Various news reports say that Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev suggested a "New World War" was possible in Syria. However the Russian government english translation of the interview simply says "a new war in the world", which suggests simply an additional war. The official Russian transcript says: "очередную войну на Земле." which might possibly be translated as "a new ground war", which makes sense in context, but is vastly different to "a new world war".
Typical western news story with quotes and paraphrasing:
Official Russian government english translation:External Quote:Asked about Saudi Arabia's offer last week to supply ground troops if a U.S.-led operation were mounted against Islamic State, he said:
"This is bad as a ground offensive usually turns the war into a permanent one. Just look at what happened in Afghanistan and many other countries."
"The Americans and our Arab partners must think well: do they want a permanent war?" It would be impossible to win such a war quickly, he said according to a German translation of his words, "especially in the Arab world, where everybody is fighting against everybody".
"All sides must be compelled to sit at the negotiating table instead of unleashing a new world war."
With the Russian Version (presumably his actual words)External Quote:
Question: You said that Russia did not want to launch a ground operation. What is your estimate regarding the fact that some Arab countries are now ready for it and want it, and also want the United States to assume leadership?
Dmitry Medvedev: Our estimate is negative because all ground operations, as a rule, lead to permanent wars. Look at what is going on in Afghanistan and a number of other countries. I don't even mention the ill-fated Libya.
A ground operation draws everyone taking part in it into a war. The Americans must consider – both the US president and our Arab partners – whether or not they want a permanent war. Are they hoping for a quick victory? This doesn't happen in reality, particularly in the Arab world. They have everyone fighting everyone. They don't have a situation where there is al-Assad and his loyal forces and some anti-government opposition. The reality is much more complex. This means that a war will last for years, if not decades. Why would anyone want that? We must make everyone sit down to the negotiating table, and we can do it by using, among other things, the harsh measures that are being implemented by Russia, the Americans, and even, with all reservations, the Turks, rather than start yet another war in the world. We know well what scenarios are followed in this context.
So what did he actually say? The interview is with the German newspaper Hanelsblatt, here:External Quote:
Вопрос: Вы сказали, что Россия не хочет проводить наземную операцию. Как Вы оцениваете, что арабские страны сейчас к этому готовы и хотят этого, и хотят ещё, чтобы США взяли лидерство?
Д.Медведев: Плохо оцениваем, потому что всякие наземные операции, как правило, ведут к тому, что война становится перманентной. Посмотрите, что в Афганистане, что в целом ряде других стран. Уж несчастную Ливию даже не упоминаю.
Наземная операция – это интеграция всех, кто в ней участвует, в войну. Вот американцы должны взвесить – и президент Соединённых Штатов, и наши арабские партнёры: они хотят перманентной войны? Они что думают, что они её очень быстро выиграют? Так не бывает, особенно в арабском мире. Там все сражаются против всех. Там нет такой моносилы, когда есть Асад и верные ему войска и какая-то антиправительственная группировка. Всё гораздо сложнее. Значит, это на годы, а может, на десятилетия. Зачем это надо? Надо всех, в том числе за счёт жёстких мер, которые и Россия осуществляет, и американцы осуществляют, и даже, при всех оговорках, и турки пытаются осуществлять, заставить сесть за стол переговоров, а не начинать очередную войну на Земле. Мы прекрасно знаем, по каким сценариям всё это проходит.
"neuen Weltkrieg" is German for "New World War". Presumably though Medvedev was speaking in Russian through a translator into German, and the Russian transcript is the original.External Quote:Medwedjew warnt vor "neuem Weltkrieg"
Bodentruppen in Syrien? Der russische Premierminister Dmitri Medwedjew warnt im exklusiven Handelsblatt-Interview für diesen Fall sogar vor einem "neuen Weltkrieg". Zudem greift er Merkel für ihre Flüchtlingspolitik an und fordert Europa auf, die Sanktionen zu beenden.
MoskauAngesichts der Syrien-Krise warnt Medwedjew eindringlich: "Die Amerikaner und unsere arabischen Partner müssen es sich gut überlegen: Wollen sie einen permanenten Krieg?", sagte der russische Regierungschef dem Handelsblatt. Ein solcher Krieg sei nicht schnell zu gewinnen. "So etwas ist unmöglich, besonders in der arabischen Welt. Dort kämpfen alle gegen alle", erklärte Medwedjew, der die russische Delegation auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz an diesem Wochenende anführt.
That official Russian transcript says: "очередную войну на Земле." Which google translates as "another war in the world" (the same as the Official Russian Translation). войну (war) на (in) Земле ([the] world). Facebook translated it as "another war on earth". However the Russian for "world war", seems to be: "мировой войны", with "мировая" having the meanings "world, global, or worldwide". Whereas Земле translates as "earth, land, or ground".
That suggests a better translation might have been "a new ground war", which is vastly different to "a new world war".
The actual Russian for "ground war" is "наземную войну" (similar to войну на земную),and the Russian for "war on the ground" is "войну наземную" This seems to support that he was saying "ground war", not "world war".
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