever see a contrail, since they were so rare!

Tanner kept his mouth shut and didn't mention the contradictions.

Similarly, Mangels kept quiet when Tanner mentioned several times how he can immediatey smell a "chemtrail" when seen six miles up, even thogh Mangels claims that "chemtrailsparticles remain in the sky for hundreds of miles. Mangels also contradicted himself by claiming that folks in Mt. Shasta are massively sickened 3 days after they see "chemtrails". Neither of the two brought up the contradictions in or between their own statements.

attached is the professionally performed ph test from the Mt. Shasta community garden:

View attachment 1588
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- while Mangels insisted that Global Warming was real and caused by CO2 rise, Russ Tanner insists on his website that Global Warming is a hoax.
-while a caller and Mangles insisted they had seen contrails all their lives, Tanner says on his website that itis very unlikelythat anyone would ever see a contrail, since they were so rare!

Tanner kept his mouth shut and didn't mention the contradictions.

Similarly, Mangels kept quiet when Tanner mentioned several times how he can immediatey smell a "chemtrail" when seen six miles up, even thogh Mangels claims that "chemtrailsparticles remain in the sky for hundreds of miles. Mangels also contradicted himself by claiming that folks in Mt. Shasta are massively sickened 3 days after they see "chemtrails". Neither of the two brought up the contradictions in or between their own statements.

The contradictions within the chemtrails community (and within most conspiracy culture) are quite staggering. No so much in that people disagree - since people will always disagree, but that that these contradictions are totally ignored.

One person says contrails come from military jets, one says they come from commercial jets. Somehow the difference is irrelevant.

On the previous Tanner conference all, Dane Wigington talked about how global warming was a real problem. Tanner again just ignored this, even though he believes the opposite.
On the previous Tanner conference all, Dane Wigington talked about how global warming was a real problem. Tanner again just ignored this, even though he believes the opposite.

Last night, Mangels also claimed that military tanker jets are what he sees "spraying" over his area. They are either unmarked with no windows, or they are 737 planes with a green stripe, which he claimed was the livery colors of Evergreen Air.

In another part of the talk, Mangels claimed, as he has before, that he can see the jets flying back and forth spraying out of the planes belly.
Later, though, he changes the story to say that someone else told him that is what he saw.

Later still, he recounts another story about someone on a nearby mountain top who was able to watch a military jet pass by "spraying", and later "the same plane" passed back by not "spraying". He said that identification that the plane was the same was possible because the same number could be read on the plane.

No number, as if that wasn't important.

Listening to the way Mangels recounts stories, I get the impression that he is quite willing to blur the distinction between what someone else told him and what he personally experienced. It is quite possible that some of what Mangels says is either pure fantasy or just heresay. This is probably why he constantly makes claims for which he has no substance at all. To him, these stories are real, and if you don't accept the story, you are working for the military, which is what he accused me of.
Hello folks, it seems to be available again. In case it disappears or you would like a copy, I have acquired the MP3 from the conference call and uploaded it here:

Let me know if you have any issues accessing it.

For future reference, it is trivial to pull the audio out of a flash applet like this. With the player freshly loaded in a tab/window, open Developer Tools or Firebug(depending on if you're on Chrome or Firefox) and switch to the Network tab. Then click play. You'll see a URL appear there(likely ending with .mp3). Then simply right click on it, select "copy url to clipboard", open a new tab/window and paste it in. It might take a bit to load(since it will be downloading the file again), but when it does you can then just save the page through File > Save page as and you can then save the file(though it will be downloading it, yes, again). You can close the tab/window with the player once you have copied the URL so you it doesn't waste bandwidth buffering the stream in the background. You can save pretty much anything you can view in your browser this way.
For those looking for it, Jay's questions start at about 1:42:30

Mangels: "This is Reynolds, isn't it?" :)
So Jay had about a minute and a half of air time over a three minute strtch. Francis delivered a rambling 15 minute answer after Jay was cut off. That's what you can expect on their venue. Someone with no knowledge of the subject would probably think Francis got the better of the exchange. Of course, the only people who will sit through two hours of that are hard core conspiracy theorists who aren't going to change their minds anyway. It's strange that Francis continues to confuse parts per billion on the snow test with parts per million on the soil test.
I couldn't help by laugh at the part where he goes on with "...agrees with Alaska...agrees with Japan...agrees with California...agrees with Florida..." etc.

Didn't he just get done "explaining" how two people within the same county can expect to get wildly different results!?!?
It's strange that Francis continues to confuse parts per billion on the snow test with parts per million on the soil test.

It is not strange to me. Francis Mangels holds himsef out to be a genius, a member of a high IQ society higher than Mensa. He doesn't even know that his soil tests were in units of parts per million, and his snow test was in parts per billion, and he tries to compare the two as if they were equal units. I doubt that any of the listeners knew what he was talking about, either.
One point of correction I need to make for some false information put out by Francis Mangels about me personally.

Mangels says that I work for "the Military" and that I work in Texas. Both of those statements are false.
I work for a privately held company as the Chief Engineer of a 300 ft long vessel based in Louisiana which does oilfield work.
Not military. Not Texas.

Mangels knows this, because on May 21, 2011, Carol Grieve of Food Integrity Now' sent him my complete biography, quote:
Carol Grieve <>
to me
Mr. Reynolds, we have received your email. I have forwarded it to Michael Murphy, G.Edward Griffen and Francis Mangels. I am away this weekend in a seminar and will let you know their response in the next week. Thank you. Carol Grieve, Food Integrity Now
----- Original Message -----
From: Jay Reynolds
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:12 PM
Subject: I was your caller yesterday
I was your caller yesterday. I was unfortunately unable to stay on the line yesterday as I had other business to attend to. However, I hope that we can start a dialog which can be mutually beneficial. I have learned a lot from criticism in the past, and I am sure you can too. I see that you have mistaken someone else in the comments section of your podcast for me, and so have included a video clip with which you can see me and recognize my voice. It was taken last year as I began a 3 day trek with my son into the rainforest of Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica, which National Geographic calls "the most biologically intense place on earth".

A little more about myself, 55 years old, married with two children, and work as a US Coast Guard licensed ship's Chief Engineer. I am writing to you from the vessel today via satellite internet. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Engineering from Texas A&M(1977), and have completed part of a degree in Tropical Horticulture at the University of the Virgin Islands.

My education continued after graduation with the General Electric company where I attended their Field Engineering Development Center for intensive training in power generation systems, steam and gas turbine jet engines, steam boilers, and ship's gearsets. Later, I worked on St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands as a gas turbine and steam boiler power plant engineer. During the 80's, after becoming fascinated with the tropical environment, I developed an interest in agriculture and became an organic farmer on the island, which expanded into a small scale food processing business catering to the tourist trade. An article in Rodale's Organic Farming described my innovative mulching technique of interplanting crops with mulch producing grasses. In 1992, after the island and my farm was devastated by hurricane Hugo, I moved my family to Arkansas and developed another organic farm in the Ozark Mountains. In 2005, I renewed my US Coast Guard license and began to work as a ship's engineer, and currently hold a license as Chief Engineer where I am responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all systems on the vessel.

My interests are varied, I enjoy travel and have been to Europe, the Mediterranean, and from Nova Scotia to South America on ships. I speak Spanish and am an avid scuba diver and spearfisherman. My entire life has been an adventure to satisfy my curiosity, to never stop learning, and to challenge myself to understand as much about the world as possible. My background in science and technology is strong, and I intend to make it stronger. I pay as much attenton to the natural world as I do elsewhere. I know how to conduct original research by accessing original source documents and how to verify my findings through multiple sources for reliablity. Those who believe in chemtrails who ignore what I have to say are missing a golden opportunity to learn much more, because I know more about the subject than any one else on earth.

My journey into the subject of chemtrails began before the word was even coined, years before. I have traced the history of the idea all the way back to it's earliest roots. Every gambit, every twist and turn of chemtrails has been followed and followed up on. I have spoken to the world's foremost experts on contrails, consulted eminent meteorologists, aviation experts, pilots, chemists, biologists, military personnel, and national, state, local, and non-government officials. My work appears in the Library of Congress and in the Congressional Research Service's factsheet on contrails. I have tracked ordinary jet traffic since before such data was available to the general public. I have conducted my own experiments and calculations as to the plausibility of claims that have been made. My familiarity with the subject is detailed, and I have an excellent memory of it.

Possibly this sounds boastful, but time will show that it is all true. I would enjoy carrying on a respectful dialogue with you and your colleagues. I encourage you to verify the references I can make which support my views, and to convince me if you can with fact and logic if you find me incorrect. Below, I will begin by referencing the documentation for the things I said on your program of May 18, 2011. Please feel free to forward this to Mr. Griffin and Murphy, they expressed an interest in what I had to say durng the podcast.

I enjoyed hearing that they both wish that chemtrails were not true, and I am dedicated to making that wish come true.

Jay Reynolds

I have no idea where Mangels got the idea that I work for the military or that I work in Texas.
Both of his claims are false, whether deliberate or just a fantasy.
The man is a nutcase, in my opinion, and probably he doesn't know or care what he says.
So Jay had about a minute and a half of air time over a three minute strtch. Francis delivered a rambling 15 minute answer after Jay was cut off. That's what you can expect on their venue. Someone with no knowledge of the subject would probably think Francis got the better of the exchange. Of course, the only people who will sit through two hours of that are hard core conspiracy theorists who aren't going to change their minds anyway. It's strange that Francis continues to confuse parts per billion on the snow test with parts per million on the soil test.

Steve, some of what he said about your test results show that he has no understanding of the issues raised, even though he has been sent copies of the tests.
The same thing happened when I sent him the flight data which showed over 100 commercial jets flew over his area when he claimed only 3-4 did, and when he was sent rain water sample results from 30 and 40 years ago showng the same aluminum in rainwater then as now.

He also had some very nasty personal comments right off the bat which were a smokescreen for his personal inadequacies.

We certainly aren't going tohave any effect on Mangels, but wherever he or the other chemtrail promotes go to spread their lies to unwitting people,
we simply must continue to confront them in the most public way possible every time we get a chance. To do otherwise lets them win by default.

Yes, they can cut you off, but I have to wonder if someone listening might possibly have had a seed of doubt sown.

That said, I wished I had mentioned that you have done a good video on your tests available at your youtube channel. That would have been a very good way to refer anyone really interested to a place where they could judge for themselves.

Heads up: Clifford Carnicom is scheduled for Feb 12th's conference call. Think about the sorts of questions which he needs to be asked.
Anyone catch this on their site..?? How to make money with chemtrails spreading the word while supporting the effort. They are told to contact Russ. Of course... Money making machine he is....

Sick, Sick, Sick.

Here is the next scheduled Global Skywatch Conference Call Agenda:
Weekly Phone Meeting - Special Guest Laura Clement
Health, Supplements & Surviving Chemtrails
Laura Clement, Vice President of Herb Allure, Researcher, and Author of The HART Book - a 600-page scientific reference about herbs and essential oils, provides us with in-depth information and a question and answer session about health, supplements and surviving chemtrails.
Please invite all your friends to this public event.
Date: Monday, January 28th, 2013, 8:30pm Eastern, 5:30pm Pacific
Phone #: 559-726-1300 Access Code: 156230
Official Meeting Page:
Agenda: See our meeting agenda below.

So, this conference call is an "Infomercial" for Laura Clement, VP of Herb Allure, and she will be telling the folks how to survive chemtrails.
What is not said is that the President of Herb Allure is Russ Tanner.

Russ and Laura are in the business of selling a $100.00 "HART" Book (Herb Allure Reference Textbook), which is a binder of sales sheets for "Nature's Sunshine Products", a brand of over-the-counter preparations.

Nature's Sunshine Products has had a history which includes being charged in 2009 with fraud and paying a $600,000 fine for securities fraud in the US and bribery in Brazil. Otherwise, they operate as a multi-level marketing system where distributors send part of their profits up the pyramid towards higher level distributors.

As Russ put it in a previous Conference Call, companies like Nature's Sunshine aren't able to make unsupported claims about their products, so they hire people like him to develop "Textbooks" to accomplish that task.

This is the state of chemtrails. Fear Based Marketing for a company with a shady past and dubious practices, spinning up a hoax to shill vitamins, herbs and etc.
to people scared to death by Dane Wigington, Clifford Carnicom, and Francis Mangels.
So, this conference call is an "Infomercial" for Laura Clement, VP of Herb Allure, and she will be telling the folks how to survive chemtrails.
What is not said is that the President of Herb Allure is Russ Tanner.

Russ and Laura are in the business of selling a $100.00 "HART" Book (Herb Allure Reference Textbook), which is a binder of sales sheets for "Nature's Sunshine Products", a brand of over-the-counter preparations.

Nature's Sunshine Products has had a history which includes being charged in 2009 with fraud and paying a $600,000 fine for securities fraud in the US and bribery in Brazil. Otherwise, they operate as a multi-level marketing system where distributors send part of their profits up the pyramid towards higher level distributors.

As Russ put it in a previous Conference Call, companies like Nature's Sunshine aren't able to make unsupported claims about their products, so they hire people like him to develop "Textbooks" to accomplish that task.

This is the state of chemtrails. Fear Based Marketing for a company with a shady past and dubious practices, spinning up a hoax to shill vitamins, herbs and etc.
to people scared to death by Dane Wigington, Clifford Carnicom, and Francis Mangels.
Seems a case for a Federal Investigation for mail fraud, etc . . .
Above around post #49 to #53 we were discussing the Russ Tanner's yard sign campaign.

One has turned up in North Canterbury, New Zealand.

Watch the video for a nice surprise at the end! Awww! (Sorry, mustn't laugh. :D)

Anyway, those signs don't look very big. That is a common decorative plant, and it's pretty small. The signs are 18" x 24" (450mm x 600mm) from the web site. In the wild they look smaller than that.
According to Russ Tanner on last night's conference call, there are now nearly 50 "end geoengineering" yard signs in existence worldwide. Considering their size and the obscurity of the message shown, it is probable that very few people on earth will ever see one, and those that do will not understand what they are.

Otherwise, the conference call was a platform for Russ to drone on and tell again how he suffers far more from chemtrails than anyone else.

The only other significant statement to me came from a fellow whose voice is very familiar from previous calls. He spoke during the session before the call began being recorded, and mentioned the emotional strain that he finds himself under as a believer. He is seeking a way to relieve the negative emotions that this belief has brought about. He said:

"I just try to look down as much as possible when I go outside.....It is hard to look at them and not feel like killing someone"
In a conference call on 3/18/2013, Russ Tanner mentioned that Kristen Meghan will be a part of Michael J. Murphy's next movie:
@ 54:09 minutes
We have a whitleblower who has a you tube video on a talk show, I tried to contact this whistleblower and she hasn't responded to me or any of my good friends here who help us out, but she is appearing in the next video with Michael Murphy who actually says that she saw powdered metals being brought into Air Force Bases and she saw the MSDS's because she was in charge of safety. This is a big deal. I'm not going to say her name for her own privacy because if she's not contacting me , then she doesn't want to talk about it with me and that's fine, or maybe she's been threatened, I don't now what the scoop is or maybe she just felt that she's done enough exposure cause she has already been on exposing it, she's already played the whistleblower, and good for her, my hat goes off to her and if that's all she does, one talk show and one documentary then that's great, but there is a whistleblower and comes out, straight out, no holds barred and said, "Powdered metals came in", and she specifically mentioned, I believe, hopefully I have this right, she specifically believed that she saw barium on the MSDS. That's a real card.


But in a previous conversation here, Kristen Meghan said this:

My whistleblowing is not related to chemtrails, it is related to industrial ground activities that overexposed the workers and they didn't want it reported, and since I took the samples, they wanted to demonize me in case I spoke out.

It is going through what I did as a whistleblower than led to my activism. Chemtrails and the TSA are my biggest topics I am linked to.

Mick, the confusion lies with people who aren't familiar with my activism, my whistleblower label is not related to chemtrails. I'm been doing media for a while and chemtrails is just one item I discuss. When I do shows they introduce me as a whistleblower but the topic I discuss that day isn't why I was a AF whistleblower. What I have brought to the table about chemtrails is that I personally saw the processes going on at Tinker AFB. I've never said anything more than that, nor embellished on any of that data. I did samples and I still take samples here in Chicago for a study I am doing.

Jay, I wasn't a whistleblower in regards to chemtrails. It was a completely different situation about overexposures to carcinogens on base they wanted to keep quiet.

There seems to me to be a contradiction between what Kristen Meghan said here, and what Russ Tanner is saying he was told by Michael J. Murphy about how Murphy intends to protray her in his next movie, "Who In The World Is Spraying US".

It seems like Murphy is planning on maintaining the false claim that military jets are what people are seeing, despite the fact that he has already only shown ordinary commercial jets in his past movies.

Why would he only want people to believe that military jets are making the contrails, when it is easy for the chemtrails folks to prove that ordinary commercial jets are making them?
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In last nights 4/22/13 conference call, one of the trusted regular participants, Mark from Southern Utah came right out and described how has come to use flight tracking to determine that "plane after plane after plane" he is seeing are identifiable as ordinary commercial jets. He has just been doing this a couple of weeks and still hasn't thought through what he is seeing really means.

It was great to hear he has come towards taking individual action to determine what he is actually seeing.

His comment begins about 1:54 at this link:,Kelly-Daugherty.html#.UXYwVcqwV8G
According to Russ Tanner on last night's conference call, there are now nearly 50 "end geoengineering" yard signs in existence worldwide. Considering their size and the obscurity of the message shown, it is probable that very few people on earth will ever see one, and those that do will not understand what they are.

Otherwise, the conference call was a platform for Russ to drone on and tell again how he suffers far more from chemtrails than anyone else.

The only other significant statement to me came from a fellow whose voice is very familiar from previous calls. He spoke during the session before the call began being recorded, and mentioned the emotional strain that he finds himself under as a believer. He is seeking a way to relieve the negative emotions that this belief has brought about. He said:

I wonder if I could make a fortune selling "End Blatant Stupidity" lawn signs?

In any case, have you any more specifics as to what, how and when these single-digit-IQ-knuckle-dragging-mouth-breathers [My abject apologies if I've offended anyone by that characterization. I'll go say a few Hail Marys] plan to start interdicting aircraft? If they are serious I have some people I can contact to see they do no harm.
Otherwise, the conference call was a platform for Russ to drone on and tell again how he suffers far more from chemtrails than anyone else.

4-24bangor copy.jpg

His Global Skywatch page is a veritable Hypochondriac's Anonymous meeting today.