One of the more pervasive myths regarding "chemtrails" is that 2008 presidential hopeful Dennis Kuchinich tried to have them banned by an act of congress, but was pressured by the government to modify the act to remove the mention of "chemtrails".
So what really happened? In a nutshell, Kucinich did not write the bill (or read it, until too late), the focus of the bill is
nothing to do with chemtrails, it was written by UFO enthusiasts Alfred Webre and Carol Rosin, who were trying to:
- Nullify a vast conspiracy by the "military-industrial complex"
- Allow the use of suppressed alien technology for free energy
- Avoid accidentally shooting down (or scaring away) visiting aliens.
They listed a bunch of weird weapons, including mind control, tectonic weapons and (very briefly) chemtrails. The bill was re-written several time in less unusual language to give it chance of passing, but ultimately fizzled in committee.
The specific act was
HR 2977, the "
Space Preservation Act of 2001″, the stated goal of which was:
"To preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action to adopt and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons."
The initial version of the act is the only one that makes mention of "exotic weapons systems", listing several technologies that will be familiar to conspiracy theorists:
(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
Yes, it even includes "extraterrestrial weapons", meaning weapons created by aliens (or created from alien technology from crashed flying saucers at Roswell), as well as psychotronic (mind control) weapons. Yet somehow "chemtrails" gets all the attention here.
Who wrote this? The original language for the bill was actually created by Alfred Webre and Carol Rosin. See, from Webre's web site:
With Dr. Carol S. Rosin and many others, [Webre] is a co-architect of the Space Preservation Act and the Space Preservation Treaty introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to ban space-based weapons.
And also
With others,
Webre is a co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty ( ) and
the Space Preservation Act that was introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and is endorsed by over 270 NGO's worldwide.
Webre and Rosin started an organization called the "
Institute For Cooperation In Space", an organization whose
primary purpose is to promote adoption of the Space Preservation Act. The ICIS states on its web site in part:
Humanity is on the threshold of a quantum leap in consciousness and endeavor.We must now take action to preserve this grand opportunity by preventing the weaponization of space.
We have a critical choice – to explore the great unknown of outer space or to risk continued suffering and disasters, devastation or obliteration. We can rise above different perspectives and actions that didn't, don't, and won't cause second order change, actions that recognize our high consciousness and human potential applied with out-of-the-box thinking and intention to cause second order change, or we can continue the status quo of protesting the old and accepting the same that would only lead us to more violence instead of peace.
The whole site has a very "new-age" feel to it. Seemingly if only this act is passed, the military-industrial complex will turn from its warlike ways, and humanity will enter a new age of cooperation, progress and raised consciousness. The rationale for a weapons ban is never clearly explained. Nor is it explained why having weapons in space will prevent normal research and exploration of space. Obviously we would all like to see less deadly weapons floating over our heads, but is a total ban vital to the next stage of human evolution? ICIS seems to think so.
Indeed, when you talk about things in simple terms, an "international ban on weapons in space" sounds like a great idea. Like a ban on chemical weapons, it saves money and makes the world a safer place. So it's not hard to get people to support such a ban.
The more well-known face of the ICIS, is
Carol Rosin. Rosin claims that in 1974 rocket scientist Werner Von Braun told her "Carol, you will stop the weaponization of space", and described to her a vast conspiracy by the military-industrial complex to raise a series of fears to justify space-based weapons. Since then, Rosin has dedicated her life to exposing this conspiracy, and allowing humanity to expand it's consciousness into space.
Here's a video of her explaining this.
The video shows Rosin speaking at "
The Disclosure Project", an organization working to "disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems." Rosin herself only briefly touches on this in her speech, but it is clear she believes that the government has alien technology, and is withholding it from the people.The other board members on the ICIS are co-founder
Alfred Webre, Brian O'Leary and Daniel Sheehan, all of whom are
deeply involved with The Disclosure Project.
Rosin commented on the "chemtrail" changes in the Bill here: (
From Carol Rosin
Perhaps I can help correct some fuzzy information that is being spread about H.R.3616, the Space Preservation Act of 2002, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
This bill will only ban space-based weapons and the use of weapons to destroy or damage objects in space that are in orbit. It is NOT a bill to ban chemtrails and/or psychotronics or mind control devises or any specific weapons listed in the category of definitions in the original bill.
I'm not sure where that rumor started, but in any case, those definitional were only listed on the original bill for definitional purposes…to exemplify what space-based weapons might be deployed in space if the space-based weapons bill isn't passed. Frequently bills are revised, and things like definitions are removed. No big deal. The legislation is in no way compromised. This Congressman and his legislation maintain their integrity and commitment to ban space-based weapons. It was never a bill to ban chemtrails or mind control technologies.
So what's Kucinich's involvement in this? It's difficult to say. Kucinich is anti-war, so perhaps that's his motivation. He
does have a lot of new-age, UFO-believing, friends, but he's also running for president. When he was made aware of the nature of the "exotic weapons" language in the bill, it was re-written, and when questioned about it, he said
"I'm not into that. Understand me. When I found out that was in there, I said, 'Look, I'm not interested in going there.'"
Kucinich's motivations are perhaps revealed by his
speech to the house on May 18th, 2005, introducing a newer version of the bill:
"What has happened to our country? Why are we projecting fear and paranoia to such heights? Have we so lost our way and our faith that we are prepared to transform the heavens into hell? If the kingdom and the will of God is to be done on earth as it is in heaven, what is to happen when the United States takes nuclear fire up to the gates of heaven?
"Such an offense against humanity could bring the wrath of God upon this nation."
So Kucinich thinks that space based weapons will offend God, since space is close to heaven, and if you put nuclear weapons near heaven then God will be offended and bring his wrath against us.
If you actually ARE a conspiracy theorist, then all this will come as little surprise to you. You will already believe the government is covering up technology based on crashed UFOs. Yet HR2977 is constantly being mentioned solely to make the case that "chemtrails" are something the government is aware of. The reality is that they were simply given a passing mention in bill written by new-age UFO conspiracy theorists and sponsored by an eccentric politician, all of who believe in things that are far more unusual than "chemtrails".
[UPDATE] Webre, one of the authors of the bill, has moved beyond UFOs to time travel, and recently supported the rather extreme claim that the CIA predicted presidential election by using time travel to get a copy of Webre's book from the future. This from his blog (
Mr. Basiago revealed that Project Pegasus was able to identify Jimmy Carter, who was then Governor of George, in 1971, as a future U.S. President. The program was in possession of a copy of the Universe Books edition of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe by Alfred Lambremont Webre, a book that this reporter would not write until 2005, but which bears a quote on its front pages of a statement made by President Jimmy Carter.
According to Mr. Basiago, Mr. Webre's book Exopolitics was, among other written works, physically retrieved from the future by Project Pegasus and brought back in time to 1971 or a prior time. At that time, 1971, Mr. Webre was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and had been placed under time travel surveillance by the U.S. government.