Jeremy: Stratton replied to me about Lue. He told me exactly what Lue did with AATIP. And he said it wasn't Lue's program.
Host: it's what Lue's job was
Jeremy: He told me that Lue never ran AATIP. Now, I will say that Stratton did speak as if AATIP was an actual program, but he never confirmed nor denied that it was. But he said that it was not Lue's program. He said it was his program. He told me that he selected Lue because of Lue's knowledge of people in other programs. And I'm paraphrasing this, I'm not saying it exact quote because I didn't take notes, but I'm paraphrasing this from memory. Stratton said that he chose Lue to bring access to AATIP of other programs, and I said "what do you mean?", and this is where I'm paraphrasing, not a direct quote, don't hold me to this, this was the gist of what Stratton was talking about. For example, if AATIP was looking at an incursion of Chinese drones over, let's say, the USS Roosevelt or something like that, and there is another department within the DoD that has that information, and AATIP did not have access to that information, and then they couldn't put two and two together, they couldn't do a full analysis on the case because they didn't have access to that information, Stratton would pick up the phone, he would call Lue, Lue would make an introduction to the person that ran that operation, and then Stratton would have access to the information that he needed. Lue did not research, according to Stratton, Lue did not research UFOs, or aliens, or anything, on behest of AATIP. Lue was a facilitator of introductions.
Host: We've heard him say that himself. We've heard him say he wasn't, he's not, into UFOs, never has been, never will be. He's a counterintelligence cointerinsurgency guy.
Jeremy: But that came from Stratton. Stratton told me that Lue did not run AATIP. Furthermore, Stratton also said, and this is a quote, this is not paraphrasing, he goes "I've gotten tired up of cleaning up Lue's shit".