That's a good example of a problem in the skeptical community. Mocking people and laughing at them is unlikely to help. The young man in the videos makes some fundamental science errors. But how exactly does anyone benefit from mocking him and presenting him as stupid and uneducated - a figure of fun? The video is not constructive. It's just entertainment for skeptics. But it's counterproductive for the skeptic cause.
Yes, his estimate of how quickly the Grand Canyon formed was way off, but the underlying theory remains. So you are left with "okay, mock my math, but so maybe it was a few days, not five minutes)". Then with the water issue, "okay, but many scientists argue that the Earth is in an unusually prime position for the creation of life", and what about the universal constants". Then the earth's orbit, "okay, circle, ellipse, it goes around sun. Jeepers!".
I'm not saying some poking-of-fun cannot have a place. The dinosaur egg video was fairly well done. But this one just comes across to the believer as petty nit-picking and heartless mockery. It's just going to alienate them, when we should be trying to convert them.