Carol Grieve <>
to me
Mr. Reynolds, we have received your email. I have forwarded it to Michael Murphy, G.Edward Griffen and Francis Mangels. I am away this weekend in a seminar and will let you know their response in the next week. Thank you. Carol Grieve, Food Integrity Now
----- Original Message -----
From: Jay Reynolds
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:12 PM
Subject: I was your caller yesterday
I was your caller yesterday. I was unfortunately unable to stay on the line yesterday as I had other business to attend to. However, I hope that we can start a dialog which can be mutually beneficial. I have learned a lot from criticism in the past, and I am sure you can too. I see that you have mistaken someone else in the comments section of your podcast for me, and so have included a video clip with which you can see me and recognize my voice. It was taken last year as I began a 3 day trek with my son into the rainforest of Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica, which National Geographic calls "the most biologically intense place on earth".
A little more about myself, 55 years old, married with two children, and work as a US Coast Guard licensed ship's Chief Engineer. I am writing to you from the vessel today via satellite internet. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Engineering from Texas A&M(1977), and have completed part of a degree in Tropical Horticulture at the University of the Virgin Islands.
My education continued after graduation with the General Electric company where I attended their Field Engineering Development Center for intensive training in power generation systems, steam and gas turbine jet engines, steam boilers, and ship's gearsets. Later, I worked on St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands as a gas turbine and steam boiler power plant engineer. During the 80's, after becoming fascinated with the tropical environment, I developed an interest in agriculture and became an organic farmer on the island, which expanded into a small scale food processing business catering to the tourist trade. An article in Rodale's Organic Farming described my innovative mulching technique of interplanting crops with mulch producing grasses. In 1992, after the island and my farm was devastated by hurricane Hugo, I moved my family to Arkansas and developed another organic farm in the Ozark Mountains. In 2005, I renewed my US Coast Guard license and began to work as a ship's engineer, and currently hold a license as Chief Engineer where I am responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all systems on the vessel.
My interests are varied, I enjoy travel and have been to Europe, the Mediterranean, and from Nova Scotia to South America on ships. I speak Spanish and am an avid scuba diver and spearfisherman. My entire life has been an adventure to satisfy my curiosity, to never stop learning, and to challenge myself to understand as much about the world as possible. My background in science and technology is strong, and I intend to make it stronger. I pay as much attenton to the natural world as I do elsewhere. I know how to conduct original research by accessing original source documents and how to verify my findings through multiple sources for reliablity. Those who believe in chemtrails who ignore what I have to say are missing a golden opportunity to learn much more, because I know more about the subject than any one else on earth.
My journey into the subject of chemtrails began before the word was even coined, years before. I have traced the history of the idea all the way back to it's earliest roots. Every gambit, every twist and turn of chemtrails has been followed and followed up on. I have spoken to the world's foremost experts on contrails, consulted eminent meteorologists, aviation experts, pilots, chemists, biologists, military personnel, and national, state, local, and non-government officials. My work appears in the Library of Congress and in the Congressional Research Service's factsheet on contrails. I have tracked ordinary jet traffic since before such data was available to the general public. I have conducted my own experiments and calculations as to the plausibility of claims that have been made. My familiarity with the subject is detailed, and I have an excellent memory of it.
Possibly this sounds boastful, but time will show that it is all true. I would enjoy carrying on a respectful dialogue with you and your colleagues. I encourage you to verify the references I can make which support my views, and to convince me if you can with fact and logic if you find me incorrect. Below, I will begin by referencing the documentation for the things I said on your program of May 18, 2011. Please feel free to forward this to Mr. Griffin and Murphy, they expressed an interest in what I had to say durng the podcast.
I enjoyed hearing that they both wish that chemtrails were not true, and I am dedicated to making that wish come true.
Jay Reynolds