Dennis Danzik Earth Engine Perpetual Motion


New Member
Hi all, new here. Found the forum via googling about the Navy pilot UFO report. Anyway, was curious about your thoughts on this possible perpetual motion machine, described in this WSJ article: The actual claim from the inventor is:
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Earth Engine is not a perpetual motion machine. Earth Engine uses the force created from two opposing magnets. Magnets are a depleting resource that requires "recharging" every three years. If the engine is shut down, it will stop rotating the drive system.
The magnets IEC uses are also highly one-sided, or "anisotropic," which means their field is stronger on one face than the other—say, 85% North and 15% South.

In the R32, magnets located in three black towers interact with ones placed in the two one-ton, counter-rotating flywheels. As the flywheel rotates, small battery-powered motors move the tower magnets' orientation at moments of highest drag. This allows the magnets to accelerate as they approach and not slow down as much when they pass.

The net force imparts angular momentum to the flywheels that can then be harvested, mechanically or electrically, IEC claims.

The biggest riddle involves the conservation of energy. Conventional physics holds that magnets have nearly zero inherent energy. Mr. Danzik believes that is because we calculate magnets' strength by how much current they induce in a loop of wire. He argues that with the emergence of anisotropic, rare-earth magnets, we need a new set of equations to calculate a new physical quantity, which he describes as ''the resulting center shaft torque produced from angular momentum derived from the force of paired magnetic fields."

Which seems bizarre because magnets don't store energy. They claim to have [had] at least one powering a [small] shooting range.

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IEC's largest investor, Mike Halverson, owns a company in North Las Vegas, Nev., that manufactures modular shooting ranges for off-grid locations, complete with power backup. An R32 test unit installed at his facility in January ran for 422 hours, IEC says, averaging 4.4 kW output, before it was brought back to the lab for analysis. That's enough energy to light up three average U.S. homes for a month or charge up a score of dead-flat Tesla Model S's.
They used to have a live feed of one at, but it's been down for a while. So, how might this working? Hidden battery inside the device? Or not an intentional scam, but just a very efficient conventional motor?
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It's either an intentional scam or an unintentional one. It's hard to tell, and really not that important. I wrote this six years ago:

There's a type of scam out there that's been going on for at least 100 years. A company claims to have invented or discovered something that will make a lot of money. Quite often this will be in the field of energy, although we see them more and more in the field of weather control and information technology. The company can demonstrate research, they will often hold one or more patents on the technology, and they will have some kind of prototype that does not actually fully work, but they claim is a demonstration of the proof of concept. They won't reveal all the details, despite having filed patents, because they either don't want people to steal their ideas, or they claim it's too early, and more research needs to be done.

What they are looking for though, is investors. They will talk about the huge potential market, and hence the huge amount of money to be made. They will get people to invest in their company. The technology will go nowhere slowly, and eventually, the principals will withdraw, and the investors will end up with nothing.

The scam works because it's not illegal to be wrong, unless you actually know you are wrong. So if you think you've discovered a form of free energy, it's perfectly legal to set up a company to research and develop the technology. It's quite legal to solicit investment based on what you think is correct science - even if it does turn out to be wrong, and the investors lose all their money. They took a risk, they lost. It's quite legal to pay yourself and the other principals a large salary.

So all you have to do to run such a scam is to never admit you knew it was a scam. You have to pretend you believe in the technology. Then when it fails you simply keep insisting that you thought it worked, and you were sorry you didn't get enough time to work out the kinks.

Then, of course, there are those people who actually ARE convinced that their technology works. There are plenty of people who think they actually have discovered something new, and they just need a bit more research to make money from it.

So which of the two is V3Solar?

I met with V3Solar's CEO, he seemed genuine but did not really understand the science. The scientist was a bit kooky, but also seemed mostly genuine. They no longer exist because their tech was an illusion.

Here, with the Earth Engine, you've got a similar setup. There's a maverick scientist (Danzik) who claims (and perhaps believes) that he has discovered something, and you've got a CEO (Hinz) who has become convinced by the scientist.

I say if they have something, then they could actually demonstrate it. They can't. The conclusion if they have nothing.

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Science has already spoken on the matter—and says there is no need to see the Earth Engine.

"Perpetual-motion machines are bunk, and magnets are the refuge of charlatans," wrote Don Lincoln, senior scientist at U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Chicago, in an email. "The key is energy. How much energy do you put into it compared to how much you get out? If there's more energy out than in, we throw away the textbooks and send [Mr. Danzik] half a dozen Nobel Prizes, because one isn't enough.

But Mr. Danzik isn't waiting by the phone for Stockholm to call. "I can and have demonstrated [the phenomenon] without fail, thousands of times," he wrote in an email to The Wall Street Journal. "At this point I am concentrating on a practical application, with a commercial benefit."
I agree with Lincoln. I'd also add that the second refuge of charlatans (intentional or otherwise) is "I'm done demonstrating it, and am moving on to using it."

I'll wait. But I'll also advise potential investors to look at the long history of supposed cheap energy machines, and make decisions appropriately.
This is a good description of a scenario that's been playing out since the early 19th century at least.

One that I'm familiar with in some detail is Andrea Rossi's Energy Catalyzer, because I used to read the site NextBigFuture. The site owner Brian Wang kept quixotically reporting on this circa 2011. The real drama was in the comments section with most readers being very skeptical and a few very fervent supporters who didn't seem to have any financial interest in the thing but who seemed to have some psychological connection to the idea of free energy.

There were demonstrations galore with scientists "observing" but not conducting the tests or able to examine the apparatus in detail. There were plans for commercial applications continually just on the horizon; including a home water heater.

In this case the inventor was a non-scientist but he got one physicist on his side: the late Sergio Focardi.

This is still going on, and in exactly the same manner:

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On January 31, 2019, Rossi's company released a new product (E-Cat SK) via live video stream. The product is reported as currently available to be leased by factories as a source of heat. After viewing the video, Tom Casten noted that "The -E-Cat demonstration makes giant claims of scientific breakthroughs with no validation."[41] Similarly, the Australian physicist and aerospace engineer Ian Bryce noted that, in the video demonstration, the "inputs, outputs, and measurement points are not defined, making the results largely meaningless", that the nuclear reaction purportedly occurring within the E-Cat SK would "release much deadly radiation. Yet the meters show zero ionizing radiation and no neutrons. Fortunate for the bystanders!" and concludes, regarding Rossi's E-Cat cold fusion device, "there is no real doubt about it being a fake."

Apropos to the Earth Engine...

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Captain: The people in the videos are putting energy into their magnet engine. They're using magnets.

Beakman: I hate to burst your bubble there, D-Man but magnets are not a source of energy.
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Some new developments for an old topic:

Byron approves $5 million bond for pioneering energy company
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"LOVELL — The Byron Town Council unanimously voted to approve a $5 million Private Activity Bond Tuesday, Dec. 8, which will allow Inductance Energy – a Wyoming based energy company that says it has created a magnetic energy generator that is a major breakthrough in science – to build a facility within the city limits."

This is the Earth Energy motor crew resurfacing, now with extra "rare earth magnets from coal" for a bonus. It looks like they have talked a tiny town in Wyoming into floating a 5 million dollar bond to finance their "factory". They've added some new faces to their gang, but it's the same non-functional free energy magic magnet device scam.
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Just another update-the governor of Wyoming signed off on a total of 10 million dollars in bonds, with 5 million being tax free, for Inductance Energy (Dennis Danzik and Co., previously Earth Engine).

From the local Wyoming news:
"Inductance Energy, based out of Cheyenne, produces what they have titled the "Earth Engine," a power source propelled by asymmetrical magnetic propulsion, according to the company website.
The energy is created by altering the polarity of a magnet, making one pole stronger than the other. The altercation creates a power that uses no fossil fuels, produces no heat and requires no combustion, the company says."

""Energy produced by magnetic propulsion is more efficient than coal, natural gas, wind or solar, without the environmental impacts or risks associated with those technologies," marketing material from the company states."
alsetalokin, May 2nd 2019
Indeed. The whole affair took a remarkable turn over the last weekend. The mostly transparent demonstration model called "Crystal" was unveiled, spinning away, with no input power (but also without any load), obviously just trucked in by forklift. And right there in plain sight is the BYB: the Big Yellow Battery. That's right folks, the miracle magnet-powered Earth Engine needs a 24 volt rechargeable battery --- in order to run the "logic", so the story goes. Ignore completely the easily calculated fact that that BYB can easily power Crystal at the demonstrated RPM for something like nine days straight, using ordinary pulse motor driving strategies.
The master psychologists at IEC have taken a page from Trump: It's not a fraud if it is done right out in the open and nothing is hidden.
Look! No hidden power sources. Sure--- because the Un-hidden one is completely adequate for the performance demonstrated ! It is a master stroke worthy, as TK has said, of Andrea Rossi himself.
From the viewpoint of the small town in Wyoming in which they plan to build, this is probably just an opportunity for some good paying jobs. The fact is that the technology claimed is almost certainly not real, but a tiny town like that is playing well out of their league with these guys.
Considering that this is public money and that the Governor of Wyoming had to sign off on this makes me question whether anyone is performing due diligence in this case-I guess we'll see who gets caught standing when the music stops playing on this one.
As they say,
Caveat Emptor.
Considering that this is public money and that the Governor of Wyoming had to sign off on this makes me question whether anyone is performing due diligence in this case

The Byron council meeting minutes refer to Quantum Energy, which lists on the stock exchange as QEGY and goes for under a dollar per share, though back in 2006 someone apparently made a killing selling these stocks to gullible investors.

Their quarterly statements don't inspire much confidence in me, either.

Their business allegedly includes refining of rare earths; the Danzig lawsuit I mentioned in a previous post was about a refinery business deal gone bust.
Quantum Energy controls the rare earth supply chain from resource real estate; to mining; to rare earth processing; to the manufacturing and distribution of rare earth magnets, oxides and alloys. Quantum Energy is based in Byron, Wyoming with real estate developments throughout the State, making Quantum your North American partner in rare earth supplies

Contact address on the website is still in Danzik in Nevada, though Richard Hawley appears to live in Byron.
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He may also have provided the connection to Byron, his family farm (now doing fish farming as well) is in Lovell, in the same county.
My father just send me something about the earth machine, so i did some research and found this thread.

Thought this might be interesting for you guys:
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Quantum Energy has been developing what was nicknamed the "Earth Engine" using uniquely manufactured permanent magnets to accelerate and spin flywheels (large metal discs). The magnets, originally developed by Danzik, generate an uneven or imbalanced magnetic field in which the pull of one pole is greater than the other. When a small control voltage is applied to the system, and controlled by a computer processor, the flywheel spins consuming a very small amount of energy while storing potential energy with sufficient force to generate electricity. Now officially named a Photon Engine, the machine uses photons collected indoors, to generate its control voltage and significantly reduces friction with a 100% magnetic field drive system

Seems they changed their technology again by adding some 'science of light waves', and apparently they demonstrated it at the PowerGen 2023 in Orlando, Florida
the machine uses photons collected indoors, to generate its control voltage

If we allow photovoltaics, perpetual motion has long been solved. I have some old pocket calculators that run on nothing but "photons collected indoors".

storing potential energy with sufficient force to generate electricity
storing energy does not generate electricity, converting energy does

in physical terms, the amount of force involved is irrelevant, and no physicist with command of the English language would use the word "force" in this context
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The magnets, originally developed by Danzik, generate an uneven or imbalanced magnetic field in which the pull of one pole is greater than the other.

That claim would need to be worded much more precisely to convince me that it's not a violation of Maxwell's Laws, specifically Gauss' Law of Magnetism, most clearly in its integral form.
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The left-hand side of this equation is called the net flux of the magnetic field out of the surface, and Gauss's law for magnetism states that it is always zero.

The law in this [integral] form states that for each volume element in space, there are exactly the same number of "magnetic field lines" entering and exiting the volume. No total "magnetic charge" can build up in any point in space. For example, the south pole of the magnet is exactly as strong as the north pole, and free-floating south poles without accompanying north poles (magnetic monopoles) are not allowed.'s_law_for_magnetism

Has this claim, effectively of creating magnetic monopoles, been published in any high-impact peer-reviewed scientific journals? Note that the "PR" in "" definitely doesn't stand for "peer reviewed".
Without even considering the likelihood that their description of the technology even makes any sense, the Quantum Energy Inc. rabbit hole is far, far deeper than most would ever care to go.

Earlier this year they announced their merger with another corporation with the unlikely name of " FlooidCX". Apparently "FlooidCX" is based in India and their CEO since 7/2022 is none other than our old acquaintance, Mr. D. Danzik.

As usual with these guys, the hype is breathless and the details are scarce.

As far as I can tell, this is a nesting doll of scams within scams. Beyond the cash that they got out of the yokels up in Wyoming, I'm not sure how they are making money with this, and It would probably take someone with fairly serious finance credentials to unravel this mess.
After a two year absence their youtube channel has become "Quantum Energy" and there are several new videos for example..


Apparently "The science isn't settled".

One vid hints that it's motor might be solar powered but they deny its just PV and so far the latest "educational videos" are about magnets.

The company Inductance Energy now appears to have a training center and is recruiting "student employees" for training courses covering topics such as Industrial Design, Electrical and Electronics, Automation and Programming, Sheet Metal fabrication, Laboratory Sciences, Machine language Programming, Machining, Machine Operation, Fabrication, and Assembly...

Details found here..


Its unclear to me what the relationship is between Quantum Energy and Inductance Energy at this time.
As far as I can tell, QE and IE merged previously, and have since merged with a company called "Flooidcx", which is described as a "customer feedback solutions company bridging the customer feedback gap between brands and consumers".

I think that I have a vague idea about what this group is up to, but I lack the financial chops to make any kind of declaration beyond the obvious-with that being that this group has a highly dubious background in terms of claims about their technology.

As a side note, In a video just released, incredibly popular YTuber and electrical engineer "Electroboom" introduced his subscriber base of some 5.7 million people to the idea that Inductance Energy's "Earth Engine" is a fraud.
That's a lot of negative exposure for a shady group.
As a side note, In a video just released, incredibly popular YTuber and electrical engineer "Electroboom" introduced his subscriber base of some 5.7 million people to the idea that Inductance Energy's "Earth Engine" is a fraud.
That's a lot of negative exposure for a shady group.


"Plasma and Salt Water Electric Vortex, Document Free Energy Clean Up"

It's an anthology where he very quickly addresses a whole bunch of dumb-(to-a-scientist)-sounding ideas (he also addressess a few interesting real science vids that he either explains/recreates/demonstrates or might create future videos about) that have been suggested by his viewers, and dismisses them with varying levels of analysis - ranging from almost zero to not much. Most of the time, that's all they deserve, and lulz are had by the in crowd.

However, the Earth Engine one was that he gave the most attention too. He scraped through their websites and various vids, and found what appears to be their claim of the source for their energy - the intrinsic magnetic properties of magnets. However, he pulls up a number for what that stored potential energy is, and concludes that an entire cubic metre magnet has enough energy to power a lightbulb for an hour or so. More paedagogically, he notes that magnets are used in power generation not by depleting them, but by using them to help convert energy from a more available form (motion) to a more desirable form (electricity), but it's all so fast-paced that bit's easy to miss.

So if that's their claim, I'm happy to call it officially [BUSTED].